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Big J-WP

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Everything posted by Big J-WP

  1. Hi, do a search for this topic and you will find alot of info explaining the whole thing. Also check CWC online before you order. They might beable to match the price and are in Cape Town.
  2. Think it should only be split in two. 35+ and 45+ There should not be a seperate section for under 35's dam there Pro's older than this. Elite should be upto 34,
  3. This always works for me, but in some cases you just have to use your KOP
  4. Should of stayed at work rather, It always those quick get aways from work that cause the most hassle.
  5. Big J-WP

    TRI Bars

    Hey, you put the add in the wrong section, put it in the For Sale section and you might get this sold.
  6. Just like guys going through so much to loose a bit of weight, what if you change seats or pedals and your saddle height has to go up a bit, then you buggered. Instead of going riding with 750ml bottle take a 500ml bottle. Problem solved.
  7. Most of us, not all of us have pedal power or something similar memberships, maybe that needs to be added to our Profiles.
  8. Why not just paste a pic of the shoes instead of the link
  9. I will take you up on that cappucino, but I am not waiting for you up a hill to push me.
  10. The most important thing is, loosing weight takes time does not matter if you run, cycle, swim or gym. I once lost 16kg in one month and was buggered I could not even go out and do a 50km cycle without feeling it. You need to take the time and spread the loss. Just dont overdo it like the rest of the guys say. But the most important thing is what you put in your mouth. You can even take a week of rest if you want but then you must besure to consume the correct amount of food intake and you can even loose weight.
  11. It seems that you guys are looking at MTB's, but out of experience and being in the business for many years I learning from my old man that has been in the trade for over 40 years . I rate the Cannondale CAAD 9 or CAAD 10 better than 90% of your cheap carbon frames out there. Period.
  12. Then you must be getting up dam early, 4:30am during the week and 5:30am on the weekends. Keep well and see you soon
  13. Dam just checked the figures, just under 11000km and thats without the winter training on the turbo trainer because I have not got a rear wheel speedo.
  14. I've gone the other route, got normal rims with rim tape , nice light tube with tubeless Race Kings on them. That works for me. Once the Race kings are buggered going to go with something else again. I think, this whole tubeless craze is something not for me I dont ride a low pressure so wont have snake bites in the tube.
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