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Should Doping cheats be banned for life?


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Bring back the death penalty . I am not even a bloody roadie but come this time of the year my nick gets changed from dirt to druggie !

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Short answer: YES!




But, this is only if they are proven guilty. I am sick of hearing 'His A sample had something, but we are waiting for his B sample...' It should be released when they have an answer, Guilty or not.




And as for this guilty until proven innocent rubbish, it is pathetic! One bored journalist can make some stupic statement and mess up an athletes life... even if there is no truth in it.




I was watching Sky just now and they were chatting about the Dwayne Chambers story. Basically a 100m sprinter who confessed to using drugs. Now they are in the high court because he wants to lift the life-time ban so he can go to Beijing. Im sorry, but WTF? He confesses to cheating, and he is being entertained because he is britains best hope for a medal in the sprints.




If you break the LAW in sport, you are a cheat. You should be banned, not only from your sport, but from sport in general for LIFE. No grey area, no special treatment of one athlete over another... LIFETIME BAN! Find another area for business.




Lastly though, we can't lose interest in a race or sport that has a few (ok, quite a few now) bad apples who are willing to cheat. I know someone personally riding the tour now, and to give up on the guy who are clean (and there are some) would be really unfair.

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or' date=' un-ban everything. let them kill themselves. [/quote']


NOW THAT would be a interesting tour to watch


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or' date=' un-ban everything. let them kill themselves. [/quote']




That might be the way forward smiley18.gif




Yes ban them for life smiley7.gif smiley7.gif smiley7.gif

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I would go for a much worse penalty, make them ride Campy and pay for it themselfs, for life!!!


I can already see where this is going.


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Nope, don't Ban them


Send them to jail for 5 - 10 years



They are stealing our Enjoyment of a sport that we love

They are stealing the Credibility of our beautiful sport

They are ruining the lives of many a young cyclist who thinks that the only way to perform at the level, is to dope.


JAIL the F$#%Kers!!!!!

Then you'll see doping stop (well mostly)
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Yes' date=' they should recieve a lifetime ban?


No they should be given a 2 year ban and allowed to race again?








Keep it simple..... yes OR no



Nooooo !!!Angry Dammit

They should be banned from LIFE not FOR life



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YES' date=' and sentenced to a term in jail.[/quote']


for fraud? or using unscheduled substances? are the products they use illegal in terms of general legislation (as in: not just in sport)?


can't jail them, to jail would be because they are peddling drugs that cause harm to iothers and yourself, in the view that you can kill someone while driving around high on coke, or cause sexual offences ... only sexual offence they cause with EPO is sustained endurance burn ... hehehehe


Duenas is facing jail.  Five years of it.


Two years for being in possession of performance enhancing drugs.


Three years for smuggling pharmaceutical drugs into France.


And a couple of fines, being sued by ASO for dragging their name through the mud, and being sued by Barloworld.


Welcome to France.  Don't dope.



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YES' date=' and sentenced to a term in jail.[/quote']


for fraud? or using unscheduled substances? are the products they use illegal in terms of general legislation (as in: not just in sport)?


can't jail them, to jail would be because they are peddling drugs that cause harm to iothers and yourself, in the view that you can kill someone while driving around high on coke, or cause sexual offences ... only sexual offence they cause with EPO is sustained endurance burn ... hehehehe


Duenas is facing jail.  Five years of it.


Two years for being in possession of performance enhancing drugs.


Three years for smuggling pharmaceutical drugs into France.


And a couple of fines, being sued by ASO for dragging their name through the mud, and being sued by Barloworld.


Welcome to France.  Don't dope.



How many years for the plants?


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Just kidding. Send them to jail and give them a lifetime ban from the sport. I believe everybody deserves a second chance at life, but they sure as hell don't deserve a second chance at a professional cycling career. Other riders might see what happens and then not make the same mistakes themselves. Phen2008-07-18 02:08:32

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