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Cyclist Down Franshoek Pass


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The Times was still reporting in today's paper that the accident was as a result of the bus swerving to avoid the cyclists.

With all due respect to the print media... by the time they have found it printed it and distibuted it, it's no longer news, it's really more like inaccurately recorded history.


To knowingly print or broadcast something incorrectly, in the face of several people having given contradictory (but collaborating) stories, in this case including the guy driving the damn bus! Should be seen as bordering on hate speech or inciting tension.


In the old days we called it **** stirring.




And still the RSG morning news says the bus crashed after trying to avoid cyclists........it is starting to feel like hate speech to me. :cursing:

Technically, that may be correct. ,,

Brakes fail, bus speeds up out of control, bus tries to avoid cyclists, bus crashes.

It should be more carefully worded on the news report


Why don't CSA or PPA then represent the cycling community and lay a complaint at the Broadcasting Complaints Commission?

or issue a statement of sorts ....


or issue a statement of sorts ....


Maybe give them some time, especially as we don't know yet what happened.


PPA often issues statements after cycling accidents - does anyone even notice anymore? Can't see it making any difference.




Franschhoek-ongeluk: ‘Dit was ’n voorreg om sy ma te wees’
“Dit was vir my ’n voorreg om sy ma te wees.”
Só het Lilly Boonzaaier-Wil­liams met betraande oë en bewerige hande gesê twee dae nadat haar seun, Denzil Boonzaaier (20), in ’n ongeluk in die Franschhoekpas gesterf het.
“Ek is bly hy was my seun. Hy het my trots laat voel. Hy het die skool op 15 jaar verlaat, maar hy het nogtans ’n sukses van homself gemaak. Hy het hom uitgeleef in sy rugby,” het Boonzaaier-Williams Maandag gesê.
Die bus met 27 passasiers, wat spanlede en ondersteuners van die Franschhoek-rugbyklub na ’n vriendskaplike wedstryd in Grabouw vervoer het, het Saterdag in die Franschhoekpas twee fietsryers getref en gerol.
Donald Grant, Wes-Kaapse minister van vervoer en openbare werke, het aan Die Burger gesê van die 22 padsterftes die naweek pla die busongeluk hom baie.
“Ek het ’n goeie idee wat daar gebeur het, maar wil nie nou daaroor bespiegel nie. Die voorval word ondersoek en die bevinding sal later bekend gemaak word,” het hy gesê.
Grant het bygevoeg hy ken die pad en die pas redelik goed, maar gaan binnekort self kyk of die snelheidsperk op dié pad verminder moet word. Hy het bygevoeg dit is ’n tragedie dat 22 mense die afgelope naweek op die provinsie se paaie dood is.
Die ongeluk waarin twee mense dood is toe ’n dubbelkajuitbakkie omgeslaan het, dwing Grant nou om ’n ter plaatse ondersoek te gaan doen.
“Ek wil ook self gaan kyk of daar genoeg kennisgewingborde is wat motoriste oor die gevare op die pad waarsku.”
Signs warning vehicles to share the road with cyclists is a good start
Hy gaan ook met die departement van vervoer se padingenieurs praat om vas te stel of sekere voertuie op dié pad verbied moet word.
Hopefully not bicycles
Die ander twee oorledenes was Russel Riffel (25), ’n spanlid, en Abraham Lybrand (55), ’n ondersteuner.
Met Die Burger se besoek aan Boonzaaier-Williams se huis het haar familielede buite saamgetrek.
“My seun wou altyd uitblink in rugby. Al waaroor hy gepraat het, is rugby. Soms het ons so moeg geraak van sy rugbypraatjies,” het sy geskerts.
Riffel se familie het Maandag by die ongelukstoneel kranse gelê.
Riffel se pa, Cedric, het gesê: “Twee dae gelede het my seun hier gelê onder ’n bus met bloed oral op hom. Dit is vir my amper onwerklik om die plek so skoon te sien.”
Riffel se meisie, Christeline Erasmus (21), het gesê sy is baie bekommerd oor hul maand oue baba, Cheswill. “My kind gaan sonder ’n pa grootword.”
Altesaam 18 beseerdes is na hospitale in die Paarl en Stellenbosch gebring en een na die Groote Schuur-hospitaal in Kaapstad.
Die oorledenes se begrafnisse word Saterdag gehou. Besonderhede is nog nie bekend nie.
Stephen Nell berig die Westelike Provinsie Rugbyunie (WPRU) het sy hart en beursie oopgemaak vir slagoffers.
Thelo Wakefield, president van die WPRU, het gesê die WP sal die koste van die begrafnisse dek. ’n Fonds, met ’n deposito van R30 000 deur die unie, is ook gestig.
Daar sal Saterdag by die Superrugby-wedstryd tussen die Stormers en Chiefs binne en buite Nuweland geld ingesamel word.
“Die WP is ’n hegte familie. As een van ons seerkry, kry almal saam seer,” het Wakefield gesê.
Die Treble Group, kommersiële vennoot van die WP, en die mediese komitee van die WPRU het onderskeidelik reeds R25 000 en R15 000 geskenk.
Does this fund include the injured cyclists or will CSA or PPA assist?
’n Gedenkdiens word vandag om 19:00 in die sportsentrum van die Groendal-sportvelde in Franschhoek gehou.
Archie Johnson, afrigter van die Franschhoek-klub, was uiters dankbaar vir die hulp van die WPRU. “Die hulp wat ons kry is manna uit die hemel.”
Hy het gesê Saterdag se wedstryd teen Violets is weens die begrafnisse gekanselleer. 
Eienaar ontken dat rampbus onpadwaardig was
Nóg twee mense is die naweek in die Franschhoekpas dood.
Kenny Africa, provinsiale verkeershoof, het gesê twee mense is dood, twee ernstig beseer en twee lig beseer toe ’n bestuurder Sondagaand beheer oor ’n dubbelkajuitbakkie verloor het.
Geen name is nog bekend gemaak nie.
In ’n busongeluk Saterdag is drie mense dood.
Die bus met 27 passasiers, wat spanlede en ondersteuners van die Franschhoek-rugbyklub na ’n vriendskaplike wedstryd in Grabouw vervoer het, het op dié pas twee fietsryers getref en gerol.
Die oorledenes is die spelers Russel Riffel (25) en Denzil Boonzaaier (20) en ’n ondersteuner, Abraham Lybrand (55).
Twee van die mense wat die ongeluk oorleef het, was Sondagaand nog in die hospitaal
Die eienaar van die bus, Christopher Opperman, wat op die toneel was, het gesê die bus was padwaardig en is elke ses maande getoets.
