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Brand Ambassadors who litter

Johan Bornman

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I also dont like it that there's a large no. of people wanting to enforce their standards of behavior on others.

It's not about standards' date=' it's about what is right and what is wrong!!

That is why our society has degraded to the state it is currently in, because people don't give a sh!t!!


Mine's a point of view, expressed reasonably & without swearing. 
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or was it a Raleigh? Confused


Now you're just talking kuk! I know I'd never buy a Raleigh! LOLTongue




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I also dont like it that there's a large no. of people wanting to enforce their standards of behavior on others.



It's not about standards' date=' it's about what is right and what is wrong!!


That is why our society has degraded to the state it is currently in, because people don't give a sh!t!!



Mine's a point of view, expressed reasonably & without swearing. 


Apologies JL, that should read sh*t damn!!!


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Just to keep this thread going - it's fascinating! <?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


To start - I'm not South African, but am working here, as I have lived and worked in various parts of the world.


I happen to be in contact with JB re wheels, and congratulated him (in private) rather than joining in here - but I can't stand it.


The way people throw litter around here is disgusting! It's not just the rich, it's not just the poor, it is everyone (I've seen people throw McDonalds boxes out of their windows while eating in the McD carpark - and posted them back for them - on the basis that I could only assume that they dropped them by accident!).  Sorry to insult you guys, but it would not happen in Europe or North <?: prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Americaon> because someone like JB would tell the offender every time.


How does change start? By small steps, and by example!


And in our sport/recreation, it's not just GU sachets - have you seen how many tubes are discarded during the 94.7!


We can't change the world (or South African attitudes overnight), but we can have a small influence!


That?s what JB did, and good on him!


We need more people who take a stand (it's not about the thoughtless dropping of a GU packet, it's a whole attitude, and we should set an example then maybe, just maybe, people will think twice. (or respect cyclists - now that's a concept!).
levett2009-04-07 01:49:50
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Is that Hairy dude serious or just having a laugh...


That has to be one of the most immature, pathetic posts I have ever seen. Hairy, grow up son! Either that or F off to Australia!

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Just to keep this thread going - it's fascinating! <?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


The way people throw litter around here is disgusting!

I agree 100%


dropped,thrown,fell out my backpocket. Make up your own mind, but there are a lot of people who have read this who will think twice about littering again now.


and that in itself is a good thing.


still waiting for the Whasp response (or have we had it?)
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Just to keep this thread going - it's fascinating!


The way people throw litter around here is disgusting!

I agree 100%


dropped' date='thrown,fell out my backpocket. Make up your own mind, but there are a lot of people who have read this who will think twice about littering again now.


and that in itself is a good thing.


still waiting for the Whasp response (or have we had it?)


I think it is unfair to blame Pornstar or Whasp as this was the action of a brand ambassador and not a direct employee. I am sure Pornstar will insist that these guys behave out there when representing Whasp in the future.


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jeepers... coming in a bit late on this thread.


I cant stand it.


Why do people think its OK to just throw these things on the ground? They disrespect everyone else by doing so.


I encourage everyone to get really stroppy about this and crap people out, I do already. The only way to change perception is to stand up against it.


Nice work taking a picture of the car.


Whasp - you are branding a jackasses car.


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For the hairy dude


If you are looking for a few rounds in the ring - I have a few cage fighting friends who will accommodate you.


All you need to do is ask.


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For the hairy dude


If you are looking for a few rounds in the ring - I have a few cage fighting friends who will accommodate you.


All you need to do is ask.

Don't waste your time Mudda............they have all left already, never to be seen again..............and to think they called OUR mate a coward! LOLLOLLOL
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