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Everything posted by RaymondC

  1. So many variables here, after all the tick boxes of the washing process are done. The fit and cut can be a big factor, if the fabric is at its extreme every ride the lycra will perish quicker regardless of the brand. My 2 cents.
  2. You got a parts sponsor Chrissy?
  3. Ouch... Ok what's the limit on cups of coffee these days. I'm on ((7)) already...........
  4. Been riding the AXS for awhile now, it's an easy check on the app to see how much juice the batteries in the whole eco system are holding. When they do start to go you could easily finish a stage. Lifesavers for your shifter are the coin batteries in your HR strap or PM perhaps that use the same 2032 batteries. For the AXS RD if you running an AXS dropper you could swap out those batteries if you're stuck.
  5. Opening weekend in Jonkers. I rode half of Armageddon, really great to be back. Slow and cautious... 2nd run will be faster I promise. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPrNv3BHNWQ
  6. I can only offer you the truth Neo... Your pedals could be the cause.
  7. Giro - Aether I swear buy the Spherical Mips. I had a really big crash last Feb and yhea it did its job, When your glasses fly off and there's a massive crack in the foam... then you know. Safe riding.
  8. I went over the bars about two weeks ago, thinking nothing of it because of the nature of the crash. Laughed it off basically and brushed (Dusted) it off.... So last week I thought let me look at the inner shell of my helmet and I noticed 2 small cracks on the frontal area of the inner shell. I use a helmet with the spherical Mips system and it did it's job. The dealer had me fill out a crash replacement form with a small pay in and new helmet is on the way.
  9. Riding in a group doesn't nullify aero gains. Unless you sitting 8th wheel all day everyday what about riding across a split maybe or just going down hill. These modern aero bikes are slippery.
  10. Ridden that Cannondale, It's stiff and super responsive. For comfort put some 28mm tubeless tires on there and you'll be fine. Good luck.
  11. Got a GX Cassette and XX1 Rainbow chain now for 2000 km not even 0.5 wear. The anodising really improves that model of chains durability.
  12. Also make sure the disk's and calliper are on properly. Any bolt that's slightly loose could cause this. Sounds far fetched but I have taken part the system, copper slip on the bolts... no noise.
  13. Check out an desktop app called REEL STEADY the FPV guys use it to smooth out their footage.
  14. Ask him to try MTB rotors, there is a lot less rub or fade.
  15. The problem with the SA market is they always go for the lightest instead of most capable. I had this discussion over the weekend... "Ya but a dropper makes your bike heavy." I'm going with the dropper BTW.
  16. A "budget" hard tail project now has AXS...
  17. Rumour has it the Muishond is seasonal.
  18. The lock ring on the Hollowgram crank spider needs 1 drop, no more noise.
  19. When you hit the "Campsbay strip" chill, people are going to drive in front of you. You not going to get a PB and honestly who really cares... take an extra 2 minutes.
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