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Race Organisers - I Hate You!!!!


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speculating? oh today is a good day.


1) you want to enter races. you cant enter races,

2) its to expensive i.e. you dont have money.

3) so you need to make money to enter. But you cant becuase you are to busy with other things.

4) You dont want to give up those other things to make money.

5) You dont want to not enter races and wait till you can afford it.

6) You dont want to make time.


sheesh, its seems you want alot of things ....


1) I want to, but wont because i feel im being ripped off and i need my money for other things.

2) I do have money, but need it for essential things.

3) I am making money but its not enough

4) I want to race as do you, you wait a couple ears before your next race and tell me how you feel.

6) I cant make more time then i am.

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Haha, whatever, i dont need your sympathy,


to clarify, Fridays are Crit days, so thurs night is always a late one.


it started off as a mature topic, but then turned into a full out attack on me, with people trying to offer life lessons and stuff. haha



What did you expect? You attacked the race organisers first off, and other people are telling you things but you say different - Thats coming from people that have studied what you have or similar stories.


Like a lot of folks mentioned, maybe try make the changes yourself, email the various organisers and try make a plan, who knows something may come of it.

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Haha, whatever, i dont need your sympathy,


to clarify, Fridays are Crit days, so thurs night is always a late one.


it started off as a mature topic, but then turned into a full out attack on me, with people trying to offer life lessons and stuff. haha


Your opening post opened you up for some personal comments. I reckon if you had just stuck to fact that races are too expensive you would have had more people on your side.


"Mature Posts on the Hub" - is there such a thing?

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Drongo, dont call me SON!! Take me seriously, I am not inferior to you!!


Pieter,Where is that race, thats the kind of price i want to see.


mtbee, Lower the price, up the entries. Simple logic, studied in a silly BA.

Fruity-son (sorry - you leadinbg with the chin here)........seems as if you want your fruit-cake, with cream,.....and...you want to eat it.

There are plenty things in life that many of us cannot afford....vote with your feet...in this case...with your money.


Many have stated that the Cape Epic is VERY expensive, however, it is over-subscribed every year.....

Sani-2-C....some say it is very evpensive...however - the waiting list to get in is longer than my......leg........

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I uess this is the place where adults can act like kids and its ok. haha.


Yea i shouldnt have opened myself up cos people really did jump at the oppurtnity.


To some it up from my part, and i hope every1 reads this,


The course is intense, and in my free time during breaks or when assignments are done, i do private work and produce/master music. It makes money but not enough.


I dont see myself as lazy, as right now i am busy on a house as we speak (making oney in the holidays).


No sympathy required, nor any life lessons thank you very much.


Just need to justify why we ALL pay so much and get nothing, NVM only students.

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All this race/money talk...blehhhh!


The only reason for attending races is this! Worth the fee if you ask me.





Edited by Chubba
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@Fruity, been there, done that, it is all about priorities. The bigger picture is what you should be concentrating on. You NEED to study, you WANT to race. And after that most of us NEED to work, but we WANT time to train (to race). Life is not fair is it? All we can do is to use our time and money as wisely as possible. Good luck!

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@Fruity, been there, done that, it is all about priorities. The bigger picture is what you should be concentrating on. You NEED to study, you WANT to race. And after that most of us NEED to work, but we WANT time to train (to race). Life is not fair is it? All we can do is to use our time and money as wisely as possible. Good luck!


yES yES yeS! :D

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All this race/money talk...blehhhh!


The only reason for attending races is this! Worth the fee if you ask me.





That is one race I would save to do.

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THe guy has a point, althought I don't agree with the reasons mentioned, nor with the ranting.


I too felt the pinch, having to pay entry for a whole family --> try entry times 4 :(


The student-argument never carries kudos with me --> it is seldom that the student is not sponsored by a dad, so "poor" does not come into play.


Your poor BA-graduate (Flamesuit) with the menial job will find it much more difficult to make ends meet (Daddy tends to shut the tap, when junior is employed...)


However, I always wondered: if one looks at it from a pure economical point --> who's to say entries won't double, if the fee is reduced by 25%?


My beef is not with the run-off the mill R70 odd entries, but those that think they are special, charging R150+


My trippance...

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I uess this is the place where adults can act like kids and its ok. haha.


Yea i shouldnt have opened myself up cos people really did jump at the oppurtnity.


To some it up from my part, and i hope every1 reads this,


The course is intense, and in my free time during breaks or when assignments are done, i do private work and produce/master music. It makes money but not enough.


I dont see myself as lazy, as right now i am busy on a house as we speak (making oney in the holidays).


No sympathy required, nor any life lessons thank you very much.


Just need to justify why we ALL pay so much and get nothing, NVM only students.


dude, many people said it so far, but this is the bottom line...


try to run a safe race with marshals, waterpoints, ambulance, staff to re-ride the race route to pick-up all the gu sachets along the route, online entries, custom built bridges etc, spot prizes, race packs etc. Then you have to pay (or be very nice) to land owners...


I haven't tried to organize a race yet, but if i thought it was easy money, I would have done that a long time ago.


Study hard, get your degree and enjoy races afterwards. In the mean time, ride at groenkloof or wherever you can afford it. Like golf and many other sports, MTB racing doesn't come cheap. I've been working for a good number of years and I still cant do all the races I want. Thats just how it is

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Try doing your articles. You work a full day, overtime most days, and then still have to study at night for you board courses. You only have 15 days of leave, and you get paid too little to do more than one race a month. And this after 4years of hectic studies.

It's time you get out of the student bubble fruity, life is way cooler when you stop thinking like a student.

Oh, and if you thought you had little time and money now, wait until you until you graduate and join the real world.

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it started off as a mature topic, but then turned into a full out attack on me, with people trying to offer life lessons and stuff. haha



Shouting out that you hate race organisers is very mature indeed.


Face up to it, life is about choices..... you can't have your cake and eat it.


Yeah it's a silly phrase which i used on purpose.....

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