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Everything posted by nathrix

  1. Time to post one of my favorite pics of him. He is sorely missed and every race I watch I think how well Burry would’ve done!
  2. nathrix


    Screenshot I took of Upcoming Races
  3. nathrix

    The Munga 2019

    Just finished reading Part 1 to 13...can't wait for Part 14!!!! http://mikewoolnough.blogspot.com/2019/12/munga-2019-part-1.html Just hit "Newer Post" at the bottom and it will take you to Part 2...and so on to the next and the next...
  4. Dlamini not the only one assaulted, I bet there are many more assaults...hope the rangers are sharpening their pencils writing up the full report.
  5. He must have done something horrendous for being assaulted so brutally by the rangers, I'll await the full report before jumping to any conclusion as we don't know exactly what happened.
  6. Ja okay, a video report is worth more than a thousand words
  7. The truth is the park rangers manhandled him as if arresting a common thug who stabbed or assaulted someone severely, it's crystal clear in the video.
  8. nathrix


    Now Live and not geo blocked
  9. What was he thinking paddling between shacks
  10. I have no idea of the legality of OTF knifes. He paid R8k for it.
  11. Friend of mine just showed me his Benchmark “The Infidel” OTF!
  12. nathrix

    The Munga 2019

    Uploaded it just in time before stage 6 load shedding kicks in
  13. nathrix

    The Munga 2019

    Made a little video for all the dot watchers, and myself Captured most of The Munga Facebook videos and edited it into a full one hour video, as soon as there's a gap in the load shedding schedule (all the video clips is 9GB and took a week to capture from FB and put together) I'll upload it and post the link here.
  14. Apparently cyclist have no right to be on "their" roads as we do not pay license fees, don’t own cars, we cause potholes and kill thousands of people each year.. The doc also tried to avoid being killed by a bus https://twitter.com/jeroenswart/status/1203266136135081985
  15. https://inthebunch.co.za/2019/12/well-known-cyclist-out-of-icu-after-horror-collision-with-bus/
  16. Would also be interesting to see the figures regarding how many ads were purchased this year to promote ads (Highlighted ads, Homepage Ads and/or Top Ads)
  17. The bus is actually moving across the yellow line towards the cyclists putting their lives at danger. The 2nd photo shows the cyclist had to swerve towards the bus to avoid hitting/riding over the falling cyclist, but still maintaining his position behind the yellow line avoiding the bus moving towards the inside of the yellow line. All the cyclists were inside the yellow line when the bus passed. Clear as daylight the bus driver is 100% in the wrong here.
  18. That bus driver should be forced to ride a bicycle on that stretch until he learns how a bus/truck sucks you in when they pass too close.
  19. nathrix

    The Munga 2019

    Well done Mads, HUGE respect!
  20. Absolutely senseless! My condolences to friends, family and loved ones. https://maroelamedia.co.za/nuus/sa-nuus/man-vrou-sterf-ek-het-n-gil-en-toe-n-slag-gehoor/
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