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Everything posted by Milosh

  1. What about "Slack packing" the Cedar Berg?? I.e: no tent and food, only clothes, water, and snacks Trying to look at B&B style options Cedar Berg Oasis looked ideal when we stopped over for drinks while driving Any other ideas , anyone done similar ?
  2. It is close to Friday so another angle for the CPO to consider So what is an 8-year-old tech eBike that is missing its major components worth? Out of warranty, no service history, resprayed but chipped, no battery so I assume no charger, unknown motor condition Must be close to paper weight status
  3. I disagree, the team thing makes the ABSA Cape Epic. - Candice managing pace https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1104218804249860 - Candice going hell for leather up ou-helshoogte to do the same again and ghost marking her attack and getting the holeshot to stop a repeat. - Beers and Grots - F1 style 60-second wheel change to stay in touch when on the back foot after smashing a rim and multiple plugs not working To mention a few and don't forget the classic "Pussy move " Nah boet stage racing is like test cricket, there is a fascinating ebb and flow that is addictive! Granted it is not for everyone, but there are enough solo races for all tastes, please let us keep this a team one ?
  4. @Shebeen fake news- as below and personal experience the tents were actually pretty good , The upgrade tents were at another luxury level, but standard tents were proper solid canvas.
  5. Sad to see some accidents in the back half of the field, 2 involving tandems which in that back half is normally a noob or youngster. Also some CPR underway with a mate urging his friend to stay with them. I can't get that image out of my mind and sincerely hope the outcome was positive
  6. So the rolling start i.e: when you cross the line is gone, replaced by a gun start for the group. This means everyone wants to be in the front of the group and save the minute(s) it takes to cross the line from the back of the group.
  7. Nice I can see my house 😉 Well i could if my eyes were better
  8. The finish photo would remove the hypothetic 🤣
  9. You should do what suits you, Other opinions don't save your noggin! They do some good saddles and used to do nice grips
  10. Joined Kudos to an very important initiative
  11. Being branded a thief for being slow on an R150 refund is a very hard school. This is an abuse of social media
  12. It is very sad that the mugger chose to put his life on the line for a few phones and then lost his roll of the dice in a situation he instigated.
  13. The key here is the word distributor, i.e: they are not end-user facing. So sticking to working hours is cool, the answering service tells you what you need to know. we seem to have forgotten the boundaries of doing business All by the book as far as I am concerned.
  14. If you change bars, fork, brakes, and gears you will be close to this but not be N+1 or one to sell https://rookcycles.com/collections/rook-scout
  15. It is not as good as it was once said to be, you get a healthy 30 - 40% discount but still a few $ Try the magyver route if that fails you can send it to Garmin and leverage the Discount Other than the new battery and new rubber side button, My 830 is only marginally better than my 810 I taped one of these to my frame for transbaviaans, which may not work day to day. https://www.firstshop.co.za/products/bounce-juiced-series-2000mah-power-bank-black-bo-9000-bk-170554?variant=44538362331300&sfdr_ptcid=41988_617_698714655&sfdr_hash=7fceb8ad1989d089f123308dad6aa0a5&gclid=Cj0KCQjwldKmBhCCARIsAP-0rfw4C98yXVL-QGqTX0thMIJepQkasLvf9ENpt2EG4zx5WKw1egWHjVsaAlriEALw_wcB
  16. Visited Chris at Constantia Uitsig bike shop, He is assisting with a shared application.' This gets you past TMNP office hours and some nice cost savings. Pretty cool shop to 😉
  17. Could well have worked too, but as a specialized owner, I was on a marking mailing list where they bought sales with huge discounts during the lockdown, was a keep what you have or buy the sale item decision.
  18. It all depends on your usage I upgraded during the lockdown specials from a 2016 camber to a 2020 epic evo The evo is much better almost all around, but just not quite as sure-footed as the camber which is fine on the riding I intended to do at the time Broadacres, Trans, Sani, Berg etc. Now having moved to the cape with gnarlier trails I long for the camber back.
  19. The only issue with the trail running vest is that it is not as robust as a Camelbak, there is nothing worse than stressing about water when you are dehydrating, go with a decent size bladder and as little other space as you can so you do not fill it. I have a love-hate relationship with my Camelbak, but there is a lot to be said for being able to sip on long descents and climbs when you would not normally be able to drink. Also freezing a half-full bladder and then topping it up with water in the morning results in decadent ice water far into the day 😉
  20. It is a rabbit hole trying to work out what I need from that site, Level3 it is Thank you
  21. To enter on a Wild Card membership at Table Mountain National Park's Gates, please present either a paper or electronic copy of your membership letter. The Gates no longer accept plastic Wild Cards as they are now considered obsolete.
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