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Its illegal to ride against the flow of traffic with a bicycle

I am aware of that.  Not sure if anybody would bother to stop and fine me!?

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My 87 year old uncle cycles around Struisbaai with a meter long wooden dowel with a red flag on the end sticking out from his handle bar. Cars have to give him a meter gap.

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I am aware of that. Not sure if anybody would bother to stop and fine me!?

So is this one of those cases where the individual decides which laws applies to him/her...?!

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My 87 year old uncle cycles around Struisbaai with a meter long wooden dowel with a red flag on the end sticking out from his handle bar. Cars have to give him a meter gap.

Have any cars ever clipped the flag? It's a damn good idea to show motorists how much 1M actually is. He is onto a campaign idea there!

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So is this one of those cases where the individual decides which laws applies to him/her...?!

Maybe yes, but I see it safety first.

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So is this one of those cases where the individual decides which laws applies to him/her...?!

You have just about summarized every single South African I know....


We break the rules we don't like, with some sort of justification: " Yes I keep some things from SARS, but have you seen what Julius owes the taxman"


And we jump to condemn anyone who dares break the smallest little rule: "Have you seen the oke riding in B-batch with a C-batch number on his back, the audacity!"

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I also cycle against the flow of traffic where it is possible and safe to do so and only if there is an emergency lane or an off road path,makes me feel a lot more comfortable being able to see oncoming vehicles.

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I also cycle against the flow of traffic where it is possible and safe to do so and only if there is an emergency lane or an off road path,makes me feel a lot more comfortable being able to see oncoming vehicles.

i hope your life insurer does not monitor your online activity.  #extremestupidity

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There is a short section of road (200 - 300m) just before my suburb where sometimes its safer to ride against the flow of traffic than crossing 4 lanes of traffic twice.

But it is scary as hell. You dont realise just how close cars drive next to you until you see them coming head on.

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I also cycle against the flow of traffic where it is possible and safe to do so and only if there is an emergency lane or an off road path,makes me feel a lot more comfortable being able to see oncoming vehicles.

I am shocked to see how many idiots there are on the hub. Pray tell what happens when a cyclist obeying the law comes the other direction? Do you just bunny hop over them?

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Maybe yes, but I see it safety first.


Most of the cycling laws are there to protect you...


What happens when you need to turn left and no one is checking for you to come across traffic because no one should be coming across in that direction?

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My 87 year old uncle cycles around Struisbaai with a meter long wooden dowel with a red flag on the end sticking out from his handle bar. Cars have to give him a meter gap.

Did this once on a trip to Cape Town for a charity.  Had to ride with a flag so I put it sideways on my rack using elastic bands.  Did not want it fixed!  Needless to say, I was given a wide berth but the darn thing made me peddle downhill.
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I wonder what needs to happen for this thread to disappear  :offtopic:  :clap:  :clap:  Come on it is Friday

Well earlier I asked someone for topless pics of the chick in his profile picture and someone took offence and the post got deleted. So I guess we have to offend someone by making a joke.

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