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Absa Cape Epic 2017


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It seems as if Cadel and Big George are not here only  for the beers. They ended 27th overall and third in the Masters which is not bad for 2 retired racers of which one has just about zero mountainbike experience. Purito and Hermida were 45th and about 6 minutes slower than Evans/Hincapie.

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It seems as if Cadel and Big George are not here only  for the beers. They ended 27th overall and third in the Masters which is not bad for 2 retired racers of which one has just about zero mountainbike experience. Purito and Hermida were 45th and about 6 minutes slower than Evans/Hincapie.

They were looking damn good hey. #machines
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Myles, Joel has Completed 7( yes 7) epics in a row!

I'm sure he is qualified and experienced..........



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Off topic as we were,

What else did I miss

Where is the HUBBERS who are competing list????

They are still waiting to push their bikes around the obstacles.
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Myles honestly I think maybe they just on the different end of the spear as to the speeds they going down there,,,unless I am missing something and over the last few years you have become a pro, I honestly don't know maybe I'm wrong and I will apologize as I always do when I put my foot or my whole leg in it.

You can always jump on the route and prove me wrong ;)

yeah, man... Maybe. But even if they WERE, the mechanics of getting bucked are the same regardless of the speed.


One of or a combination of 3 things. Incorrect settings on the rebound circuit on the shock; staying seated whilst hitting it full taps; standing but just in a dead sailor position hoping your speed will give you a good arc, without lifting the front off the lip. 


Now tiredness could definitely play a part, as they may have forgotten to preload or lift the front as they hit the lip. If the rebound setting was off, it'd exacerbate the issue as the back would kick up as it left the lip. 

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And the mechanics of jumping lectures start..........

I am a Mechanical Engineer if anybody wants to know ( not ) really I am


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Myles, Joel has Completed 7( yes 7) epics in a row!

I'm sure he is qualified and experienced..........



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What does that have to do with his skillset? Full credit to him, he's certainly got the experience on the route itself and in accessing the hurt locker. But completing 7 epics does not imbue one with technical proficiency. 


By the way - I think we may be talking across each other. I have been referring to the guys you can see have been bucked on a jump. I don't know how Joel came off, I just know he came off on the Gorge section - not whether it was on a jump, or washed out in a corner, or on the steep drop-off. 

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yeah, man... Maybe. But even if they WERE, the mechanics of getting bucked are the same regardless of the speed.


One of or a combination of 3 things. Incorrect settings on the rebound circuit on the shock; staying seated whilst hitting it full taps; standing but just in a dead sailor position hoping your speed will give you a good arc, without lifting the front off the lip. 


Now tiredness could definitely play a part, as they may have forgotten to preload or lift the front as they hit the lip. If the rebound setting was off, it'd exacerbate the issue as the back would kick up as it left the lip.


You are being bloody disrespectful to people that have spent months preparing for this. Physically, mentally as well as technically.As usual, you are TALKING a big game.
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And the mechanics of jumping lectures start..........

I am a Mechanical Engineer if anybody wants to know ( not ) really I am


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jeepers dude, who pissed in your tequila. 

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jeepers dude, who pissed in your tequila.

noboby dude, but you are being far too clever on a Sunday of a long weekend



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You are being bloody disrespectful to people that have spent months preparing for this. Physically, mentally as well as technically.As usual, you are TALKING a big game.

Vettes - Just HOW am I being disrespectful by pointing out what may have happened?!


I'm gutted that Joel is out, personally. I wanted him to do well again this year. He's certainly been working on his prep for the race. 


I don't want ANYONE to crash out. The prep that they put in is remarkable, and i personally wouldn't be able to do it. But at the same time, people should also concentrate more on skills over and above their fitness, in order to prevent instances like that. In my opinion, there would be far less carnage on the prologue and in general if entrants concentrated on skill AND fitness. 

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Stop arguing and answer my question re the rainbow stripes!!

Dunno, tbh. It's not the discipline he specialises in, and IIRC he doesn't have an XCM WC in his belt, or does he? Would the olympics count? But then that's also XCO... 

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I have ridden with a few Epic veterans (those amaboepens ouens) who have great legs and Vasbyt, just enough skill to get the tech stuff done. It is when they get tired that the reactions and instinctive reactions are a bit slow. Remember, these okes didn't grow up with xco racing and there skill level is slowly getting better as the Epic gets more demanding. Not a lot of guys go for skills coaching.


But it could be anything, sometimes she!te happens. Burry fell due to a branch in the spokes. And he had skills for days. Even the pros crash. That's part of Epic.

I fell twice when riding epic, one was while showing off for a camera man on a river crossing that was deeper than expected, the other was on a straight gravel road while taking off my sunglasses. Fortunately the only damage was wet gear and considerable ego deflation on both occasions.

100%. I was merely suggesting the reasons that they would have gone OTB on a jump. 


But then I haven't done an epic or any other multi day event, so I'm "not qualified to comment"



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