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Captain Fastbastard Mayhem

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Everything posted by Captain Fastbastard Mayhem

  1. The only time you should put generic photos in an ad is with the disclaimer "NOT ACTUAL PHOTOS OF THE XXXX, UPLOADING PICS SHORTLY" Otherwise, you're a con.
  2. https://www.facebook.com/myles.mayhew/videos/10163802251755133/ Teaching my lightie how to jump. Timing is everything, as he's learning. Also doing some flatland skills training, but ramping is the easiest first thing to learn and all kids wanna ramp $h1t.
  3. Drumpf thread. Only 14 pages vs 43, and a similar daily post count, I'd imagine
  4. Those ones in the netting bag thing? I was sure I'd remembered you having em, but wasn't sure if you still did.
  5. Dude. There is no logic. Not one Aggressor DD / DH being brought in. Not. One. We had to fight and fight and fight and now when the elim 275 be is finally here, I've got a blown turbo and mounting covid related bills (market is still down, so earnings are down) and I can't buy the feckers. But they're here, finally. I think they brought 6 or 12. ????????‍♂️ If the Ikon came in a DD casing it would be ON MY BIKE.
  6. 2.6 27.5 in black diamond. Landed a couple of weeks ago. Limited numbers because spaz SA doesn't believe in BD for 27.5 Elim. It took about a year of bickering before even a special order was considered.
  7. There are a few Elim 275 BD's laying around locally, after severe badgering from myself, Cuan and teh rest.
  8. Yup. I haven't been there for aeons but I remember it and the friendly service, the shop packed to the rafters with all sorts and the general family vibe. Much like Crown cycles, but more of a selection. It felt like I was navigating a maze, with something new around each corner. Not that it's a large shop, though.
  9. You don't want to start that, bro.... Enquire as verb: Originated from the Old French enquerre which means ‘to seek’, enquire is used in all the situations where inquire is utilized. In other words, enquire is another form of inquire. The traditional distinction between the verbs enquire and inquire is that enquire is to be used for general senses of ‘ask’, while inquire is reserved for uses meaning ‘make a formal investigation’. There is one qualification to this. Some Britons make the distinction that enquire and its derivatives apply to informal queries, and inquire and its derivatives to formal investigations. In practice, however, enquire, and the associated noun enquiry, are more common in British English while inquire (and the noun inquiry) are more common in American English, but otherwise there is little discernible distinction in the way the words are used.
  10. eh, maybe he's one of those people that likes a little beating...
  11. Yeah, one of my clients has it, as does one of my mates. It's terrible, and it's different for every person. I've been told that it feels like a bad bout of depression and as if you're exercising while you have the flu, or have been PROPERLY overtraining. Depression as in the effect it has on your psyche, because it's just so... insidious. With both of them, it just went away. But it took a long, long time. My mate missed out on a pro mtb contract because of it, but that was 10 plus years ago. Natural medicine IMO does not equal homeopathy, despite what "holistic" / "natural" / "naturopathic" doctors will tell you. Good luck, man. I've seen it, and it's a long road.
  12. why go to the website if you're not going to pay attention when it tells you to enquire about stock levels
  13. Correction. Natural works, but when natural works it's also called medicine. When natural doesn't work, or something is so diluted there's literally not even a single molecule of the original compound in the formula, it's called homeopathy.
  14. Phone them and ask. I'm sure they could arrange something for you.
  15. It was, but the soundtrack was horrendous. Almost every track felt out of place with the tone & context of the scenes they were attached to. I was into it and then all of a sudden the song would rip me out and I'd wonder exactly what sort of movie I was watching... A bloody nice shoot-em-up or another Step Up, High School Musical or Pitch Perfect movie.
  16. I'm gonna go PS5 when it releases, or at least when the first deals become available. It'll look lekker next to my XboneS.
  17. not really. If it is you can get an external monitor later on. The 144Hz monitors offer slightly smoother (noticeably) performance, but the video card is actually more important than the screen refresh rate. The 1660Ti will be more than good enough to hit great performance at 1080p.
  18. This time it's about the brake ducts, because Merc stopped supplying them with the ducting for this year, so they're apparently adapting old designs in or redesigning theirs now.
  19. Another excellent results for Norris!
  20. Meh. Hoped it was the older 200x57 version. Good luck dude.
  21. Here to save you. It's called a yoke. If you change it you can legit call yourself a yokel. @Tim I also have an Rs Kage coil shock with a 600lb spring in excellent condition, if you wanna buy the yoke and open up a world of aftermarket options later on.
  22. I have no choice in the matter, believe me. A soft dirt kith...
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