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Everything posted by MaXiMuM

  1. I want that lid... Where 'n how much...
  2. Actually very well put...
  3. Thanks guys, went to Full Throttle Northcliff, found these for R320.
  4. Can I ask a few things? What are you currently on? Make, Model and Size. Are you happy with your current gear settings, is it comfortable? Which shops have you been to, and what advice have they given you? (Everyone on the interweb is an expert, your LBS will have real world experience.) Have you been measured and fitted? Here's my plan for buying my next bike. I am going to find a LBS that I am happy with, they are going to size and spec me, I am then going to find out what they believe I should be riding for my riding style and preferences. I want to know why they say that. Then I will do my own research and go from there. Only then will I start figuring budget, payment terms and second bonds...
  5. I been looking at the Scotts, they seem to offer decent value, good components and a wide range. Or am I just way off?
  6. I've just done a layering article for one of the SA fly fishing mags. What I suggest might be slightly more expensive, but will work in all conditions and will be easily adapted to any condition. On skin base layer with little or no thermal properties. This moves the moister away from the skin, primary function. 2 fleeces, 1 light weight, 1 med weight, wear both when it's cold. Good quality breathable rain shell, GORE-TEX will always be your best choice, but they are pricey. The shell will be the key, don't worry about it not being breathable enough, a good quality one will breath fine. GORE-TEX breaths because, moister will always move from high temp / high humidity to low temp / low humidity. So the colder it is, the better it breaths. There's more to it, but that will do the top fine. No need for a thermal layer because you are generating heat. Make sure they have 3/4 or full zips, up to trap heat, down to cool off. Don't rely on a jacket by itself, they won't give you enough options. Stay away from an all in one jacket. Those 3-in-1 jackets are never up to standard. Legs are a lot easier because they will be working hard, get a warm polypropylene base, the better you buy the more versatile it will be. First Accent make a great one, but there are others cycling specific garments. From my phone, sorry for any damn auto correct.
  7. What was had in youth, is long gone now... Can remember getting my BMX on Sat morning, riding it flat out for 2 full days and never getting tired. Ohhhh, I feel old.
  8. Stupid Comuter Racing... That kids had you proper! Love it... Funniest thread I read all week.
  9. Admit, very cool. This would also work well. TIGER, tiger, burning bright In the forests of the night, What immortal hand or eye Could frame thy fearful symmetry? In what distant deeps or skies Burnt the fire of thine eyes? On what wings dare he aspire? What the hand dare seize the fire? And what shoulder and what art Could twist the sinews of thy heart? And when thy heart began to beat, What dread hand and what dread feet? What the hammer? what the chain? In what furnace was thy brain? What the anvil? What dread grasp Dare its deadly terrors clasp? When the stars threw down their spears, And water'd heaven with their tears, Did He smile His work to see? Did He who made the lamb make thee? Tiger, tiger, burning bright In the forests of the night, What immortal hand or eye Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?
  10. Run Strava on your smart phone for at least a year before deciding. I almost went and bought the cheep Garmin, and glad that I didn't. It doesn't have enough or much more info than Strava. After a year, you'll know which one you want, cause you would have read 10 more threads like this.
  11. Keen to build a ss, but it will have to wait, cause when I started crunching numbers it works out a little pricey
  12. I have the same question. I see there is a difference in the head angle and suspension travel. But can't say I understand the differences. Anyway, they look super cool, going to have to add them to the want list.
  13. Agree that the budget is a little tight. The Titans over good value for the money. New 650b will be R8k'ish. Agree that a second hand at that money will require maintenance soon, so that saving will be quickly eat'n into.
  14. I raced a top end BMX for many years, never changed the chain once. Tyres, brakes and other consumables, yes. Service the bearings, greased the chain, kept it clean and sparkly... Rod it like I stole it every day. 25 years ago. Then had a cruiser, same story, then roadie, then mtb. All the same. Any way, I get the tighter tolerances and stuff.
  15. You telling me that out that whole group there isn't one Hubber?? C'mon, there is at least one. So to whomever that is, post the whole story, or if you don't want to do it under your account, create a new one, and do it via that account. tafake you were there, tell us what actually happened.
  16. Haven't seen those wheels in I don't know how long, well I could work it out, but need to borrow some fingers... I remember we used to ride skinny tyres on them, and I remember getting beaten badly the first time I raced against them... Changed my whole racing set up... I got faster and broke more bones trying to get fearless. Very cool bike. B)
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