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New 2010 Pinarello Dogma


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money is what money is but a real set of racing legs on a not R150 000 bike that can reach an end of race white line first - priceless.

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They are made in Taiwan (not Japan?).  Toray is world's top manufacturer of Carbon (based on the site and some reviews) and Pinarello have exclusive use of this Carbon 60.1 (60 tons per square mm breaking power I think) - used for DOGMA....


I guess it all only lasts so long until the next things comes along but it seems Pinarello has been leading the way for a few years now (can not dispute the sucess of Prince) and have to say I think (my view!) DOGMA will receive the same honours as the Prince (bike of the year for 2 years running in Italy and USA - hats off)...


But' date=' most importantly for me (again my view) - I have never been so excited about a bike than with this one and I have had and still have a few (most top end brands).  Just feels and looks fantastic!


By the way, price is approx R52k for frameset locally but you can get most dealers down to R45k-ish - less than the $5500 excl VAT (payable when you collect it) and shipping on most web sites.  See: www.bikewear.co.za for prices but call them for better prices still.


As for Eddy Mercks - I thought he sold his business some time ago to some shoe company and Colnago frames are now made in the East as well (not that this is a bad thing - best Carbon in the world is made there - ask the US Defence Force).









I have to admit that the appeal of a Pinarello is fading pretty quickly reading this thread.


A frame costing R55K, that has only a 2yr warranty, and not anywhere near the lightest, near the stiffest nor the best made cannot justify the price. Sure they can trade off the name but at some level they surely should be delivering value to the customer,.....or maybe not.


Also some talk about it being made with the Toray 60HM carbon fibres means nothing at all really since a blend of different types of carbon is required to achieve results within a carbon structure.


Typically turbostratic carbon made from PAM orvides high yield strength but Mesophase pitch derived fibres are required for high Youngs modulus and fatigue life.

So I find it tough to fall for the claims of Pinarello that they use this zooty 60HM stuff exclusiviely. In reality they probably have a few fibres in the layup to make the claim whilst using cheaper fibres elsewhere.


The pinarello is a triumph of marketing.

In reality there are other companies that have taken carbon fibre production to the next steps with each new frame design.

These are companies like Giant, LOOK, Time, & Kinesis.


Giant are the kings at making a production frame of very high quality at a reasonable price, Look utilises different types of carbon where its needed whilst Time uses a superior mouding technique.


I'm pretty sure that there are others who are producing carbon fibre frames than are good on the value scale of labour vs design vs performance vs cost.

Pinarello's top offering just seem to smack  of marketing extortion. Nothing wrong with as long as you're aware that you're paying for the name and exclusivity of riding a bike thats expensive and not on that amongst the best.


I'd rate some R5k frame much higher than the Prince or Dogma


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I got one! Paid R45600! Luv it!


Read this:

Dogma 60.1 is the beginning of a new generation of frames that will revolutionize the concept of racing bicycles. Dogma 60.1 is the first completely asymmetric racing frame. The parts on the right side have different shapes and sections than the parts on the left. This is a true innovation in the cycling world and the point of no return for fans of extreme performance.

The frame was developed starting from the highly successful Prince, Best Racing Bike of the World (USA) for 2008 and 2009 and Bike of the Year in Italy for 2008 and 2009. The fork, the rear and the basic shapes are derived from this very fortunate frame but with the application of new, incredible technologies: the completely asymmetric design, the EPS Wrinkle Free System construction process and the material used ? the exclusive 60HM1K carbon by Torayca? with Nanoalloy? that prevents sudden breakage. Last but not least is the exclusive Diamond finish, the worthy topping to an extraordinary project called Dogma 60.1.
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Agree with Malachi.  Fantastic bike and I can honestly compare against other top-end bikes (I have owned various and still have them).  Find it hard to believe that some guys can bash the Prince and DOGMA after all the awards and accolades - I can appreciate that it is not for everyone but to compare it to a R5k frame is going a little far...


It cost a lot but I have not been so excited about a purchase (and enjoyed riding a bike so much) in a very long time and that I guess is all that counts from my point of view.


Good price Malachi - where did you get it?


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Lets face it, if you're going to spend nearly R50k on a frame, you're nt really going to allow buyers remorse to creep in are you... ;0


There are so many excellent frames on the market now that are available to you the man in the street through alternative supply chains that  a $800 PedalFOrce can be favourably compared to a $4500 Pinarello Prince.

In fact in 2006 a Pedal force pipped a Pinarello to bike of the year.


At $800-00 its lighter, has a better warranty, also excellent ride quality, terrific handling (I've slung my bum over one) and is made of a mix of carbon fibres including T800 Toray which is a 50HM fibre.

Sure the Pinarello is 60HM but how much is actually in there and that 2yr warranty.


I won't knock your choice nor your perception thats its a good bike (thereare few bad bikes these days) but it is by no means the best, nor anywhere near that as that is very subjective.


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Blue Max, you have a killer bike dude. Enjoy it, and be proud riding it.

I always find that no matter what you ride/drive/own there will always be someone who will contest your choice. pay them no mind, and enjoy the ride, coz you have both earned it and paid for it. Nothing more to be said.


I'm making a slight adaptation to Ernesto Colnago's favourite statement... "The best bike in the world is the one that YOU are riding"
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Thanks GreyOwl!  I am enjoying the bike and that was the point I was trying to make.  I agree that their are fantastic bikes on the market just convinced that this is one of them....


I like your statement and agree 100%


Have a good one!!


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Smilewhat do the pro riders from team Sky think:



(from twitter)


Christie2010-01-09 10:13:35
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Smilewhat do the pro riders from team Sky think:



(from twitter)


U-oh, sounds like their is a special "team" version of the Pinarello in the pipeline.  Better get your wallets ready for yet another upgrade boys!
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Does R70k sound expensive for a Prince with super record, bora ultras etc?


If not go and have a look at Westdene cycles!


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