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Know What Is In Your Medicine!!!!


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Hi guys, it is vitally important to be aware of what is included in your cold/flu/whatever medicines that you need to take!!! It is an important lesson that I have just learnt about the hard way.

I am not a Professional Rider, I have a normal 9-5 Job and then still try and train enough to keep up in the Elite bunch, so paying attention to what?s on the label or in the flu mixture medicine bottle has never been really important to me. Visiting a Doctor for some flu symptoms, I was prescribed some flu medicine and antibiotics, taking it under instruction and not thinking anything further about it. Well as you can guess where this is going, I received notification from CSA that I had a trace of Ephedrine in a Dope Test at the end of last year. A visit back to my doctor confirmed that some of the medicine contained Ephedrine in the makeup. I presented CSA with the evidence and letter of confirmation of the prescribed medicine from my Doctor. Ignorance is not an excuse or mitigating defence though, and as such, I have to serve a six month suspension from racing, which is the lightest penalty that they can impose. I am obviously disappointed that by not paying attention to such a small detail have cost me and the people that support me this unnecessary stress and aggravation, as well as the ability to race for six months. But it will also teach me to take responsibility for making sure that I am aware of what I am getting from the Doctor. Some people will obviously have their own opinion, and obtuse remarks, as they always do on the Hub, and I really don?t care about them or what they would have to say. I am posting this on the Hub because I have nothing to hide and that you?ve heard it from me first. Also so that other people can see that ignorance is no excuse, and to reiterate the bitter lesson that I have now learnt? Know What Is In Your Medicine!!!!

Eben van Wyk

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6 months off the bike and a lifetime of snide 'doper' remarks to come.  Tough punishment for a prescribed drug, but unfortunately it has to happen in these times.  Disappointing indeed (edit: that it happened, not that he got punsihed!)

Willehond2009-01-16 07:58:01
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pro-funrider, we all sympathise with your problem.  However, why were you racing when you had a cold/flu?  This is not the wisest thing to do.  Even if the doc had prescribed a non-doping drugs, you should have let your body rest and recover, rather than smashing it in a race.  You not a pro so you can say no to a race.


See this as being an example and warning to others that race in the licenced cat without realising the life altering implications of the "licence".


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wierd... thats the same excuse Moises Duenas Nevado used last year...


Weirditisnot..... thats the commenest excuse of all.


Eben it's hard to expect people not to judge harshly

Welcome to feel like LA Club
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its strange that 2 riders were busted for ephedrine.. were you both using the same medicine?


Flu is  a very common ailment around that time of the year. I was just about OD'ing on vitamin C around the time of Bakwena to keep the snivels away.


Thanks for the post Eben, I think it has a very valid message.


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Shame all you bleeding hearts... Lets roll back the clock to those other doping threads where calls where made for prison sentences, lifetime bans and so on. Now it's a mate of yours and we must all keep quiet and pretend everything's wonderful, and they should not even get a ban. 

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Shame all you bleeding hearts... Lets roll back the clock to those other doping threads where calls where made for prison sentences' date=' lifetime bans and so on. Now it's a mate of yours and we must all keep quiet and pretend everything's wonderful, and they should not even get a ban. 



Would you like some cheese with that wine?


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Shame all you bleeding hearts... Lets roll back the clock to those other doping threads where calls where made for prison sentences' date=' lifetime bans and so on. Now it's a mate of yours and we must all keep quiet and pretend everything's wonderful, and they should not even get a ban.  [/quote']


no.  This should be a wake up call for all the guys that race "licenced" without realising that it is not a fun ride, but rather real sport.  To many guys are "licenced" for the sake of it, without realising that it also means reading the labels.  Naive, maybe.
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That is the reason why I take certain medicines. Don't take away the only joy I have in life.


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Shame all you bleeding hearts... Lets roll back the clock to those other doping threads where calls where made for prison sentences' date=' lifetime bans and so on. Now it's a mate of yours and we must all keep quiet and pretend everything's wonderful, and they should not even get a ban.  [/quote']


no.  This should be a wake up call for all the guys that race "licenced" without realising that it is not a fun ride, but rather real sport.  To many guys are "licenced" for the sake of it, without realising that it also means reading the labels.  Naive, maybe.


Ok. Plead ignorance. Fine. Who's signature is on the License? I feel bad for the guys. I don't know Eben, but I know George and he's a decent bloke. I feel bad for them cause they were caught. Don't come with some silly excuse pleading ignorance or some reason that you took some medicine. Take responsibility for your actions. Serve your time. Next time, don't get caught. Simple. Ask Lance for instructions on how not to get caught. Or not. But don't pretend when you are.

TNT12009-01-16 08:05:51

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Oh, and the rest of you who think doping is confined to one or two random idiots in the pro's overseas: Wakey wakey!

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