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Cape Epic Battle Plan ...

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I'm trying to be neutral here but tbh i only see one party backing out of the agreed rules of engagement, albeit it in disguise of an early coming...

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I agree, but you also don't need to fill peoples minds with so much k@k that they waste money on it.


Let's get real here.

Join the program and I will guarantee you a podium.

Sabie Classic is a great dress rehearsal for Epic (the funniest one yet)

Only XCO riders can be coaches.


And the list goes on................and on.........and on..........


So my thinking, if you want money from people for what you are offering, at least be transparent and open when you are being interrogated about it.


Not some marketing stront.


I guess that summarizes the pages I haven't read. Either way, how can we turn this into a "win-win", or is somebody going to be eating humble pie?

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I agree, but you also don't need to fill peoples minds with so much k@k that they waste money on it.


Let's get real here.

Join the program and I will guarantee you a podium.

Sabie Classic is a great dress rehearsal for Epic (the funniest one yet)

Only XCO riders can be coaches.


And the list goes on................and on.........and on..........


So my thinking, if you want money from people for what you are offering, at least be transparent and open when you are being interrogated about it.


Not some marketing stront.


I got the impression that that's what the good doctor promised Burry and the rest of us..........


I hate it when coaches talk bigger than their charges.Gary Kirsten is a excellent example of how to coach.I don't remember seeing him talking up the team once since he has been in charge

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There are some compelling reasons for sooner and longer, and my personal fav a now and then race to see if the plan has worked.

But as a rules oriented individual, I'm with SwissVan on this one, its got to be the 80km event selected by the challenged

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I'm trying to be neutral here but tbh i only see one party backing out of the agreed rules of engagement, albeit it in disguise of an early coming...

All fine and well.. the problem with this is that it exposes Enticement to perpetrate his fraud marketing, or is that 'vrot' marketing.

Does not really give him much to lose as the Epic is BEFORE the proposed 'battle'. To my mind, choosing a battle for AFTER the event it just another fraud vrot plan by the OP.

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I agree, just look at Heynecke Meyer, he was never a great rugby player himself and yet he is the Springbok coach.


Well, maybe not a great example......... :whistling:

Mark Spitz's coach couldnt even swim.

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There are some compelling reasons for sooner and longer, and my personal fav a now and then race to see if the plan has worked.

But as a rules oriented individual, I'm with SwissVan on this one, its got to be the 80km event selected by the challenged


12 months...there is always room for a few teaser warm up events tho, everyone wins:

Competitors get to sus each other out without fear of losing the main event

Hubbers have some fun before the main event


Hell we could turn it into a fund raising event so some charity will even benifet

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12 months to wait is to long ... some old hubbers might have passed by then and now that Super 15 is over i need some action in my life. Sooner the better

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All fine and well.. the problem with this is that it exposes Enticement to perpetrate his fraud marketing, or is that 'vrot' marketing.

Does not really give him much to lose as the Epic is BEFORE the proposed 'battle'. To my mind, choosing a battle for AFTER the event it just another fraud vrot plan by the OP.


I have the oke blocked out and only saw his post now when you quoted him.

No swiss miss, I am not backing out.

You can't stand me so I guess you would see it as such, voeitog.

Maybe enticement can coach you and the two of you can improve on that prologue.


The only bangat in this entire fairytale is the dude with a one year plan.

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We have guided Epic riders to achieve their best over the past 4 years - from podiums to guaranteed finishing. Our goal is 1) securing your substantial investment as entry fees are the smallest part of the investment you make; and 2) optimize the time you spend training. For insight into what it all entails, contact us ...

How many of your 'clients' did not finish (outcasts included) the Epic? (Did not receive an official finishers medal/time)

How many recorded DNS's?

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I hate it when coaches talk bigger than their charges.Gary Kirsten is a excellent example of how to coach.I don't remember seeing him talking up the team once since he has been in charge


It's always the case, most of them forget that they are dealing with the human element.

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OK gents - how about Crater Cruise 2012?


For athletes of your abilities this should be around a 4 hour ride, so even if it's an ultra marathon in distance (105km) it's more of a marathon (80km) in terms of time. There's a lot of flat district road riding which will test stamina (XCM) and speed (XCO), some steep technical (ish) climbing and descent in the middle to check out some basic bike skills and some bone jarring corrugations and veld sections to see who can suffer the best. Best of all it's only a month away and it's local for both of you.

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All fine and well.. the problem with this is that it exposes Enticement to perpetrate his fraud marketing, or is that 'vrot' marketing.

Does not really give him much to lose as the Epic is BEFORE the proposed 'battle'. To my mind, choosing a battle for AFTER the event it just another fraud vrot plan by the OP.


Hmm i dunno this should have been sorted out before the deal was inked, but ja i see where you coming from....

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Luckily yous not a small oke so yous belt can like to be long enuf to sommer fit on yous bike. Us skinny okes would has to join our belts togever to makes a drifv belt and then tow the ovfer oke with the geel slang.


My Levis before the ride.



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My Levis before the ride.




May I suggest a reinforced sports bra when you do the Crater Cruise?

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My Levis before the ride.



Better work on the moobs big fella!!


You can do it! ;)

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