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Know What Is In Your Medicine!!!!


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I have gone and bought the entire Dischem supply of Sudafed, so if any Hubbers out there suffer from congestion(Wink), pm me and i'll hook you up. 

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TCS : Ek wil net vir julle almal s?, baie dankie vir alles wat julle vir my gedoen het en julle ondersteuning. Julle is n stunning groep mense, en moet nie dat hierdie klomp lossers op die hub julle afbreek nie. Carel: BAIE DANKIE!!! Jy is n goeie mens en vriend vir my en my verloofde. Ons sal jou en jou span altyd naby ons harte hou.?

Verder vir TCS, is ek baie jammer dat die zeff mense julle nou ook moet label met die name ens. Ek is baie jammer dat ek die fout begaan het en ja daar is vrek baie vrae ek weet. Maar ek hoef my aan geen een van die hubers te verduidlik nie daarom bly ek net stil laat hulle maar aan gaan met die smeer en beswader van ?my naam.?


Vir die res van julle, in gesluit ou Charlentjie. Ek sal my pak vat soos n man, ek sit nou vir 6 maande op my g@t. Maar glo vir my, ek gaan weer ry en beter as voorheen. Ek was nog altyd sterk op die fiets sonder eninge iets, maar met woede wat my aanmoedig gaan ek net nog beter ry. En Charlene kan WADA maar weer en weer laat kom vir die toetse, want ek maak nie twee keer dieselfde foute nie.

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ek sit nou vir 6 maande op my g@t. Maar glo vir my' date=' ek gaan weer ry en beter as voorheen. Ek was nog altyd sterk op die fiets sonder eninge iets, maar met woede wat my aanmoedig gaan ek net nog beter ry.




Please just don't get caught next time.


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to Pro-Funrider, gotta say: big up to you for at least having the balls to stand proud despite all the mudslinging. lesser people would have hidden away from the issue.

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Eben, this topic, started by you, is cloaked as a warning to fellow hubbers to check what is in their medicine.




But you have not told us what medicine you were prescribed. Share the name with us, please! Who knows how many other hubbers have the same muti in their cabinets? We must all throw it away forthwith!

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to Pro-Funrider' date=' gotta say: big up to you for at least having the balls to stand proud despite all the mudslinging. lesser people would have hidden away from the issue.[/quote']


I tend to agree with HR here.


Everyone makes mistakes, however the way one deals with those is the real measure of a man.


Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap


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A simple question to Pro-funrider:




Seeing that many a persons reputation is been tarnished by this event and only You been singled out at this point in time here on the hub even though another cyclist was caught as well I am requesting some answers from you to be honest and clear the air on the following issues:


Did you do this intentionally or not( Are you prepared to single out your source seeing that you were bust)




Was anyone from your club involved




Have you apologized to your fellow members and club management for bring them into disrepute as well




I asssume from your posting that "Charlene" busted you to WADA,why if she was your manager at the time.




Can you honestly say this was worth the effort? what have you achieved from this insanity?









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to Pro-Funrider' date=' gotta say: big up to you for at least having the balls to stand proud despite all the mudslinging. lesser?people would have hidden away from the issue.[/quote']I tend to agree with HR here. Everyone makes mistakes, however the way one deals with those is the real measure of a man. Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap




Hahaha, you guys have a fine sense of sarcasm smiley36.gif

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to Pro-Funrider' date=' gotta say: big up to you for at least having the balls to stand proud despite all the mudslinging. lesser people would have hidden away from the issue.[/quote']


I tend to agree with HR here.


Everyone makes mistakes, however the way one deals with those is the real measure of a man.


Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap


Battling with both of your comments..


It appears strongly that the very first post he made was a pack of lies, yet you now congratulate him on being a man amongst men.. I dont see an apology for the crap that he wrote first up..


Am I way of target/missing something here..?


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TCS : Ek wil net vir julle almal s?' date=' baie dankie vir alles wat julle vir my gedoen het en julle ondersteuning. Julle is n stunning groep mense, en moet nie dat hierdie klomp lossers op die hub julle afbreek nie. Carel: BAIE DANKIE!!! Jy is n goeie mens en vriend vir my en my verloofde. Ons sal jou en jou span altyd naby ons harte hou. 

Verder vir TCS, is ek baie jammer dat die zeff mense julle nou ook moet label met die name ens. Ek is baie jammer dat ek die fout begaan het en ja daar is vrek baie vrae ek weet. Maar ek hoef my aan geen een van die hubers te verduidlik nie daarom bly ek net stil laat hulle maar aan gaan met die smeer en beswader van  my naam. 


Vir die res van julle, in gesluit ou Charlentjie. Ek sal my pak vat soos n man, ek sit nou vir 6 maande op my g@t. Maar glo vir my, ek gaan weer ry en beter as voorheen. Ek was nog altyd sterk op die fiets sonder eninge iets, maar met woede wat my aanmoedig gaan ek net nog beter ry. En Charlene kan WADA maar weer en weer laat kom vir die toetse, want ek maak nie twee keer dieselfde foute nie.



Dis bietjie taai om te se die mense op die hub is zef en losers, jy het die reels verbreek. Wat het jy verwag, soentjies en drukkies?


