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Cyclist Breaking the Law to be Fined......


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Motorists are jealous of our Lycra, and their wives' constant stare at it! whistling.gif

It's not the lycra they staring at. It's what's in the lycra. That thing you're trying to smuggle.

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omfg, the traffic cops don't even bother with the taxi's, don't think this will come to anything.


Yip, I agree. How many people do you still see driving without seat belts or talking on their phones...impossible to enforce.

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omfg, the traffic cops don't even bother with the taxi's, don't think this will come to anything.

What good may come from this is the 1.5m rule. You may now legitimately go to the local cop shop and lay a charge against that guy in the Datsun 1400 bakkie on Chappies that tries to knock you over every time he passes you.

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So in essence that guy who blasted through a red traffic light the other day, just missing me by less than a second could actually be prosecuted?


He could be in anycase, but not sure for what you want him prosecuted?

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That being said, ( I know no one on this forum would dream of doing it) there is nothing on the planet more irritating than 5 guys cycling abreast and taking up the enitre road. then its impossible for me to leave a 1.5 m gap cos i would be off the road on the other side! Single file is a good thing too!

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He could be in anycase, but not sure for what you want him prosecuted?


Jumping a red light and therefore also being a box!

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omfg, the traffic cops don't even bother with the taxi's, don't think this will come to anything.


Cyclists can be easier targets than Taxis ;)


That being said. Should a cyclist jump a red light, then they are breaking the law.

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omfg, the traffic cops don't even bother with the taxi's, don't think this will come to anything.


Cyclists can be easier targets than Taxis ;)


That being said. Should a cyclist jump a red light, then they are breaking the law.

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Cyclists can be easier targets than Taxis wink.png


That being said. Should a cyclist jump a red light, then they are breaking the law.


Yip, they are breaking the law and by not obeying the rules we are also perpetuating our own negative stigma. I just hope we can all peacefully enjoy the road one day.

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All for it!


Being a cyclist (mountain biker) myself, I struggle to understand why 9 out of 10 times,when driving in my car, I find roadies NOT RIDING IN SINGLE FILE?


What do you do? Throw them with naartjies? EPO?

Edited by BearManGuy
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Why is the car (in the pic) not been fined for overtaking on a solid white line? The motorist is been illegal yet nothing is done about that or when pedestrian J walk etc!


Actually I like the law that cyclist maybe fined for going through red robot or riding a breast - as with all due respect only law enforcement officer should be trying to enforce this - so due to the lack these officers - it now basically is legal to do as you probably will never be caught! So when a fellow road user asked why did you break that rule simple reply are you a law enforcement officer if not I don't need to answer to you esp. as you overtaking me on a solid white line! haha


I know I probably should NOT have written that! But considering we the only countries in the world where it is illegal to ride a 2 breast and while other countries are changing the rules of the road to allow cyclist to legally go through red robot I figured it was worth say - SA get with what the rest of the world is doing - probably because it just more sensible!





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Easy. Respect is earned. We want respect from other road others? We need to earn it.

How to earn it? Easy again, play by the same rules as prescribed for all vehicles on the road.


Amen !!

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I must admit that I am seeing more and more cars passing like this in CPT, which is a great thing but I think is going to cause chaos when an accident occurs. THEN of course you get those whose mirrors tap your elbow as they past thumbdown.gif

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Will cyclists have to ride with an ID book or how else will they verify your details?

When you are fined, are actually arrested and then released to either appear in court or pay the AG. For this you need some form of acceptable ID. If you don't have any, you cannot be released and will be taken to the cells until you can give some ID.


So, yes. If you are planning on breaking the law, it woukd be a good idea to carry your ID.

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When you are fined, are actually arrested and then released to either appear in court or pay the AG. For this you need some form of acceptable ID. If you don't have any, you cannot be released and will be taken to the cells until you can give some ID.


So, yes. If you are planning on breaking the law, it woukd be a good idea to carry your ID.


You mean like a pass book for cyclists? ph34r.png That's so old SA devil.gif

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A question to the wise: If three cyclist in single file come up behind a bunch of tools riding 2 abreast and weaving all over the road; are they allowed to overtake these tools when it is safe to do so (while obviously indicating to the traffic behind before doing so)?

Edited by ThaStig
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