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This is why cyclist are hated


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Your my friend, you are simply an Idiot.


Because just exactly like I predicted, in almost the first response after your initial post you refer to the guy behind you as a "black" guy.


Who cares what colour he was, obviously it matters to you?


You also think that you/or someone else has the right to "kill" another. And that such actions could be justified.


"hate" ... "kill"


Off topic - But you went "there" and so did the OP - race card!!!


Action / reaction

Cause & effect


Hate doesn't come from nowhere

Neither does racism.


These are reactions to situations - maybe overreactions or excessive, but reactions none the less.


To generalise;


When someone is driving like a total toss with zero consideration for others or the law, who is it?

When my families bikes got stolen out the garage this past week, who was it?

Who has the R 100 k worth of my personal belongings that have been pilfered in the past 2 years?


It wasn't 7 meaty okes wearing AWB Ystergarde uniforms??!!??


So over time, my attitude has hardened and I begin to have preconceived ideas and expectations.

Call me prejudiced or even racist - I could care less.


Only a fool doesn't learn from painful past experiences.

These learnings prepare us to deal with the future and not be caught out for a sucker.


back on topic - maybe these roadies have learnt from painful experience that doing it this way is the safest?

Edited by zaslinger
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I'm not so sure on that.... MOST people who cycle tend to be from the higher income bracket, after all its not a cheap sport. This usually means they have more expensive cars, usually more than one per family too. This means they pay higher taxes, as well as use more fuels. I am pretty sure if we assess our road tax contribution overall its probably higher than the average South African citizen. So yes, I do pay to use the roads.

But you pay as a motor vehicle driver. Your motor vehicle license pays for the road maintenance. Not your bicycle license which you dont have anymore. I respect those other people (drivers) and realise how much it causes me discomfort when I drive (in a car) up behind a bunch of cyclists that seem hell bent on pissing drivers off and fear how much it irkes other drivers and what they may inadvertently do because of that when I am on my cycle riding single file.
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But you pay as a motor vehicle driver. Your motor vehicle license pays for the road maintenance. Not your bicycle license which you dont have anymore. I respect those other people (drivers) and realise how much it causes me discomfort when I drive (in a car) up behind a bunch of cyclists that seem hell bent on pissing drivers off and fear how much it irkes other drivers and what they may inadvertently do because of that when I am on my cycle riding single file.


This is getting so off topic... I thought roads are a resource the country provides for its citizens. You pay taxes for vehicles because of the impact these have on the maintenance requirement of the road itself. (Wonder how many bicycles it will take to create a pothole on a stretch of tar? Could be a license waiting to be put in place! Ever wondered why weigh bridges exist on the main highways?) If we use this line of reasoning you suggest, what are pedestrains supposed to do when they get to a road?

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But you pay as a motor vehicle driver. Your motor vehicle license pays for the road maintenance. Not your bicycle license which you dont have anymore.

I know what you are saying. BUT our bikes don't create damage to the roads like vehicles do. Also, the various vehicles I have licensed yet only get ridden/driven once or twice a year off set that. If cyclists are legally required to license their bikes, sure you have an argument. Just because they are not needed to pay doesn't give those who have to right of way. EG: Does the truck who pays more at toll gates have the right to push your little car off the road.... not really.
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I know what you are saying. BUT our bikes don't create damage to the roads like vehicles do. Also, the various vehicles I have licensed yet only get ridden/driven once or twice a year off set that. If cyclists are legally required to license their bikes, sure you have an argument. Just because they are not needed to pay doesn't give those who have to right of way. EG: Does the truck who pays more at toll gates have the right to push your little car off the road.... not really.



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I respect those other people (drivers) and realise how much it causes me discomfort when I drive (in a car) up behind a bunch of cyclists that seem hell bent on pissing drivers off and fear how much it irkes other drivers and what they may inadvertently do because of that when I am on my cycle riding single file.




Not to mention the attitude if you so much as pass within 2m going over 40km/h or if you do give a gentle hoot to let them know you are coming or if they could offer you a little space to pass. Beware at the next stop if they catch up.

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I travel to the Philippines quite often, done a fair amount of driving around there, and its always really slow going because there is always a motor trike, or an ox drawn cart, or a jeepney chugging along, but the amazing thing is no one ever gets impatient, and everyone always gives way. For example, to cross a busy road, just start nudging forward, and amazingly the traffic stops and allows you through. Takes some getting used to.

Edited by kosmonooit
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you guys are missing my point. as most here seem to do with others post. I am not saying that cyclists do not have rights to the road. But most cyclists proclaim they have more rights that what the law regarding cycling in SA allows. I have an issue with that cause it pisses off motorists and cause motorists to have a negative view of cyclists, which happens to include me.

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But most cyclists proclaim they have more rights that what the law regarding cycling in SA allows. I have an issue with that cause it pisses off motorists and cause motorists to have a negative view of cyclists, which happens to include me.

It does piss them off you are right. But they have more to lose. Driver lose their tempers and cyclist lose their lives.
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It does piss them off you are right. But they have more to lose. Driver lose their tempers and cyclist lose their lives.

exactly. so dont piss the driver off. I may be cycling 100m ahead well within the law and the pissed off driver inadvertently takes it out on me. So please do not do it.
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I am a roadie. And I love it. I also have a horse, and according to law I may ride my horse on the roads as well... I also use to run, with a pram and my trusty bullmastiff... and some motorists did not see us, and I mean it was not just me. So I must say I am very careful on the roads, just as I am when I am driving, because we need to think for the other drivers as well.

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Indeed, it's a very special kind of uncouth to arrive at a community as a noob and be this condescending Pabs. Properly poor form! Your next trip to Jozi, I dare you to go to the shop in question and go play your Cry me a river tune....

clearly the song is catchy - you seem to be playing it too!
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I am a roadie. And I love it. I also have a horse, and according to law I may ride my horse on the roads as well... I also use to run, with a pram and my trusty bullmastiff... and some motorists did not see us, and I mean it was not just me. So I must say I am very careful on the roads, just as I am when I am driving, because we need to think for the other drivers as well.

someone that understands what it is about...
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Please tell me the difference between the two was I not merely explaining why I don't believe that it is a better way? So my opinion is forced onto you and the other was merely an explanation.


Please guys I am not here for that rubbish. There is an issue at hand which I feel strongly about and if my input is worthless then let me know and Ill go back to a one liner here and there because I don't have enough posts to count as a cyclist.


Forum speak is open to interpretation by the person reading it and rarely comes across with the actual intent of the person writing it, unless you're being completely blatant. (Anyone care to comment on how many hub arguments over the years have been just this misunderstanding?) Nothing wrong with feeling strongly about something, but know that you're not the first person to bring this stance towards the forum and this has been heatedly debated before. Most of us have changed much of our behaviour on the road because of what has been discussed here, once all the emotion has subsided, but many have also put family and friends to rest after they have done their best to protect the image of the cyclist to no avail! That's where it gets more difficult...

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