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Everything posted by RaymondC

  1. http://www.facebook.com/mirraphotography More photos on my FB page
  2. I have loads of photos but have to give it to my marketing chaps first.
  3. Great event! Wonderful weather and I managed to get some great fun photos. Well done to everybody and the organizers! Thumbs Up!!!!!
  4. Awesome racing! Great what you guys are doing!
  5. No stickers.... No teeth & a broken collarbone. Good luck to anyone with a blank frame purchase.
  6. First Argus I did 3:18 group PB on a 15kg MTB 26...... So yes you can
  7. Discrimination? Hubbers forget their DC team was a social mixed team....
  8. The winner Shaun for Cape Town Market on Vissers, must say the man was flying!!!
  9. http://flic.kr/p/bqGGRF Some pix from the racing.
  10. Or try soccer where More than 100 players tested positive for the banned substance clenbuterol during the Under-17 world championship held in Mexico.......... I'd hate to see the rugby stats.
  11. Best looking kit 2012 less is more.
  12. More photos here..... My link
  13. Photography Raymond Cox www.mirra.co.za twitter: mirra_photo
  14. ASSOS! but the Castelli developments lately have been great, thinking about the importance of body aerodynamics.
  15. But on the previous dates I had that thing called work.
  16. Hi Raymond Please note that the online entries will be re-opened until 12pm Wednesday 02 November 2011. Thank you YAAAAAAAAAAAAY
  17. I missed the entry cut off "Friday" after emailing the organizer this morning first thing offering to pay a late fee for Saturdays Road Race I was still rejected. Fair enough I do understand I'm late but is it so hard to add another name to a list of not more than 40 elites. ///////// JUST GOT A MAIL SEEMS LIKE THERES ALOT OF PEOPLE IN THE LURCH. ENTRIES HAVE REOPENED! TO WEDNESDAY!
  18. You're a Critic. You're a Artist. You're a designer. You're a Copywriter. Just because you have a internet connection.... Hey they have their reasons for the logo and complaining about it is not going to change it, as mentioned earlier by scuzzy.
  19. The disc brakes are for Cycle cross only.. dont think UCI have approved road racing yet with discs.
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