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Can't believe that this is the same shy 6 month old Golden Retriever a year later. I bought him and his white German Shepherd brother of Gumtree from people who clearly had no right in the first place in owning a dog.


Edit : Goose is playing with an old mtb tire that has curled up from all the tug of war he plays with his brother


Edited by Wil6
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Some of you may remember Dexter. He is my first Husky rescue I picked up from a homeless shelter in Bloem. He was hit by a car and his back legs knee was injured. Long story short, Husky Rescue helped out, and I drove him to Onderstepoort to have a TPLO surgery done.


This is him after the surgery : post-14677-0-71923400-1413960537_thumb.jpgpost-14677-0-64052400-1413960539_thumb.jpg


We had to keep him isolated in a small 3m × 3m room in the house for 10 weeks. 3 Times a day I had to manually stretch and massage his leg and put ice packs on to help with the recovery. He could only go out if he was on a leash, so basically that meant every time he wanted to go to the bathroom, we had to take him out on a leash. It was a long 10 weeks! After about 6 weeks he's leg was looking much better and we started to take him out on short controlled walks increasing the distance little by little each week.


After 10 weeks this is the first picture of him outside without a leash smelling freedom! post-14677-0-90919300-1413961058_thumb.jpgpost-14677-0-56443500-1413961061_thumb.jpg


The last 4 weeks he was still kept in isolation outside in a bigger area about 20m × 10m and still being taken for regular walks.


Now he is back with my pack and he's knee is looking good and runs and plays like nothing was ever wrong!

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Stunning LOOK

How the puppy doing

Post some pics.

Does she and your daughter get along?

Puppy doing great. Will post some pics later. Looks like a gangly teenager: all you see are long legs. My son is being terrorized by her; he then grabs her and headbuts her and she takes it all in her stride. Off to the farm now to see how the foal is doing Edited by LOOK695
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Some more horse picspost-26136-0-13187300-1413983844_thumb.jpg


And some nap time




That stallion in the background of the first pic came out shortly after the pic was taking and we had to intervene quickly because he went for the foal. Poor Moonlight got some gashes on her leg as she protected her foal.


Edited by LOOK695
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