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Everything posted by blondeonabike

  1. Sorry Escapee, I can't stand these guys teasing you for your skinny legs. You are too modest. I know you pm'ed this to me in private, but I'm posting this to set the record straight.
  2. AGREED. The owner left their gates open...and was nowhere around. The dog was doing what guard dogs do...defend territory when mum came riding by with an Alsatian on the leash.
  3. I'm with you, my mum had to have her ring finger amputated after a dog attacked her on her bike in the street in a residential area. Fell over the bars with her finger caught between the handle bar and brake lever, could,nt save it.
  4. I deleted my comment because I thought it was dumb. simple. Have fun...cue blonde jokes
  5. I talk the hind leg off a donkey in my sleep. I'll never be able to keep a secret from hubby. I behave coz BIG BROTHER is listening
  6. I punched my husband in my sleep once too..True story.....But that excuse wont fly on the Spruit. I've never heard of someone riding their bike in their sleep
  7. You have some talent......What horses are you backing here today? Maybe we can make some money
  8. The page count is on track for lunch time target More than three people fighting...check Warnings...none yet Gifs......None yet This sucks...I miss EdEdEd
  9. Taking that into account, our air is still cleaner than yours. it's all that pollution that makes you guys mal.
  10. EXACTLY!! We natalians are chill like that!, we rather stop to take awesome pics of our beautiful scenery, for the "where has you bike been today?" thread. We check out the buck, eat jelly babies and bunny hop over porcupine quills lying in the trail. No roid rage here!
  11. Thats the place!! haven't been to Kdorp for 12 years probably all different now.
  12. Talking about Krugersdorp...who remembers" Hillsnacks?"Right on top of the Krugersdorp hill, with coloured lights strung between the trees. It had the best view at night.
  13. I meant that if you are trim, lycra looks good, but the seethrough comment refers to the bibs that need an eulogy. At the end of the day it is what makes you comfortable. And yes...maybe I did have a little too much coffee!
  14. I vote for lycra...If you've got it flaunt it!! ( But please boys toss them get when they get thin and see through!)
  15. I thought we were going to use the comic sans font to let "special" people like me know when we are being sarcastic? Ag nee man....You make me confused
  16. I was dressed in white on a white bike pushing a hill hard (in pain), when another aunty came from the other direction in the drops flying down hill (in ecstasy). She was dressed in black with black bike. Gave each other a quick smile and nod. It was like our yin/yang moment. Flip I love this sport!!
  17. ey.....we watching you behave I'll report you
  18. RIP I am glad that he was not riding alone when this happened, and that others were around to help and call for medical assistance. Lets tell our cycle buddies our allergies and blood groups incase accidents happen.
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