You should notice a consistent improvement in performance if you are training right and also RESTING right, Ive been training for the Hill2Hill 100km mtb. I like high mileage but little of it is at high speed. I have used cadence (power training)for 5 months to learn how to do interval and high intensity training correctly but my mileage has been about 30% less this year to last taking into account 2 x cadence sessions a week. my typical week is Monday rest Tuesday cadence, Wednesday easy ride, Thursday Cadence, Friday easy coffee ride, Saterday easy 3 to 4 hours off or on road with +/-700m of climbing, Sunday Easy to medium road or MTB race / ride 3 to 4 hours with +/- 900m climbing. Ive done 9 races as such this year, any other races/rides were as training rides at training pace and of the races they were between 45km and 75km distances with 6 being over 60 km races offroad and one 100km and one 66km onroad , my threshold improved hugely with the cadence training and my average race times have improved by 15 to 30% so the interval training certainly works my Hill2hill time last year 08h07 this year 06h08, I ride using a heart rate monitor and garmin cycling computer Im 55 your training is what you make of it and you will get out what you put in, work hard but wisely, identify your weaknesses and look to strengthen them as you train, don't neglect your body core training and you will be a happy rider, read Joe Friels book it is a great help and ask more experienced faster riders, you will be surprised how much help and guidance they will give you. Im doing berg n bush in a few weeks then easing off for a good rest followed by starting base work build up and have to improve my hill work particularly climbing ability for the next goal I set for myself. Im a middle to back of the pack rider who just enjoys getting out there. Look at the calendar - work out what and where and when you are wanting to race properly, you can only do a few full blown races a year and then build your training plan and riding plan around what you want to achieve. Proper planning will give you a huge amount of satisfaction as you are focused and properly trained for what you want to achieve, Identify your races ABC etc.. A are full blown races (targeted and trained for) B ride hard if you feeling good on the day - they help you show how your training is going) C ride as training rides or skip they are not essentials they are like to do's if you got time and opportunity - allow for family time. enjoy and have fun.