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Everything posted by Rushdee

  1. ..*cough* depending on my family's needs of course *cough*.
  2. another: http://www.bikeradar.com/mtb/gear/category/components/disc-brake-systems/product/shimano-m675-slx-mountain-bike-disc-brakes-50370/
  3. http://www.mbr.co.uk/reviews/products/shimano-slx-review-2013 ...and this was published back in 2013.
  4. Sweet ride. For photo shoots the (unwritten) rule is to always drop the dropper . Giant dropper still works fine with all that wear? Mine's almost there too.
  5. As far as I know most electric fences are configured to trigger the alarm/siren when tampered with. Even when the alarm system is not activated.
  6. Thx. "Winded. Dazed". Spot on. By no means a fall at speed. That pace was very relaxed/slow imo. A slow fall is one thing. A slow fall onto rocks like this is another. Lesson learnt is that riding a familiar/easy trail does not mean that you're less at risk than riding an unfamiliar trail. Funny thing is that prior to the fall, knee pads were promptly removed for the sake of cooler body temperature. Prior to the ride, helmet chin guard was left at home coz I can ride these trails with my eyes closed you see. Insert face-palm emoticon here..
  7. Started 2018 with a bang. Literally. Usual backyard ride that I hit weekly and that I am able to do with my eyes closed (almost), didn't go too well this morning. Weekly routine: Pedal from door to Rhodes Memorial side of Table Mountain. Proceed with the short but punchy climb (with some hike-a-bike) to the top of a trail segment tagged on Strava as "The Single Track". Pause. Catch breath. Hydrate. Turn around. Enjoy the fast descent back to Rhodes Memorial lower parking area. Cruise home. Total of 15km with about 400m elevation gain. Considered a short ride by most, but I find that its a steep climb (https://www.strava.com/activities/1335125783) so the work out is solid and most importantly, the descent is fun and practically in my backyard. Didn't quite get down safely this morning. Watch each clip till the end. First clip is a trail segment known/tagged as "The Single Track" on Strava. My favourite segment this side of Table Mountain (39 second PR). Rest of the descent is made up of pretty basic jeep and single track. Nothing serious. No jumps, drop-offs or anything of the sort. Not even good berms to rail. The descent is nice and fast though due to the steep'ish gradient. Just be cautious and courteous to hikers. After all, the trails are shared. This morning the trails were rather quiet so I was able to have some fun. Well. Sort of. Warning: last video contains some expletives . https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNPBg5Fcx79p6Oshv0umxndICKA8xozWr
  8. eyeing this tiny gem of a light for some time now. Cant bring myself to throw R350 at it though . Any chance? https://www.cwcycles.co.za/product/topeak-tail-lux
  9. Haha. Give that man a Bells . Thanks Hellocolour. Speaking of toys, here's another: Leatt DBX 3.0 Enduro convertible helmet for sale.. https://www.bikehub.co.za/index.php?app=hubmarket&module=core&do=view_item&item_id=279509&new=1
  10. Myles. Thanks for a sweet write up. It’s given me the perspective to know that I would really like to do the event next year, with a goal of finishing. Nothing more. That’s if I can find sufficient time to train, find things for my kids to do while I’m out training, reduce the time spent at the office and reduce the stress that accompanies it, etc. Basically, I’ll be good to enter the event if all the stars in the galaxy align. Eish. Is that so much to ask? lol. Again, nice write up bud. Really enjoyed it. Lekker.
  11. cctv cameras captured registration plates of Avanza?
  12. Bummer. Your frame had a hidden GPS tracker? Tracker didn't work.. or?
  13. ..or with a police case number you should be able to get the mobile service provider to locate the mobile phone?
  14. Bike stores usually note the customer's mobile number whenever a bike is left at a store? Doubt that the 'customer' changed his/her mobile number after collecting the bike. Use 3rd party software/app to locate the mobile phone?
  15. Interesting. The little red cap only or the lever + cap bundle?
  16. Anyone ever lose one of these on a trail? Mine popped off on a trail the other day, followed by the entire lever. Had I not heard the sound of an aluminium part (lever) bouncing on rocks behind me, I wouldn't have been the wiser. Found the lever. Couldn't find the little red retention cap and integrated spring. Now the lever can't be secured and it lives in my backpack instead of on the axle, meaning that there's a greater chance of the lever being misplaced and hence no easy way to remove the wheel. Cant seem to find the part on Google. Could use a tiny screw and MacGyver something but I'd prefer to get the part because of the spring action. Are there any local DT Swiss suppliers perhaps..
  17. weekend shenanigans: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mSbxvCM-3k&feature=youtu.be
  18. So the event was not only about the movie. It was about the great venue, food, prize giving, good weather and of course, the social. Nice one and thanks to the organizers for putting it all together. Regarding the movie content, is it just me or could I have spent an hour or two on youtube and found slightly better MTB-related short film content? *cough* at almost no cost *cough*.
  19. Custom built using some parts of my previous ride. Frame and fork wrapped in matte black vinyl. Just waiting on chain guide to clear customs.
  20. Thanks for all the offers folks. Sorted for now thanks to Patchelicious and T-Bag68. On the look out for the rider. T-Bag68. Thank heavens that alias doesn't end with '69'..
  21. Thanks for the responses. Will post an update here if/when I make some progress. If I see the rider before I have the helmets I'll see if I can stop him and exchange phone numbers so that it will be easier to find him when the helmets are ready. Simultaneously stopping a car and a bicycle in busy peak hour traffic is tricky you say? Challenge.. accepted.
  22. Awesome thanks. Will drop you a PM with contact info.
  23. Starting to see this dad and son more frequently on my morning school run/drop-off. The child carrier, backpack in hand and daily routine most likely means that this dad is taking his son to school too. This morning I witnessed him dodge a car that approached a bit too fast from a side road. My heart skipped a beat. We won't know if he can't afford helmets or if he thinks that somehow he will get by on a wing and a prayer. Probably the latter. If anyone can get a spare adult and kiddies helmet to me, preferably sooner than later, I will keep it in my car and hand it to him as soon as I see him dodging cars again. I live in Claremont and work in Cape Town CBD. And yes I am aware that using a cell phone while driving is an offense and that taking a pic while driving probably put the father and son at risk too however my speed indicates that I slowed down a lot to take the pic, I also ensured that I did not impede or hinder other cars. So please don’t go off on a tangent about mobile phones and driving.. Cheers
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