Hy het reageer op bewerings dat die remme onklaar geraak het.
“Die bus het glo vir die twee fietsryers probeer uitswenk, maar in hulle vasgery,” het Darren Francis, assistent-direkteur van kommunikasie van die Wes-Kaapse gesondheidsdepartement, gesê.
Altesaam 18 beseerdes is na hospitale in die Paarl en Stellenbosch gebring en een na die Groote Schuur-hospitaal in Kaapstad.
Archie Johnson, hoofafrigter van die Franschhoek-rugbyklub, het gesê die spelers was soos broers. “Dit gaan ’n tyd vat voor ons daaroor kom. Hierdie spelers gee om vir mekaar. Hulle bloei vir mekaar.”
Hy het verneem die bus se remme het glo onklaar geraak en dat daar twee fietse op die draai was waarvoor die bus probeer uitswenk het.
Boonzaaier, Riffel en Lybrand se lyke is Sondag uitgeken en die rugbyklub het op die plaaslike rugbyveld vergader oor begrafnisreëlings. 
Kapt. Frederick Van Wyk, ’n polisiewoordvoerder, het gesê hulle ondersoek die saak en dat ’n saak van strafbare manslag geopen is.
Franschhoek accident: "It was a privilege to be his mother '
"I'm glad he was my son. He made me feel proud. He left school at 15 years, but he did have a success made of himself. He himself lived in his rugby, "Heiss-Williams said Monday.
The bus with 27 passengers, which team members and supporters of the Franschhoek rugby club after a friendly match in Grabouw transport, on Saturday in the Franschhoek pass hit two cyclists and roller.
Donald Grant, Western Cape minister of transport and public works, told Beeld that of the 22 fatalities over the weekend bother him much shattered.
"I have a good idea what happened, but do not want to speculate about it. The incident is being investigated and the findings will be announced later, "he said.
Grant added that he knows the way and fit pretty well, but will soon see yourself or the speed limit should be reduced on the road. He added it is a tragedy that 22 people over the weekend died on the province's roads.
The accident in which two people died when a double cab bakkie overturned, forcing Grant now for a spot investigation to go.
"I want to go see yourself whether enough notice boards are warning motorists about the dangers on the road."
Signs warning vehicles to share the road with Cyclists are a good start
He also goes by the Department of Transport's road engineers talk to ascertain whether certain vehicles should be prohibited on the road.
Hopefully not bicycles
The other two men visited Russel Riffel (25), a team member, and Abraham Lybrand (55), a supporter.
When reporters visited Heiss-Williams house gathered her relatives outside.
"My son always wanted to excel in rugby. All he talked to was rugby. Sometimes we are so tired of his hockey talk, "she joked.
Riffel's family Monday at the scene laid wreaths.
Riffel's father, Cedric, said: "Two days ago my son lying below a bus with blood all over him. It's almost unreal to me to see the place so clean. "
Riffel's Girl, Christchurch Line Erasmus (21), said she was very concerned about their month-old baby, Cheswill. "My child goes without a father growing up."
A total of 18 injured were taken to hospitals in Paarl and Stellenbosch and the Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town.
The deceased's funeral will be held Saturday. Details are not yet known.
Stephen Nell reported the Western Province Rugby Union (WPRU) has his heart and wallet opened for victims.
Thelo Wakefield, president of the WPRU, said the Province will cover the cost of funerals. A fund with a deposit of R30 000 by the union, is also established.
There will be Saturday at the Super Rugby match between the Stormers and Chiefs inside and outside Newlands money raised.
"WP is a close-knit family. If one of us gets hurt, everyone gets together hurts, "said Wakefield.
The Treble Group commercial partner of the Province, and the medical committee of the WPRU respectively already donated R25 000 and R15 000.
Does this fund include the injured or Cyclists will assist CSA or PPA?
A memorial service is today at 19:00 in the sports center of the Groendal sports fields in Franschhoek.
Archie Johnson, coach of the Franschhoek club was extremely grateful for the help of the WPRU. "The help we get is manna from heaven."
He said Saturday's game against Violets are canceled because of the funerals.
Owner denies disaster bus was unroadworthy
Two more people were this weekend in the Franschhoek pass death.
Kenny Africa, provincial traffic chief, said two people were killed, two seriously injured and two slightly injured when a driver Sunday night control has lost a double cab.
No names have yet been made known.
In a bus accident on Saturday killed three people.
The bus with 27 passengers, which team members and supporters of the Franschhoek rugby club after a friendly match in Grabouw transport, on this pass hit two cyclists and roller.
The dead players Russel Riffel (25) and Denzil Heiss (20) and a supporter, Abraham Lybrand (55).
Two of the people who survived the crash, Sunday night was still in hospital
The owner of the bus, Christopher Opperman, who was at the scene, said the bus was roadworthy and is tested every six months.
He was responding to allegations that the brakes failed.
"The bus apparently tried to swerve for two cyclists, but they crashed," said Darren Francis, assistant director of communications of the Western Cape health department said.
A total of 18 injured were taken to hospitals in Paarl and Stellenbosch and the Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town.
Archie Johnson, head coach of the Franschhoek club, said the players were like brothers. "It's a time to take us about it. These players give each other. They bloom for one another. "
He heard the bus's brakes apparently failed, and that there are two bikes on the turn was for the bus tried to swerve.
Heiss, Riffel and Lybrand's bodies were identified Sunday and the club met at the local football field on funeral arrangements.
Capt. Frederick Van Wyk, a police spokesman said they are investigating the case and that a case of culpable homicide was opened.



