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Lone Rider

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Posts posted by Lone Rider

  1. I think the fantasy that Jaegermeister, beer, riding on public roads, skipping stop streets don't mix.


    Dude, justify it all you want, I'm sure it was an awesome day and rad to do, but posting a video of guys doing shots, riding bikes illegally and saying 'just getting drunk' a few times doesn't set a great example for those easily influenced.


    I'm sure you're an awesome dude with great intentions, but the video is painful.


    I watched the vlog (before I stumbled across this thread), and thoroughly enjoyed it.


    "Those easily influenced" should stay off of the internet, because there's a lot of worse content out there than cyclists intending to turn left, not stopping at a 4-way stop.


    Let's just agree that we don't all see the world the same way. If you find the vlog painful, then don't watch it...but don't deny those of us who are not as easily influenced, the opportunity to enjoy it.

  2. I disagree there. I hit start on my polar as I crossed the mat and hit stop as I crossed the mat. The difference in time between my result and Racetec result is a negligible


    Do yourself a favour, next time hit the start button on your polar when your group starts (not when you cross the start mat), and you'll be pleasantly surprised to find that there is NO difference in time between what you recorded and what Racetec reports!

  3. So, the substances supposedly used by Joe helped him recover quicker, and train harder...albeit with potentially detrimental side effects.


    Racing against a doper, forces me to push harder and as a result also get stronger....without endangering my health.


    I say we shouldn't condemn the dopers, but thank them instead!

  4. Question:  when people generally refer to their w/kg are they referring to the 3 or 20 min test?  I've only done the 3 min test.


    Your power to weight ratio (W/Kg) is calculated using your functional threshold power. To estimate your FTP do a 20 min all out effort, and subtract 5%, i.e. if you managed a 300W average over 20 min, your FTP would be 285W.

  5. I currently ride a 52 tri bike and 54 road bike - my question is how would that translate into their frame size as my top tube would be a 51.5 in their sizing.

    Don't ask me why, but most road bike frame manufacturers size their frames according to the seat tube length, as is the case with the frame you're thinking of buying. I believe that with TT frames the governing factor for frame sizes is the top tube length, which makes more sense as it is the more critical parameter for bike fitment.


    In other words, the frame you're looking at buying (51.5cm) has a seat tube length of 51.5cm and a top tube length is 53.5cm, which is very close your ideal top tube length of 53.7cm.


    Hope this helps.

  6. Crossfit is something a competitive cyclist will attempt during early base training. As the racing season approaches, training should become more specific to the demands you will be placing on your body. Most of the conditioning then starts taking place on the bike.


    If, however, you're not a competitive cyclist and ride your bike for the fitness benefits then crossfit is an excellent means of improving your functional full body strength.

  7. I like to think of the Cradle as a “No blame Zone" and direct all frustrations towards my pedals rather than others.


    Works for me


    Hmm...so if I kick you on your backside (at the cradle), I can sit back and watch you race off into the sunset? :ph34r:

  8. I won't assault all HD riders, because I'm sure there are a few decent ones, but a couple of Sundays ago they came past a group of us at the cradle. It's like some of the fools were trying to see how close to the cyclists they could ride.


    Of all the motorised vehicles on the road, I'd think that motorcyclists would be the most capable of providing a cyclists with a 1.5m gap.


    I wish this particular group of HD riders would take their balls out of their purses, and race superbikes down to Haarties, instead of racing cyclists at the cradle.

  9. My weather prediction was out, it was pleasantly warm out there.


    I don't have a mtbiking seeding to speak of, so ended up in C batch, as a result I had a lot of traffic to contend with. Still managed a 2h35.


    Well done to all that finished. This was by far the toughest Duathlon I've done to date.

  10. I placed my online order with CWC yesterday morning. The order was flagged as being dispatched the same day. This morning the courier was at my workplace in Joburg with my parcel.


    I've made quite a few purchases this year, 8 to be exact, and can't recall ever having been told that they were out of stock on an item I had ordered. Everything always arrives in the correct quantities, sizes, colours etc. ...and when things don't go exactly 100%, i.e. I ordered a helmet which arrived with a small pad missing - CWC were quick to resolve it by having the missing piece couriered to me with no fuss.


    Keep up the good work guys!

  11. How are you forgetting tyre width!?

    Fork travel?

    Rider height, weight?


    Are we talking about the same thing here? I thought we were discussing the amount of sealant that needs to go into a mountain bike tyre. Sure, tyre width will play a small part, but type of terrain, rider weight, and fork travel will not affect the quantity of sealant required.

  12. ......one also needs to consider tire pressure and the surface type the riding will take place on to provide a definitive answer......is it tar, asphalt, compacted dirt track, loose sand, grass, mud, rocky inclines, twisty tracks, slippery downhill slopes or a combination of the above. Tire size is also a factor to consider.......


    Yes, and don't forget temperature and altitude...(wat rook jy?)

  13. I'm keen on doing more enduros but after what I experienced in KZN, I can't carry on with my current regime of one casual ride a week and maybe some dirt jumping on a Friday. My running takes up most of my time so I think I could only spare three mornings or afternoons.


    How would you use those three rides to get the most out of them, fitness and skill wise? Long slow distance, fast ride, intervals?


    What type of enduros?.....if you're planning on doing ultra distance and/or multi-stage racing, where you spend long hours ( 4hrs+) on the saddle, then building a solid aerobic base (3-5 hour LSD rides) will be in your best interests. If you want to compete in 40k-60k mtb races, which are over in around 2 hours, then rather spend more time building your threshold power and Vo2Max.

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