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Posts posted by SoloCyclist

  1. 11 minutes ago, MORNE said:

    i'm sticking to my guns. it will be cold and overcast and most probably wet on sunday. if that system come early...it wil be dry but with 60kph gusts instead haha. choose your poison

    I use the Ventusky website and so far they have been quite accurate, but yeah it changes all the time

  2. 58 minutes ago, DieselnDust said:



    it depends by ideally yo want to have an index lower 25 to be in a group capable of sub threeing

    My wife and myself would just like to start earlier

    Her index went from 141 to 80 and mine went from 151 to 73 my goal is sub 4

    So we still got tons of work to get anywhere close to 25......LOL

  3. 2 minutes ago, HenryS said:

    There's no simple answer to that. It all depends on the seedings of all the other entrants. Very basically, they take everyone in order of seeding from best to worst and then divide them into x number of equally sized groups. The more people that enter that have a better seeding than you, the further back you will start.

    AHH that's my answer.....Thanks

    I always thought to be in a certain group you had to seed in a certain range to qualify for that group

  4. 16 minutes ago, Shebeen said:


    are you going to be a wheelsucker in the group that goes into the redzone up NMB and edinburgh drive to stay with the quick guys, you're able to hang on in the bunch all the way to miller's point, but now can't hang up smitswinkel and you'll be surfing wheels all the way to noordhoek. then chappies and suikerbossie are all up to you, and you follow whatever you can from the llandudno to the finishline


    but if you really want to know, then go look at the results from 2020. was a decent year weather wise, weather plays a huge part in the amount of people who go under 180minutes

    http://results.racetec.co.za/results_by_event.aspx?RID=2020&EN=2020 Cape Town Cycle Tour (109km)




    Thanks for the reply but it doesn't answer my question as it shows results

    Prior to the race you get allocated a group based on your seeding, what seed puts you in what group ? I'm not too clued up on all these things

  5. Does anyone have a table that roughly indicates what group you could possibly start in based on your seeding ?

    Or let me ask this in another way, what seeding would you need to be to get into groups 3 / 4 / 5 etc ?

    The best part about this years cycle tour was the low entry numbers, what a pleasant ride all the way with no "traffic"

  6. imo if you can manage a 50km ride without dying you'll manage the ctct. the raceday vibe makes the diustance alot better. thats what i built my wife up to every time lol. in anycase...it's basically flat all the way to simonstown...and then theres only like 3 small hills in the way :-)

    PPA 110km seeding events are absolute dogcrap. they feel like 500km to me for the reasons stated above lol

    Basically flat .... you ignored Edinburgh drive ....
  7. I might be wrong, but i heard that if you do an eft, phone the bank, tell them you mistakenly paid into a wrong account, the bank refunds you in 24 hours, maybe this is what he did?


    If i saw funds reflect, i will transfer the amount into one of my other accounts, but then again, not sure if the bank will then request it back if they refund client, it is truly a stuff up, strongs..

    Not possible
  8. In respect to JBK it was done as an immediate ABSA eft was provided with the proof of payment.The following morning I contacted ABSA fraud division and got told the Transation Number I gave them is a fraudulent number as nothing reflects and an immediate payment to my bank should have reflected within an hour.

    But that means the money never really reflected as available in your account


    You only release goods once its available


    Sorry for your loss

  9. I wish I had a dad like yours. Cherish the oke. Mine departed this earth 20years ago in December :(


    Sorry to hear about the S189. It's happening everywhere. Crossfingers that you're unaffected.

    We'll likely go through a restructure soon but we've had zero% increase for 2 years now and a dent to the salary with this pandemic decimating volumes.

    well at least we have the mountain

    I've been through 3 retrenchments here at work and survived all 3 thank goodness. No increases or bonus payments in 3 years.


    Its not good but hey I'm still employed


    Wish I could cycle to work and remove a vehicle but my route to work is extremely dangerous

  10. Thought ill be nice and buy a ppa membership since i want to do some of their other events too.....and to enter ctct early...but the website still says i’m a pleb so ill have to wait anyway...

    Reminded myself again why memberships are useless lol

    Their other events have got some scary entry fees


    I'm wondering if joining ppa was worth it

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