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Longbarn Killer

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Everything posted by Longbarn Killer

  1. Depends on which versions you are looking at and what specs they have. All things being equal, I'd choose the one that looks the best to you. You won't go wrong with either of them.
  2. Cannondale has stuck to their design for too long now. A revised shape for the Supersix is a refreshing change. And the best of all, there are no mountain bike brakes on it.
  3. It's all part of the game. People buy off the Hub to get a bargain. If it's not a bargain, they will walk into a shop and buy it. So expect low offers on anything you sell.
  4. Bringing 12 speed to the masses? Even Chorus pricing brings tears to the eyes of the more affluent. If they really want to bring 12 speed to the masses, make Centaur 12 speed.
  5. Potenza as in Campagnolo Potenza groupset?
  6. Both my wife and I have the musical ability of a stone, but for some reason, both my kids have a natural ability for music. They both play multiple instruments. I agree, it is good for them to play, but just remember, your house will never be the same. The house next door has had three owners in the last two years. I'm sure they left because of the noise. My daughter (17) practices non stop. My son (10) has to get in on the action whenever she practices. He now has a trumpet.
  7. That was a pretty awesome project. You were lucky to get such a good quality groupset, of that age, in that condition.
  8. Love the M10, right up there with the best looking bikes ever made. The only bike that comes close is the Colnago Concept
  9. We are talking about Hunting, the gratuitous killing of animals. Every animal species needs to eat, even humans, so something has to die for us to eat. At least the cows and sheep are killed humanely. Shooting an animal for sport is not humane. Very little hunts take place for the purpose of eating. They take place for sport or gees or whatever you want to call it. The food part is just a by product of their fun weekend away.
  10. I disagree I'm not quite sure what is meant or defined as a soul. I have a dog. When I get home from work, she goes crazy when seeing me.......that is the emotion of happiness When I get her lead to go for a walk. She jumps up and down and tail goes wild.......that is the emotion of excitment. When I switch on the vacuum cleaner, she runs out of the house with her tail between her legs.........that is the emotion of fear (still don't know why she is scared of it). If animals have emotions, they must have something that can be called a soul or whatever is defined as a soul. Whether they have a soul or not, the fact that they experience emotions tells me they are more intelligent than we think.
  11. I cannot understand the thrill or enjoyment of inflicting pain on another living creature. Those last few minutes of that animal's life is one of extreme pain and suffering and fear. Why do that to a living creature. None of those guys with their guns would want it to happen to them, so why do that to something else.
  12. There are many managers at SARS like this.
  13. Looking at the cost of Invisiframe, it might be cheaper to have your bike resprayed again when it gets scratched.
  14. Turn back the clock 20 odd years, back to Gotty Hansen's days. How did they survive back then? There was no Lotto funding and no extortion charges a.k.a license fees for the fun riders. Maybe just sound management principles
  15. Not true. I'm in the tax industry and we have been receiving some big refunds for our clients. The delays are usually due to incompetence of their staff or system errors which seems to occur daily. You should see the crap that we see. I'm also ex-SARS and all I can say is that they are in a shambles.
  16. This is not the first time they have won something like this. They truly are something special
  17. The newer models didn't have the gear lever on the top tube. For safety reasons the later models had shifters on the handle bars. This is definitely an older model.
  18. Isn't the main reason for punishing dopers to discourage other people from doing it?
  19. For how long should a person be punished? These guys were caught, they have been punished, they have served their sentence. You cannot keep on ostracising them for past mistakes. Take Owen Hannie as an example. He was bust in 2000. That is 16 years ago. Now people are opening up old wounds. He has done more for cycling since then than most Hubbers put together. Those of you that are intent on boycotting events that allow "rehabilitated dopers" to compete, put your money where your mouth is and cancel your Supersport subscription. If you are prepared to boycott events that allow ex-dopers, then boycott Supersport for employing ex-dopers.
  20. That's what I call a dedicated cyclist. Your bike has it's very own guard dog. Nice bike, by the way and a cool looking dog too.
  21. I watched some of the Engen Cycle in the City events on TV and what I saw was poor participation. With the exception of Elite and under 23 men, most starting grids were pretty dismal. Hope this doesn't happen here.
  22. Check the Miway thread and tell me if you still want to be insured with them.
  23. Get yourself a 29ER from the beginning. The bigger the wheels, the more stable and easier to ride. Simple physics. You will not get a 26er new (at least not a decent one), they are almost extinct. I agree with the first bike shop. Get something new. Mtbs are usually hammered and are often a wreck, although you do get lucky with a good one now and again. A new bike will have a warranty and will give you peace of mind. With some hunting you will pick up a bike that will handle the trails for R5000, otherwise if you can stretch your budget to R7000 or so, you will get something more capable.
  24. A bit of dejevou for Jay Thompson. He road for Dimension Data when they were the junior team to Microsoft all those years ago.
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