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Impromptu press conference being called by Lorenzo for 15:00 today.  With the Boss of Dorna.  The Spanish Press reckon he's going to announce his retirement.

Who? I thought he was gone already.

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Impromptu press conference being called by Lorenzo for 15:00 today.  With the Boss of Dorna.  The Spanish Press reckon he's going to announce his retirement.


My money is on a years sabbatical but that may be another word for retirement. A year away in the current GP environment is deadly to your career

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Kind of hoping he gives everyone, including Ezpaleta, the finger and says he is staying but sitting out the race this weekend and all of this years testing to fully recover.

Edited by Steven Knoetze (sk27)
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Always sad to see a great rider bow out when his hand is forced. That being said he really had a nightmare year or 3.

It's a young mans game too and he was getting on in years, relatively speaking.

This is not bashing anybody, read the article below and you will see. It's also why I said taking a year off is career suicide in the current MotoGP environment:


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Some very valid points being made in that article. There will have to be a changing of the guard soon. I reckon when VR46 retires there will be a significant shift.


Bye bye Chuba Chups! (I was never a fan).


Seeing VR46 wondering around like a punchdrunk boxer is not easy to watch, almost becoming irritating, he should have retired this year as well, I cannot see him competing against these youngsters anymore, they simply have no fear, and the same cannot be said of my hero.


Really looking forward to next season for ONE reason (no prizes for guessing): BiB on the Ktm, just being able to root for a Saffer on the MotoGP grid is reason enough! im guessing/hoping/predicting he will be top 10 contender. and that Ktm is sexy AF...




Always sad to see a great rider bow out when his hand is forced. That being said he really had a nightmare year or 3.

It's a young mans game too and he was getting on in years, relatively speaking.

This is not bashing anybody, read the article below and you will see. It's also why I said taking a year off is career suicide in the current MotoGP environment:


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Yeah, sad to see Jorge bowing out, he was a great rider in his heyday, but made some terrible career moves.

He also became more and more of a wet blanket, as his performance dropped.

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Some very valid points being made in that article. There will have to be a changing of the guard soon. I reckon when VR46 retires there will be a significant shift.


Bye bye Chuba Chups! (I was never a fan).


Seeing VR46 wondering around like a punchdrunk boxer is not easy to watch, almost becoming irritating, he should have retired this year as well, I cannot see him competing against these youngsters anymore, they simply have no fear, and the same cannot be said of my hero.


Really looking forward to next season for ONE reason (no prizes for guessing): BiB on the Ktm, just being able to root for a Saffer on the MotoGP grid is reason enough! im guessing/hoping/predicting he will be top 10 contender. and that Ktm is sexy AF...




Fact of the matter is Rossi sells bikes. Yamaha have said he will have a bike for as long as he races.

I think he will step down when/if Marini can get his seat. Whether directly or in a VR46 Factory backed team, is still to be seen.


Hear rumours of Alex marquez having a get out of jail clause in his Moto2 contract should a decent seat in MotoGP become available. Hope it's not true.......

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i agree, can you imagine TWO suicide bombers in the premier class???

Fact of the matter is Rossi sells bikes. Yamaha have said he will have a bike for as long as he races.

I think he will step down when/if Marini can get his seat. Whether directly or in a VR46 Factory backed team, is still to be seen.

Hear rumours of Alex marquez having a get out of jail clause in his Moto2 contract should a decent seat in MotoGP become available. Hope it's not true.......

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HAHA... janee

Rumours already of Lorenzo taking a Ya,aha test role.


That paddock skinders harder than 2 tannie's at the outehuis!!!!!

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As much as dislike the lollipop sucker, I must admit that it saddens me that he went out this way.


An exceptionally talented rider that will be remembered for his demise not his achievements and speed.


Honda putting everything behind MM might just come back to bite them in the medium term. HRC is a career killing machine while MM is there.


I will make a point of remembering how he completely obliterated the field when he found his stride, that and his awkward celebrations... respect to JL99

Edited by Patchelicious
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