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Where have all the real men gone


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i love to stop and help people, even if they don't need my help, best way to catch my breath. Once a gave a power link away and four weeks later the oke tracked me down at mosque and gave me a new one back. Kudos!


You should check if the guy works for the CIA or something........ :ph34r: :eek: :ph34r:

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Think all the real men are in Cape Town.


On Saturday I did a ride with a few others at Meerendal. Didn't want to climb all the way to the top as I am recovering from injury and didn't want to push. I let the others do the climb and I just went as far as I felt comfortable with and then went to the side of the singletrack to take photos of my riding buddies.


So standing there, bike on the floor, phone in hand, every single guy that went passed slowed down and asked if I was ok. Now this is on an awesome bit of downhill singletrack!!


If any of them are on the hub, thanks for asking! I didn't need help, but good to know if I had I would have got help.

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Think all the real men are in Cape Town.


On Saturday I did a ride with a few others at Meerendal. Didn't want to climb all the way to the top as I am recovering from injury and didn't want to push. I let the others do the climb and I just went as far as I felt comfortable with and then went to the side of the singletrack to take photos of my riding buddies.


So standing there, bike on the floor, phone in hand, every single guy that went passed slowed down and asked if I was ok. Now this is on an awesome bit of downhill singletrack!!


If any of them are on the hub, thanks for asking!


No worries Rats, you haven't tagged us on FB yet though :whistling:

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I keep hearing bonnie tyler belting out "I need a hero" - on the trails whenever i've stopped people - men and women alike have always asked if I'm ok - and for that I'm grateful.


until you have hands on experience - knowledge is not really much help - at a recent workshop we even purposely deflated our tyres to go through the motions.

Scotty i hope your friend hasn't been put off cycling - there are some nice ppl around - just not that day

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Here is the deal though...flamesuit on


To stop and help someone cost money...real money ito tubes, plugs, bombs, patch repair kit, sealant(mini stans bottle that I carry with me). Lets take this weekend for example.


Friday...did a cruise around the cradle, coming down to lion park, saw a female stranded with deer in headlights look. Stopped and asked, she replied she has a puncture...Ok dokey aunty...do you have tyre levers? No, do you have a spare tube? No, Do you have a bomb and adapter? No, Do you have a puncture repair kit? No. But she some insane mutlitool with a glow in the dark alien head lol.


Sigh, remove her tube, find puncture and piece of glas causing puncture..patch and solution...put back and bomb up.


Yesterday...spruit @8 with the lads....just outside the botanical gardens, 2 females with same deer in headlights look...Stopped and asked...puncture that sealant cant fix. Do you have plugs? No...Do you have bombs and adapter? No. Do you have a some sealant in little bottle since yours is running dry? No.


Sigh...plug it, add some sealant through valve core, and bomb it. Aunties off on their merry way


In neither of the incidents did they ask if they can replace what I used to get them rolling again, once the punctures were fixed they couldn't wait to get on their bikes again as fast as possible. So being a good guy cost me a patch and some solution, 2 bombs, half a bottle sealant. Lets call it R100. Now I will carry on being the nice guy for ladies but for the guys....aikona....Take a foot brother. That will be the last time you forgot to bring the spares mentioned above and to the ladies...maybe just an offer to replace whatever I used would be cool, I won't take you up on the offer but it shows some gratitude and less expectation that I MUST do it cause I am a guy.


I believe it is wrong not to stop for anyone, hot..er.. I mean lady or not. :whistling:


But... it ticks me off when you have people pitching at at a small group ride, with nothing of any kind, eg. They are told its a 5h ride, but they don't bring spares, food, or even money.


Then you get a "I will give you a bar tomorrow" or they get a flat, and "I'll give you a tube and bomb". Needless to say you never get anything. It may not be a lot of money, but when you are constantly "sponsoring" everyone, it adds up.


It is your responsibility to carry/pay for your own stuff. I am happy to help if you have forgotten something, but then replace it... or at least offer. I have been helped many times after getting 2 flats, etc. But I always replace it.


Take your own spares... You know who you are... :thumbdown:

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I keep hearing bonnie tyler belting out "I need a hero" - on the trails whenever i've stopped people - men and women alike have always asked if I'm ok - and for that I'm grateful.


until you have hands on experience - knowledge is not really much help - at a recent workshop we even purposely deflated our tyres to go through the motions.

Scotty i hope your friend hasn't been put off cycling - there are some nice ppl around - just not that day

Think quite a few of the "men" posting here would have had a problem removing the tire, it was a tight fit plus some slime from the tube had escaped and formed a seal so better they did not stop to assist as they likely would have embarrassed themselves,


Fitted with easier to remove tires now. All's good, done and dusted, would have preferred a rave but rant over.