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Wat 'n ontnugtering!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OuchConfusedDeadOuchShockedAngryAngryAngry

Friday evening......"het jy gehoor?"......and low and behold.....so close to home...you have rubbed shoulders with the dude in races....

NEVER thought this would happen IN MY OWN CLUB that I have helped built!!  I thought we did this for fun?????????ConfusedOuch



Not nice not having Internet at home......had a look every now and again to see what the Capies get up to but posting on GPRS is not nice......CryCry

Dudes....you need to get a life!!!!!  Go train....have a look at the mountain!  Spend some time with your families!!!  There is more out there that just the Hub and it's comments!!!!TongueWink



That said....you Capies are surely SPECIAL.  Not having HALF the info, you are willing to put your neck out and post away about sh*t you know nothing about.  ClapClapClap

80% of stuff is NOT told on the Hub.....It is a public forum, so why should ANYone??  It is NONE of your business! 

No one here is after the truth......NEVER......ask Holy.....it is sensation.....it is what drives the humans.......Sex, drugs and RocknRoll!!  Nice......Big%20smile


The country is in flames....cyclists are being attacked.....a woman raped every 30 seconds......people are killed on a daily base.....and what is MAIN news on the Report????.......  NAKED photies cause an upstir......NET NIE DIT NIE!!!!!!





To say the LEAST.....I AM PISSED OFF at Eben.AngryAngryAngryAngryAngry

He now falls in the box together with needles, dentists, laywers and Capies.


WHAT HE DID WAS SELFISH, irresponsible and stupid....but I am sure by now he knows this....

....If he thought of the people around him...his family....his club mates.....Carel in specific that has dedicated his time money (HART LONG EN TONG - to quote a good friend)....his friends.....he would not have taken that "cough mixture". 

PERIOD!!!  AngryAngry



You can see this two ways......and that is basically what this 50 pager is going to be about.......and you know what......EVERYONE, including his team mates, have their OWN opinion and rightly so.......the FACTS are not all presented on the Hub and thus all things said are personal opinions.


He doped, taking sh*t he knows is wrong.  This constitutes doping according to rules WE ALL HAVE TO FOLLOW

He made a mistake taking medicine he shouldn't have.  This constitutes doping according to rules WE ALL HAVE TO FOLLOW

No matter what.........IT IS DOPING!!!!!!  Rules we ALL as lisenced cyclist should follow.

That said.....Carel took a while to contact Eben DIRECTLY to tell him what is what and for THAT I have ENORMOUS respect.......Thank you Carel for taking it up personally even though you got flamed on a simple, ill informed public forum!!ClapClapClapClap


The rules are VERY SIMPLE.  Look if the medication is on the list......if it is....Don't take.....no rocket science there......


That said.....Eben....I am sorry my friend.....your story does not line up.......various facts and figures have been presented on this thread through dumb asses, wise asses and some very interesting, respected, well informed posts......the so called "evidence" are damming.....it squashes your story and makes you look like a lier.  Not good. 

Maybe post from your side the medication you took?  The dosage? 

Like old Grisham (Spelling) always say.....trust the science....it can't lie!  Wink.


I was there at the Bakwena, standing next to Babbelkous waiting for my ex team mate to come do the test....!

Not understanding why you would NOT report.  AngryOuchDead  Still amazes me....Angry

Me.....when I was called a while back, I ran to the WADA tent and made sure I was there ASAP!  They are the authority that checks you up.....thou shall not piss them off!!!  AngryLOLLOL


All said and done.

Eben has made a mistake.  A BIG ONE.

Either of the two ways mentioned above.

For that he will be and is being punished.  Both on a cycling level and I am sure on a more personal level.


The Hub has again showed it's true form of late of being a jungle.  Something I am NOT proud to be a part off.

The WHOLE club is now being slandered.....something only the Capies and in specific Colonel, Windbreaker and Fundacious can be proud off.  Your work boys!  Be proud!  ClapClap


As for myself.  I will NOT be associated with Dopers


Eben.  Bonn voyage!! 

You do not belong in TCS as we try our BEST to abide by the RULES. 

The rules set by Cycling authorities and rules set by God.  Both ways you have failed dismally! 


Good luck on your further ventures in life!  I trust that you would learn from this experience.





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Verder vir TCS' date=' is ek baie jammer dat die zeff mense julle nou ook moet label met die name ens. Ek is baie jammer dat ek die fout begaan het en ja daar is vrek baie vrae ek weet. Maar ek hoef my aan geen een van die hubers te verduidlik nie daarom bly ek net stil laat hulle maar aan gaan met die smeer en beswader van  my naam.




yup - you're innocent. us zeff hubbers are dragging your good name through the mud.


get a life


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Battling with both of your comments..


It appears strongly that the very first post he made was a pack of lies' date=' yet you now congratulate him on being a man amongst men.. I dont see an apology for the crap that he wrote first up..


Am I way of target/missing something here..?



In my case kinda half and half. Half sarcasm as Jules pointed out, however I also believe the last post from the man does deserve credit.


I must say the act that I think deserves the most credit is Charlene (who I assume, possibly incorrectly) is Babbelkous and who might have arranged the test while being the team manager. This was a very brave act.



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