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Everything posted by Sitting@89

  1. This is traffic signalism, and there is no place for this sort of discrimination in an open and fair society, what about trafic signals that identify as road signal or non directory?
  2. Does anybody have a gpx file from circus that they wouldn’t mind sharing.
  3. What info are you trying to extract from the survey, it is very vague? Not sure where you are heading with this.
  4. But you seem to forget one of the cardinal rules of roadie riding: "the better you look, the faster you are!"
  5. Based on this I would guess Primoz's FTP to be somewhere around 420w maybe?
  6. May I be as bold to point out that this is, as a matter of fact not so much an issue of grammar, but rather one of diction. Thereby winning the prize for taking a technicality and turning it into something worth hijacking a thread for.
  7. Maybe it is because you have not appropriated some element of a foreign uhm... culture.
  8. If you copy and pasted the message I would definitely say that raises a number of red flags, the grammar and spelling is terrible, usually a clear sign to steer well clear. Pretty sure the bikehub pay, as suggested by others, will be a bait and switch tactic. This sets off many alarm bells.
  9. OH please no, nothing can be like that stage 2, did it last night, toughest hour and a bit I have had on a bicycle, EVER!
  10. Good evening Hubland, anyone know of any sort of organized group ride (road or mtb) from Parys tomorrow morning? Starting time,distances, avg speed etc would be appreciated.
  11. I feel like the solution for this is incorporating squats and other weight training in your weight loss program. Not that I use myself as the gold standard for anything, but I have lost over 35kg and actually feel that I have more power now! Also just echoing what everyone has said already, the weight loss made a huge difference and intervals made me fit fast! The metabolic benefits of intervals (and weight training) also can't be overstated.
  12. Ypu mean the one they banned because it contained what is basically metamephatamines ????
  13. Will recheck the final goal once I hit 100, I am also over 2m tall so 89 might just be pushing it. Big audacious hair goal (borrowed that from someone off this thread) is doing an ultra on the MTB this year (thinking Cullinan 2 Tonteldoos)
  14. This was mentioned before, you would think ii would be an easy fix, but it for the life of me I can seem to get that right.
  15. Hit another big milestone this week, broke the 110kg barrier, first time in a decade, now the lightest I have been since uni.
  16. Well done bud, this is truly inspirational. Keeps me motivated to hit my target when I see others doing the damn near impossible. Down almost 30 from March another 10 to target.
  17. Well obviously with the weight loss mind set adjustment and stuff they have now taken a bit of an interest and will subsequently be otherwise occupied and hence too busy to reply on this thread.
  18. So a quick update on what happened after posting this, I am now firmly on the "road to recovery" actually it is more a constant learning curve, but things are looking much better! How did I do this, truth be told hard work that's all. I am now up by 5:30 most mornings, about 80% of my showers are cold showers, I meal prep twice a week and eat a good balanced diet. I put in a good day's graf (started taking studies seriously again and am now writing exams for 3rd year LLB) I put in a good day's graft most days (still have my off days) haven't touched the booze in over 5 months. Evenings are spent studying and then listing to a self improvement podcast (David Goggins is a firm favorite at the moment) then off to bed at 9 and repeat 6 days a week. This is taken about a month ago now down to 116, rides are getting longer and faster. *Ps thanks for some of the advice and feedback on here, really took some of it to heart and it has helped me more than you think! This is an awesome community thanks bike hub!
  19. Obviously see a doctor, and this is by no stretch of imagination medical advice. 1. I would look at recovery routines, are you eating (enough) after a ride, and is your diet overall sufficient. Sleep are you getting enough sleep 8 hours as a baseline and an extra 30 minutes for every hour over 2 Off days, are you taking at least a rest day a week 2. Burnout (or rather adrenal fatigue) could very easily be a factor as well. 3. Psychology, does your training still inspire and motivate you.
  20. Hey thanks bud, I am aware of the Albion wheelers, looking for something a bit more specific, their website and facebook only really shares club contact details
  21. Hey guys looking for a group to join 3 or 4 times a week, morning rides from somewhere in Alberton (doing 40-50ks at around 25-27kph) If there is an existing group doing this please point me in the right direction, if not anyone keen to start?
  22. Good day fellow hubbers, can anyone suggest some decent safe routes (road) around Bedfordview please.
  23. 208cm tall, on a frankenbuild bmc. Look at canyon went through the whole rigmarole with cannondale and trek, both will need to be special orders through local agents (whom at the time weren’t very helpful in assisting with the process)
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