Maybe because they are not CSA MEMBERS with R145 membership fee which give you road insurance etc. ?


And why would Italian Triathletes be CSA MEMBERS with a R145 membership fee which give them road insurance etc?


or issue a statement of sorts ....


Yes, at least issue a statement of sorts to show some support.




Italian triathletes Edith Niederfriniger and Linda Scattolin were on a training ride near Stellenbosch, South Africa when they suffered serious injuries when struck by an out of control bus on March 7. 
Niederfriniger, 43, is a two time Ironman champion with 10 Ironman podium finishes and an Ironman PR of 8:59:45. She is an ITU long distance silver medalist and an ETU long distance European champion. Niederfriniger also works as a triathlon coach. 
Scattolin, 40, competes as an age grouper for Padovanuoto Dynamica Triathlon and finished 3rd in the 35-39 age group in the short distance event at the 2013 Abu Dhabi International Triathlon. Scattolin, who is known to friends by her Twitter handle Fi Xie, also won her age group at the 2013 Challenge Fuerteventura triathlon.




Sad to think their careers might have been ended on a beautifull South African mountain pass, through someone elses negligence, and not of their own doing.


I have listened with amazement to the BS being sprouted by Cape Talks EWN and other news sites on the accident. One of the best was a local politician who claimed the pass was too narrow for trucks to make the corners without crossing lanes and how dangerous it was. I drove this pas on a few ocassions quite fast in a sports car a few years back. Its superb. The tar is perfect and the camber good on all the corners. There should not be the kind of accidents we have just seen on that road!


Then again its easier to blame the road rather than the utterly dismal driving skills and drunken driving that we find on on our roads. Itys almost as bad as the comprehension and writing skills of the EWN and others news teams.


There have been how many eyewitness accounts that exonerate the riders and yet they insist on quoting hearsay from people who were not even there? The reaction of the news 24 morons and others has been predictable. All because journo's don't do their jobs properly. Eish SA, eish.



