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Longbarn Killer

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Everything posted by Longbarn Killer

  1. Against my advice, a friend bought a similar bike at Game. The wheels were always out of true, the gears never worked properly, his deraileur broke after 2 weeks. If you are simply planning to ride around the neighbourhood, I would say fine. Anything more than that, I wouldn't recommend it. If you are on a tight budget, then rather get an entry level hardtail. Those full suspension bikes weigh a ton and they bounce around and creak at every pivot point. You will be able to pick up a much better quality bike like an Axis or Avalanche second hand for about a R1 000. Also entry level, but certainly better than the one in the photo.
  2. There is nothing worse than enjoying your ride and some bloke hooks into your slipstream, rides a few cm away from your wheel and doesn't have the courtsey to greet or anounce his presence. If this guy was in the time trial position, there is a good chance he didn't notice you. What if he braked or swerved suddenly, not knowing you were behind him.
  3. Ryder..........it comes with a Lifetime Warranty. They were very highly rated by a bike mag recently. Mine started leaking air after 2 years. I didn't even have the slip and Omnico replaced it without any question.
  4. I read this somewhere 2 fat guys, wearing lycra, can talk to each other and no body thinks it is strange
  5. I can't view your video, but I understand what you are getting at. I took my 5 year old for a ride through Theescome (a suburb of PE) yesterday. It was about 10kms. We had a blast. It took us 2 hours. Our route came out behind the Kragga Kamma game farm and we got to see giraffe and 4 rhinos. We even stopped to chat to a giant Tortoise that was running along the road next to us. You are right, these little moments are best in the world. I just wish i could get my wife onto a bike too.
  6. There have been some bargains of late on the Hub. There was a guy selling a Silverback Space brand new for R6 000 here in PE. Have you tried Mark at Recycle Sports in Charlo? He has tons of stuff and is always helpfull. For R5 000 you will pick up a 2- 3 year old Scott, Raleigh Silverback, Giant etc.
  7. Raleigh is not the only brand to have cracked. Right here on the Hub, I have heard of Silverback, Specialized, Giant and even Cervelos that have cracked or broken.
  8. Some of these fakes are so close to the original. You cannot expect everybody to know every finer detail.
  9. Have no hard facts, but judging by the amount of Momsens on the trails and the shops, they must be SAs top selling bike. Victor (Theo) must be doing something right.
  10. I disagree............cast your mind back to when you started cycling. I bet you didn't have a clue what you were looking for. You saw a bike you wanted and you bought it. Unless you were told otherwise, you wouldn't have had a clue about weight limits, sag, rebound, top tube length etc, etc. You just bought it and expected it to work.
  11. If there is no weight limit mentioned on the bike or the wheels, then you can reasonably expect them to last. If the manufacturers don't specifiy a weight limit, you cannot expect the bike shop to turn a customer away or force him to buy something more expensive because of his weight. If the wheels cannot handle a 110kg rider, then they must state that on the wheel or the warranty booklet.
  12. This was before the CPA. The bikeshop just shrugged their shoulders and they told me to stop complaining. The warranty was honoured, the only problem was that the replacement wheel was different to the original that came with the bike. I ended up having two different colour wheels on the bike.
  13. I bought a Specialized............the wheel cracked, the warranty was honoured by Cool Heat (the Shimano importers). I wasn't happy with the wheel I got. I went directly to Specialized who told me that there was nothing they could do as they were only liable for the frame. I addressed this with the bike shop, who confirmed that this was correct and almost all brands worked in this way.
  14. That is how the cycling industry works. Momsen will only warranty the frame itself and will only be able to supply you with frames and other products they are the agents for. I'm willing to bet the wheels they offered you were Stans (because they are the importers of Stans). Stans are top notch, but damn expensive. Take the bike to the bike shop where you bought it. They should send the wheels in to the agent of the brand on your bike (probably Alex). Alex wheels are supplied on 90% of entry level bike and on many high end ones too. It's quite weird. When you buy a VW, all the parts will be supplied by VW. When you buy a bicycle, the parts are supplied from a number of different sources and the parts are warrantied by different suppliers too. It is not only Momsen that works like this, they all do. If you want another Alex wheel (I am assuming your bike has Alex), it will have to come from the importers of Alex. I have only heard good things about Momsen and their back up service. @Fanievb.....I doubt this bike will have ZTR Crest as he said it was an entry level bike.
  15. Thats why i say, give Lance his titles back. Sure he doped, but so did everybody else. He is being made the fall guy for everbody else's sins. If everybody was doping and he was too, we can safely say he beat them fair and square.
  16. Ride with tekkies and flat pedals and see what happens when your wet shoe slips off the pedal whilst climbing a hill out of the river.
  17. Us South Africans are pretty clever people. Afterall, we invented Boerewors.
  18. There is some issue on the brakes. They do work together, but you may find that you have use slightly more effort to get the same amount of braking power. Not sure of the technical terms, but the pivot (or is it fulcrum) on the 6700 shifters is different to the 6600 brakes. All other components are perfectly compatible.
  19. What would I give to be able to do that walk.
  20. I didn't pay too much attention to the MTBs, but Specialized Road range for 2013 was dog ugly. They have obviously made amends because these 2014 models are hot.
  21. This very same issue has been brought up many times from Avid owners. Either in threads dedicated to the problem or in other "general" threads. Avid seem to have very poor performance/quality based on other Hubber's experiences.
  22. So, if Paddy Fitsgerald moves from Ireland to SA and brings his Shimano equiped bike with him, he won't be able to have it fixed in SA because he bought it in Ireland. Doesn't sound right, surely, Shimano is Shimano and parts should available irrespective of where it was bought. The owner of Coolheat and his right hand man are both members of the Hub. Perhaps they could give comments on this and set the record straight.
  23. Interesting comment on the warranty story. Do bike warranties specifically exclude use on an indoor trainer? I have only every bought 1 new carbon bike and don't remember ever seeing that in the warranty terms and conditions.
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