Had a good start to the ride, happy reversal from the last few races this year.
The 3A seeding worked well. Minor speed differences on the ups and downs with the normal bikes, but easy enough to negotiate the traffic.
Missed @Me rida my bicycle and the trailers.
Past Ladies Mile I was on the left yellow line, spinning 123 r.p.m. doing some 60km/h.
Near oopsie near Muizenberg with the dog ... dropped my shoulders and pedalled away from the sound of freehubs behind me as got passed the dog.
Simonstown my bike did not feel right going through the bends ... loose wheel ? Cant be, I checked the bike properly .... Looking down I could see the rear tyre had lost some pressure, but was still okay on the straight sections. Having seen spectators with floor pumps I kept going and searching for somebody with a floor pump .... I did not want to loose time playing with the mini-pump .... I pulled in at the tech-point on Smitswinkel. The staff was EXCELLENT !! BIG thank you !! I used this opportunity to change the ebike battery (31 seconds) and the 2 GoPro batteries (almost 4 minutes). Nothing like a dose of adrenaline to PUSH you up the rest of Smitswinkel ! Turn from the sea, and halfway up the climb a gent with a MTB is on the side of the road with a broken chain. 12 minutes later we realised the sram electronic derailure took some sort of a knock with the chain coming off. I suggested he walk that 1km back to the tech zone .... he was a CTCT first timer.
I normally love that section after Smitswinkel ... nice time to spin up and enjoy the very slight downhill .... Not this time round .... Wind ? Or did I overcook the first bit ?
Past the coke truck I got my rythm back, and had fun on the decent to Scarborough. Just kept that pace through Misty Cliffs, and rocked the bike up the hill.
Okay, heavy traffic through the section leading to Noordhoek.
Recognised @BMCfan bib, and gave CHASE .... damn ... he can move on those narrow wheels. Had a chat, and then it was Chappies. Expecting heavy and slow traffic I was making up time where possible .... with less than expected traffic that meant I was red lining it by the time we got to the Oakley stand. I slowed down a bit and took some photos along the decent into Houtbay.
Time for my Seattle coffee. I stop, and ask the gent to start getting the coffee ready while I wait in line .... Lady with kids at the till. The boy asks about the race number ... "Yes, I am in the race, just a pitstop" ..... "But then you must make it QUICK !!" Some more fresh GoPro batteries while I wait the coffee.
Suikerbossie .... I can tell you this much ... doing a "resonable speed" (19km/h) up Suikerbossie on a 250W ebike pushes me into Zone 5 .... Stares of Amish riders from the left ... and then a gent on a Trek ebike sitting down and idling past me like I am looking for parking ... In that moment I had a glimpse into the emotions of amish riders ....
I kept on getting out the saddle and rocking it to get to the top. Still thinking I am on time to get to the Prominade at about 3:45, catch my breath, then finish in 3:51 ....
Past Llundudno I realised that broken chain had eroded my buffer more than expected. I was not getting my 3:51 this time round .... I dropped my shoulders and gave it my ALL !! Before Sea Point I was feeling dizzy, sat up, some gummy-berry juice, and GO !!!
Happy with my 3:54