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American Flyers

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Everything posted by American Flyers

  1. I feel Olympic Cycles can improve alot if they have service manager, stock manager, online manager, so that the staff can depend one managers to get shop going well... I can't wait for the shop to finish the renovation because it was pain to walk around the shop with no space to walk past.... I laughed a while back that I asked for KCNC stem and they did not have stock. They told me that it will take a week to order, but KCNC agent is about 5km from them...
  2. I have tried all different lubes and some attracts dusts, others make black, wax one can damage jockey wheels, if not cleans properly.... I have not found best one yet! I prefer the one that does not turn black and attract dusts... Not sure which one is?
  3. I did noticed that... It is a bit unfair because I could not afford to go to Qualifier and now some got wild card without doing qualifier........
  4. I wonder why did Mrs Stander not taking part of Tour of Free State and how will they know if she is peaking or not???
  5. Most 29er carbon frame weighs average 1250gram 29er Fox fork weighs 1800gram
  6. I am surprised because I always see Gary working in Cape Town Cyclelab shop...
  7. I hear that we must never use washing machine or dishwasher or put them in the sun to dry because it will cause the shoe to loose its shape.... Rather use soap, brush and luke warm water in bucket. Rinse well and leave it in dry area to dry it. I normally use newspaper to absorb the water and replace them often....
  8. Police always say they don't have enough staff to help you..... I think it is a waste of time to report to the police, but I will still report anyway because if something happened again, they will have to investigate.... Throw egg or wave in big smile, if he wants to put you off again......
  9. You do in rigid forks and I did in 2009 and mostly jeep track, no single track... Lots of climbing!!!
  10. I do have 2011 GT Zasker 29er Pro Aluminium frame (medium) selling for R2500. (good condition) If you are interested sms me 0826041191.
  11. I saw somewhere:- 13 May - Zeevenwacht 3 June - Hillcrest 15 July - Delvera 16 July - WP Champs You need to contact Arno 0723003660
  12. Dischem used to sell my favourite Cytomax gels and now they don't sell them anymore! Not sure why?
  13. I think it is stupid to leave expensive bikes on trailer overnites. I will rather put it next to my bed.... I know one woman who put her bike at the back of bakkie inside canopy on the morning of the Argus and she locked the canopy to have coffee and breakfast quickly. When she came back and the bike was gone. The thief managed to break open the canopy and she had to borrow bike to complete Argus.
  14. It is difficult to avoid/prevent because last year I was cycling on way home and all of sudden there were 5/6 guys walking towards to me. I had 2 options, cycle back quickly or jump off their path, but I did not have time to act. I was cycling fast and I prayed, luckily they let me thru...
  15. Any ideas of something to hold Wild Card on your bicycle??? It was pain to stop to take out card from back pocket and show the ranger in Tokai Forest. I had to make sure I put it back in the back pocket properly, otherwise I will loose it. I will be grateful if you can share ideas with me.
  16. Did you report to police within 24hrs? This will help alot with small claim court..
  17. I bought one (900 lum) from dealextreme for around R500 with customs and tax. They deliver for free, but it takes 5 weeks to arrive. I never had problems with them. I also bought nintento DTS for my daughter for less than half price...
  18. It looks like sidewall stretch. It is better to replace, if you want safe ride...
  19. Which tyres do David and Evans use? And also Burry Stander ?
  20. I understand why lots of guys DNF Epic because most of them are not real MTB riders and they have too much money to throw. They think they can buy Epic medal and not prepare well. I noticed that they only start cycling one year ago with no technicals or experiences.. That is crazy! I feel you have to ride at least 2/3 years before doing Epic...
  21. It is difficult to say, for me it is most important if you break the frame tomorrow, who will replace sooner? Any contacts available? I hate to wait for months for frame replacement !!!!
  22. The more water you use, the more you must pay for sewerage.... I work with wastewater treatment works and lots of wastewater treatment plants in SA could not cope with the flow. The governement or municipality did not put enough money to improve the plants in past 10years, so they have to find extra money to improve the plants, otherwise they leak to the rivers. You will not believe it.....
  23. They always say, Use 4 fingers as width between top of handlebar and top of saddle. I suggest that you go for bike setup and get a copy of your setup and keep it as record...
  24. They put Sub-Vet and Juniors with Elites and pros......as part of Category 1
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