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Do you do squads?

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If we are talking about squats then no, I dont. I do however squat often to get something out of the fridge


Strange, i usually have to squat daily to allow the stuff from the fridge to exit :-)


I dont really go for weight training legs, but used to do squats (the exercise) on one of those balance board things with very light weights as i found that the act of trying to maintain balance engaged a lot more muscles than simply standing and squating.

Edited by SwissVan
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Unless you have a serious strength issue, doinbg squats will do very very little for your cycling. All you get is bigger muscles = more weight to carry up the hills and maybe you will look good on the beach.


If you are a track sprinter or 500m 1000m timetrial rider, then doing leg work helps, for road riding you will get better results by cycling an extra 30 min per day.


If you can squat down till your knees are at 90 deg, then you have enough strenght to cycle. Its not the leg strength that is holding you back, its fitness and adaptation.



Nonsense, this cyclist has found squats to by highly beneficial:




Is that an indoor cycling track (i.e. a track cyclist) i see in the background...hint hint :oops:

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......and then for every FRIDAY......BALL-SQUATS.......good for balance, core functioning, muscle pumping, smiling, grinning, etc, etc,.......


And then you get a dodgy ball that can't take the weight and you become an instant legend at your local VA. (Remember the guy doing squats on that excercise ball? Read the warning labels on the box at your local sports outlet. Those things have a limit..... No thanks...... :wacko:

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"And then you get a dodgy ball that can't take the weight and you become an instant legend at your local VA. (Remember the guy doing squats on that excercise ball? Read the warning labels on the box at your local sports outlet. Those things have a limit..... No thanks...... :wacko:"



Like stated.........keep this exercise only for FRIDAYS........

(apparently a lot of tight glutes and hot air on Fridays)

Edited by BarHugger
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SV as you well know when looking for the best advise "thehub" is the place to go to...


Problem Huston... my hard drive keeps ignoring all the advice i get...

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Never tried squads

Is it good?


(just being cheeky)

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did 200 this morning at crossfit, walking a bit funny, as for helping with cycling? big heart and fitness normally works best. For me at least.

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SV, the more people in the gym getting bigger legs, the less we have to worry about out on the road....

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SV, the more people in the gym getting bigger legs, the less we have to worry about out on the road....


LOL true


"Old age and treachery beats youth and skill every time"


I hate to mention that qoute but what can i we say....

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Do you add weight training to your cycling?


If so - how often do you do squads, and what % of your body weight do you push?


Like a swimming squad or what? Can you post a picture of a squad in the gym?

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A bigger fridge helps so that you don't have to squat so low; better for your back and knees


He was referring to dropping Chester from the team

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SV, the more people in the gym getting bigger legs, the less we have to worry about out on the road....


I think you would be very hard pressed to develop big muscular legs from one session of squats a week, no matter how hard you tried. At best its just going to tone what you have, at worst it will make no difference whatsoever.


Ask any bodybuilder what it took to develop even remotely adequate legs, Squats to failure with heavy, heavy poundage, at least three or four times a week, leg presses to failure, leg extensions to failure and absolutely no cycling or running or any kind, even if its just 20 minutes on the stationary bike, or any kind of aerobic exercise as it simply cuts into and negates the muscle building process.


It reminds me of the ladies that come to the gym and stress "We dont want to get big by doing weights" .....Hmm, Yeah, well, dont worry, fortunately its not that easy.

Edited by GrumpyOldGuy
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  • 2 weeks later...

For the OP. I do legs (including squats) once a week. Usually at 75+% of body weight, high volume (10 sets of 10 reps), and other leg work. This has had no effect on weight, but seems to be improving my cycling.

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