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I believe it is wrong not to stop for anyone, hot..er.. I mean lady or not. :whistling:


But... it ticks me off when you have people pitching at at a small group ride, with nothing of any kind, eg. They are told its a 5h ride, but they don't bring spares, food, or even money.


Then you get a "I will give you a bar tomorrow" or they get a flat, and "I'll give you a tube and bomb". Needless to say you never get anything. It may not be a lot of money, but when you are constantly "sponsoring" everyone, it adds up.


It is your responsibility to carry/pay for your own stuff. I am happy to help if you have forgotten something, but then replace it... or at least offer. I have been helped many times after getting 2 flats, etc. But I always replace it.


Take your own spares... You know who you are... :thumbdown:

preach it brother


2 bombs, spare tube and tyre levers is the minimum.

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Here is the deal though...flamesuit on


To stop and help someone cost money...real money ito tubes, plugs, bombs, patch repair kit, sealant(mini stans bottle that I carry with me). Lets take this weekend for example.


Friday...did a cruise around the cradle, coming down to lion park, saw a female stranded with deer in headlights look. Stopped and asked, she replied she has a puncture...Ok dokey aunty...do you have tyre levers? No, do you have a spare tube? No, Do you have a bomb and adapter? No, Do you have a puncture repair kit? No. But she some insane mutlitool with a glow in the dark alien head lol.


Sigh, remove her tube, find puncture and piece of glas causing puncture..patch and solution...put back and bomb up.


Yesterday...spruit @8 with the lads....just outside the botanical gardens, 2 females with same deer in headlights look...Stopped and asked...puncture that sealant cant fix. Do you have plugs? No...Do you have bombs and adapter? No. Do you have a some sealant in little bottle since yours is running dry? No.


Sigh...plug it, add some sealant through valve core, and bomb it. Aunties off on their merry way


In neither of the incidents did they ask if they can replace what I used to get them rolling again, once the punctures were fixed they couldn't wait to get on their bikes again as fast as possible. So being a good guy cost me a patch and some solution, 2 bombs, half a bottle sealant. Lets call it R100. Now I will carry on being the nice guy for ladies but for the guys....aikona....Take a foot brother. That will be the last time you forgot to bring the spares mentioned above and to the ladies...maybe just an offer to replace whatever I used would be cool, I won't take you up on the offer but it shows some gratitude and less expectation that I MUST do it cause I am a guy.


I got as far as this reply...


Yes, it costs money to help out. I've started events with 2-3 tubes, energy bars, whatever, and finished with nothing 2 tanks of fuel later and a whole day on the bike. I've cycled events and come close to last with no remaining spares. I've done training rides similar. End of the day, I prefer to have it on my conscience that I have done what I can to assist.


Yes, I have even stopped to help a harley rider fix his m'bike when driving home from a cycle ride.


Do good because it is the good thing to do, not because you want reward for doing it.

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I got as far as this reply...


Yes, it costs money to help out. I've started events with 2-3 tubes, energy bars, whatever, and finished with nothing 2 tanks of fuel later and a whole day on the bike. I've cycled events and come close to last with no remaining spares. I've done training rides similar. End of the day, I prefer to have it on my conscience that I have done what I can to assist.


Yes, I have even stopped to help a harley rider fix his m'bike when driving home from a cycle ride.


Do good because it is the good thing to do, not because you want reward for doing it.

Ah Slowpoke you a good lady, and more than capable when it comes to self help. :thumbup:

And a stickler for obeying road rules :lol:

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I got as far as this reply...


Yes, it costs money to help out. I've started events with 2-3 tubes, energy bars, whatever, and finished with nothing 2 tanks of fuel later and a whole day on the bike. I've cycled events and come close to last with no remaining spares. I've done training rides similar. End of the day, I prefer to have it on my conscience that I have done what I can to assist.


Yes, I have even stopped to help a harley rider fix his m'bike when driving home from a cycle ride.


Do good because it is the good thing to do, not because you want reward for doing it.

Good for you tjom, 1,000,000 good karma points and all that coming your way. But please read again before getting on your high horse...


I am not doing it for a reward, I just don't want to be out of pocket for being a good guy...This weekend alone cost me 100 bucks in spares to total strangers...yes they were only aunties. If I had to stop for everyone including guys(remember I was riding the spruit and cradle I would down probably triple that)


But tell you what, deposit R300 every week into my account I will stop for everyone with a mechanical. Until then I don't stop for okes...end van prent.


Please let me know how we can setup the debit order.

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Rouxtjie, tjomma, I'm already dishing out enough so nothing to spare... but if you really are going to suffer don't dish stuff out but at least stop and not leave a person alone at the side of the road ... scotty's friend didn't even get that as an offer from his posting.


I wish that people would state upfront when accepting assistance if they "pay it forward" because then those of us who do spend lots of money on helping would know who NOT to help ;-P

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