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Everything posted by ShortLegs

  1. Congrats Burry, you do SA proud
  2. That helmet totally doesn't match with the kit, nor the bike p.s. totally wicked photo, the red from the barrier along with the sunset makes this a definite for Kernels wall of shame!! ShortLegs2009-08-27 00:50:32
  3. Argus is a long time away ladies and germs, chill out, look at the mountain........
  4. Or even a better one "Killarney" ShortLegs2009-08-26 00:30:37
  5. Keo Carbon Ti, the dogs danglies when it comes to pedals!!!
  6. From http://www.pedalpower.co.za/ SEEDING RUN: We have started to allocate seedings but will still be adjusting groups and group sizes for the next day or two. The seedings are therefore not finalised yet; we'll bring the seeding page back up again once done.
  7. One word, "Tabata"!!! Problem solved. Good luck.
  8. How many people on the hub cycle to work and back daily? Dunno but it should really be just about everyone the posts on here How far do you ride daily? 20km door to door, usually ride home via Melkbos in the evenings (41km) and on a training morning (tue-wed-thu) I go via Chappies (80km) How long does it take you? 35-40mins if I take the direct route (20km) and anything up to about 3 hours if I go do the scenic ride up Chappies. What do you when it rain? Mostly ride, there's a couple of day when I've woessed out but I ride most days, if the weather nasty I do the roadified MTB, otherwise the commute bike and when Killarney is going proper, I ride into work on my race bike and then ride Killarney on the wed evening. Do you shower at work? Virgin Active, good for one thing...... shower!! What are the views of the other people at work - you are mad? Referred to as Lance in the office, can't think why.... I've been commuting for the last 6 years and 4 of those where into central London in the UK. Get descent lights and warm clothing and a couple of caps that go over your ears and you can ride in just about anything mother nature throws your way
  9. Track will help your road massively and in the strangest ways i.e. climbing Speed diff from the minors to the majors will be huge at first, make sure you're on a 90/91' for the next TOT.
  10. Even better in person, good luck dude. Now you just need some legs/lungs to match the sweet bike
  11. I commuting from Parklands but our routes converge at Wood Bridge pops. I usually take the N1 route unless it's howling in which case I chance the rail-tracks/trucks through the harbor. I alternate duk/dun wiel depending on the forecast. And from Sept you can take a detour via Killarney on Wednesdays
  12. The couch and the coffee machine are on the way. Widescreen TV's to watch the TDF. Mike's (the toff) own Body Geometry bike fit room. Loads of specialz and even a few Giants
  13. New, bigger, better, more brands, best service, competitive prices!! Watch this space........ ShortLegs2009-07-03 00:50:46
  14. Cav is about as humble as LA, give or take I've seen Norman Lester take BOTH hands off the bars in the sprint in a devil race and make an opening, hell I've done it if some tw@ is shutting me down. Fact of the matter is that Bos' hands should have been on the bars, so he should be punished for that regardless. Daryl is healing and will be back winning. You all should build a bridge.....
  15. Nice, so when will Medscheme be getting theirs.....
  16. I guessing Ciolek (like Griepel) stopped being pally with Cav after the first couple of cans of whoop-a$$ were dealt. There too might come a time when Cav is consistently beaten by a team mate at which point you won't see any more friendly hugs-n-kisses after the finish line.
  17. Just fine since he switched to Milram
  18. Straight talking, straight shooting. Gotta luv the kid.
  19. Good response, will be good to see all of you on the track. I'll throw together a condensed program we can follow to help get everyone accustomed to riding on a fixed wheel firstly, up and down the track secondly and then a couple of harder efforts all wrapped between a leisurely warm up and cool down.
  20. Sweet ride WH. All the best on those nice flat cycle paths. Enjoy the sunshine while it shines
  21. Ha ha, bus vs bike. I'm 100% positive the bus is boss.
  22. Only another 15kg to get to your goal weight, well done, keep it up!!
  23. Looks like the Elites (guessing)....
  24. Transparency is key, nuf said. Since the selectors are questioned about their choices, at least this gives the riders on the list a boot up the posterior where required. Those not on the list also know that although they may have performed at one event, they still need to keep the results coming in to be considered for final selection.
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