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RIP: The ability to overtake on an MTB

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So it's Friday and I might as well vent this cause it drives me nuts.


I am not the most talented or fastest rider out there - fat and old - go uphill slowly but I have some skills when I go downhill. So its pretty frustrating when I get blocked on tight single track when I am clearly a lot faster than what the rider in front of me is. As a result i spend a lot of time planning and executing overtaking moves often with some pretty hairy results. And herein lies the rub on many fronts:


1.) People who don't like being overtaken and try to block you or swear at you when you overtake them? Huh  Okay it may seem a bit hairy to you but i am always in control. So wind your neck in. No need to swear at the guy cause he is faster than you.


2.) People who are faster than me and want to get in front of me on single track, who on a leisurely ride out at Northern Farm or the Spruit, think that screaming "Track " will clear the path. Sorry bud I can't see you and I am not going off line until its safe and in any case if you are so fast and expert then work out where you can overtake.


3.) Overtaking is a skill - you have to work out where you are better or faster - on the brakes into a corner or on the next little climb etc. Its something that needs to be developed if you want to race. In XCO Racing when someone behind Kulhavy shouts "Track" he doesn't just yield. You have to work out a way through - it takes time, technique and skill and can only be developed in racing. Sometimes you will cock it up - look at the best racers in the world and you will see it's not easy. But once you can do it - you know you don't have to wait for the guy in front to clear out. Pick your spot - warn them on which side and execute. Simple as that. If you do screw it up it will lead to much hilarity on the part of the passee and possibly brown trousers on your behalf but you will learn.


It seems we have become a tribe of riders rather than racers and we are so PC and correct that we think overtaking is impolite and rude? And I don't mean block passing like you may see in MX or 4x Downhill (although if you can do it - what a way to nuke your opponent).


You want my piece of single track - you are going to have to win it from me in a race. And in a ride I will willingly let you in but not on your agenda - on mine when it's safe for me - not when you shout "track" from 20 meters away cause you are on a Strava segment.


Rant off - flame suit on



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"It seems we have become a tribe of riders rather than racers and we are so PC and correct that we think overtaking is impolite and rude?"


Who are 'we' paleface? ;)

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Huh? In point 1. you are expecting people to move out of your way for you to over take, but in point 2. you aren't prepared to move out of other people's way for them to over take you.

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4/10 Friday material. Majority of riders are polite and would give track, or just buzz hubs behind you.


Edit: This thread isn't polarised enough, will have to revise my rating to 1/10

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Single track !!! You don't over take on Single track does not matter who you are .

If i pass you by flying overhead, is that ok?;)

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you can go offline and pass a guy on the rough stuff on his sides on single track - maybe we need an overtaking class .


It has lead to me farming in thorn bushes but it works....



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4/10 Friday material. Majority of riders are polite and would give track, or just buzz hubs behind you.





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Ya, "single" track means exactly that. "Single" file whether you are Aaron Gwin or just pushing your bike.  MTB is not meant to be fun. Its never a race and you must obey the rules of the road, just like a taxi. Nuff said, live with it.

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Huh? In point 1. you are expecting people to move out of your way for you to over take, but in point 2. you aren't prepared to move out of other people's way for them to over take you.

I also read that bit with a huh?


It's been summed up over and over - don't be a dick. 

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4/10 Friday material. Majority of riders are polite and would give track, or just buzz hubs behind you.

I've found since I have my new Hope hub people are very polite.



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Sorry bud, with longbarn here; throw a vloer moer when someone is peeved at you scraping by (YOU might fe in control) but point 2 & 3 is how proud you are of making anyone wanting too pass you, life as difficult as poosible?

Suggest you buy a nice big brawny DH bike, push it up the runs with the rest of the boys and gun down with your ninja decending skills; because sharing track is obviously a one way affair to you.

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Ya, "single" track means exactly that. "Single" file whether you are Aaron Gwin or just pushing your bike.  MTB is not meant to be fun. Its never a race and you must obey the rules of the road, just like a taxi. Nuff said, live with it.

sorry bru, pushers must walk in the bush....

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So it's Friday and I might as well vent this cause it drives me nuts.


I am not the most talented or fastest rider out there - fat and old young and thin- go uphill slowly fast but I have some dont have skills when I go downhill. So its pretty frustrating when I get blocked on tight single track climbs when I am clearly a lot faster than what the rider in front of me is. As a result i spend a lot of time planning and executing overtaking moves often with some pretty hairy results. And herein lies the rub on many fronts:




Rant off - flame suit on

Fat old guys holding up guys who can climb is just as big an issues, as we have discussed before :P


As always, general consideration for your fellow cyclists seems to be the obvious answer.


Why is it so difficult for people to execute that answer though?

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