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Longbarn Killer

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Everything posted by Longbarn Killer

  1. Solomons is advertising a full susp. Axis A30 or 40 for R6 999. You will not find anything better than that for that amount of money..........and it's red.
  2. Can I use normal insulation tape instead of proper rim tape? It's for a mtb wheel with normal tubes.
  3. My daughter migrated to an xs 26er at 11. If your girl can fit her brothers small, then an xs should be fine. You can always fiddle with stem length etc
  4. we were quoted R1 300 to post a braai dish to New Zealand with Postnet. The post office charged us R200 and it was there in 10 says.
  5. Irrespective of the manufacturers conditions of warranty, the law or CPA compels them to repair, replace or refund if they break within 6 months. You as the consumer has the right to choose which of the three options you want.
  6. You get Campag wheels with Shimano freebodys, but I've never heard of a Campag freebody for a Shimano wheel.
  7. If the bike is like new, then yes. But it's 12 years plus old. Campagnolo xenon 9 speed was discontinued years ago and spares could be a problem. Having said that it could take a few years before anything needs to be replaced
  8. Is it not time that somebody forces the bike industry to comply with the consumer protection act. From what I understand this act forces the seller to cover any incidental costs related to a warranty if the claim is within 6 months
  9. The Specialized website explains the difference. Personally I wouldn't pay the extra money for FACT 11. Unless your name is Alberto, you won't feel the difference.
  10. Bergamont is made by BMC and seems to be a "cheaper" alternative. BMC are right up there with the best in the world, so Bergamont should be pretty good too. Looking at the specs on that bike, you are getting a pretty decent bike for the price.
  11. He was shopping at Woolies..........if he can afford to shop there, he can afford a Scott.
  12. You will be better off getting a fake Scott Spark. The real ones break too easily.
  13. The warranty clerk of Raleigh told me that they destroy them with a hammer and throw them away.
  14. That is a tongue in cheek comment (before I get flamed)
  15. 1. No they are not made by Merida. They are imported by the same people who import Merida into SA. 2. The salesman knows bikes better than me, but if the choice was mine, I'd take the Momsen any day (although spec for spec, they are probably very similar). 3. yes they are. 4. Momsen and Silverback will have similar specced bikes for similar money. Check this thread.........it may help you decide between the Momsen and titan https://community.bikehub.co.za/topic/141179-titan-or-momsen/
  16. Stop asking questions on the hub............take to a Secialized dealer and ask how long it will take for a new frame to arrive. You said that it is 2012, so it must still be under warranty. Paint shouldn't just crack without some form of movement in that spot. If there is enough movement for the paint to crack, there will be enough for the carbon to crack too.
  17. There is nothing wrong with any of the parts. Nothing will annoy you.The bike will last you for years if you look after it properly. Rather buy a new bike. You have the peace of mind of a warranty, the shop will make sure it fits you perfectly and there is nothing better than bringing home a shiny stead with no scratches.
  18. You've heard about the complaints and are still considering one?
  19. They have been breaking left right and centre. The chain stays seem to be the problem. Do a search in the rant and rave section to see how many complaints there have been. There have been mixed reactions to the warranty process. There have been complaints of waiting 6 weeks or so for replacement parts and there have been people receiving their warranty replacements within a few days. There is even a letter in this month's Ride magazine regarding a broken Spark.
  20. It's a Bianchi, they normally carry a bit of a premium, as with the partson the bike. I would guess between R12 and R15 000, depending on condition
  21. You can't really Rave them until you have put in a claim.
  22. Is this a full suspension Titan or a hard tail? I didn't know that they made full suspensions.
  23. So you knowingly bought a fake and you paid R37k for the frame that you could've bought for R5 000 from that guy in East London. What reasonable person would knowingly buy a fake for that price when there are so many other, cheaper sources. Or why buy a fake for R37k when you could've got the real thing for that price. These guys at CS are really clutching at straws.
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