Franschhoek-busongeluk: Ysterman-deelnemer verlam ná botsing

Deur Cara-Lee Scheun Donderdag 12 Maart 2015 05:00


Die afgelope Saterdag se bus-ongelukstoneel in die Franschhoekpas in die Wes-Kaap waarin die Italiaanse burger Linda Scattolin kritiek beseer is toe die bus haar en ’n medefietsryer eers getref en toe omgeslaan het. Scattolin het vir die ystermankompetisie voorberei wat binnekort in die Baai gehou word. Foto: JACO MARAIS


Die Italiaanse atleet Linda Scattolin het die afgelope Saterdag nog in die Franschhoek-pas in die Wes-Kaap voorberei vir die ysterman-kompetisie in die Baai, nou is die regterkant van haar lyf verlam.


Lees ook - ​Franschhoek-ongeluk: ‘Dit was ’n voorreg om sy ma te wees’ en ​Eienaar ontken dat rampbus onpadwaardig was


Sy is een van die twee fietsryers wat getref is deur die bus wat spanlede en ondersteuners van die Franschhoek-rugbyklub vervoer het. Die bus het hierna gerol.


Twee rugbyspelers, Russel Riffel (25) en Denzil Boonzaaier (20), en ’n ondersteuner, Abraham Lybrand (55), het in die ongeluk omgekom.


“Sy (Scattolin) het haar rug gebreek en word tans in ’n mediese koma gehou,” het Alexa Cunningham, ’n vriendin, gesê.


Edith Niederfriniger, ’n voormalige Europese ysterman-kampioen wat saam met Scattolin fietsgery het, is ook ernstig beseer.


Volgens Cunningham het Niederfriniger reeds Sondag uit haar koma in die Groote Schuur-hospitaal wakker geword, maar haar linkerbeen is steeds verlam.


“Linda, daarenteen, het tussen Saterdag en Sondag haar oë by tye nie langer as ’n paar sekondes oopgemaak nie.


“Haar hele lyf is aan die regterkant verlam omdat sy breinskade aan die linkerkant opgedoen het,” het Cunningham gesê.


Scattolin sal na verwagting vandag ’n veloorplanting ondergaan, en aanstaande week ’n rugoperasie waartydens minstens agt skroewe aan haar rugwerwels geheg sal word.


“Op die oomblik is Linda se toestand kritiek. Al waarvoor ons hoop, is dat sy weer normaal sal kan loop,” het Cunningham gesê.


Scattolin en Niederfriniger het reeds verlede jaar November in Suid-Afrika aangekom om vir die komende ystermankompetisie in Port Elizabeth te oefen. Scattolin sou vanjaar haar eerste volledige ysterman aangepak het en was vasberade om ’n podiumposisie te behaal.


Michael Flanagan, woordvoerder van die ystermankompetisie, het gesê hy is bewus van die voorval, maar wou nie verder kommentaar lewer nie.





Riaan van Zyl

Riaan van Zyl


Ek hou styf duimvas vir die twee dat hulle wonderbaarlik sal herstel van hul beserings.

Danie Acker

Danie Acker


Dis tragies. Hoeveel mense moet nóg sterf voordaat fietse van nasionale en sekondêre paaie verwyder word. Niemand moet die reg hê om hulle sport in die verkeer te beoefen nie. Dit is lewens gevaarlik. Vir fietsryers én vir motoriste.

Charlene Uys

Charlene Uys


Ek het gister oppad huistoe verby ‘n mamma en 2 klein kindertjies gery. Dis ’n nasionale pad. Die mamma moet die heeltyd terug kyk vir motors, en dan het hulle op die skouer van die pad gekry wat net bos is. Ek waardeer die feit dat sy saam met haar kinders aktief is, maar dis verskriklik gevaarlik. Dis ‘n besig pad. En die pad het nie een ’n geel lyn nie. Ek wil graag stem dat fietse van nasionale paaie verbied word, hoe onrealisties dit ookal klink.

Hennie Vermaas

Hennie Vermaas


Daar is al baie oor die saak gepraat en wetgewing is aanvaar om dit veiliger te maak.

Feit is egter dat sommige fietsryers die pas gebruik soos wat hulle wil en nie ‘n hel omgee vir motoriste nie. Die ironie is dat selfs die sogenaamde Marshalls wat by georganiseerde fietstoere optree ook nie hulle steur aan basiese padreels nie.

Die Boland fietstoer in Paarl was ’n voorbeeld hiervan. Die groep het so langs mekaar gery op ‘n dubbelpad dat daar geen manier is dat motors by die greop kom verbygaan nie – Ja hulle het in albei bane gery asof die pad aan hulle behoort. Later dieselfde dag het ons van vooraf gekom en dieselfde groep het die slag in ’n enkelpad weer oor albei bane gery. Omdat ons nie van die pad kon afgaan nie het die vreindelike Marshall ons behoorlik van die pad af gevloek.

Dan vra ons hoekom motoriste die fietsryers nie kan verdra nie?


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