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Everything posted by SeaBee

  1. SeaBee

    Formula 1...

    They should sue him back for using their watch name as a surname...
  2. SeaBee

    Formula 1...

    There are things far more important than stats. This is supposed to be entertaining. That's why Gilles is such an icon. My age people will always go back to Senna and Lauda. If you think of the variety of cars Lauda won in, it's unreal... Oh they only won x WC in competitive eras, they must actually suck. <-- sarcasm...
  3. SeaBee


    Okay, two things from my side. ICM, I think MM93 will come back and simply slip and slide that Honda onto the top step. I'm sorry, but that guy is just that good. Like him or not. I will eat humble pie. I did not think Mir could do it. He's been constantly crashing Suzuki into bankruptcy before this season. And this season did not start well. His reaction when he lost (a well deserved!) win when Vinalez crashed... I thought that was childish to get angry at that stage. And then it all started to click. Bloody brilliant! He kept his cool out of the blue and the rest (esp Fabio) tossed it away. Now a dumb question. How the heck is the non factory teams outperforming their factory buddies all year? Miller kicked both factory Ducks' butt time and again. And yeah, he had some bad luck along the way. Franky on the only '19 Yamaha is stellar in the last couple of outings... And then we're back to Honda, where the factory boys cannot come close to Nakagami... until he falls off, something he may have learnt from sir Crash-a-lot. But it's been an extremely interesting season.
  4. Can be a LOT of things. Very likely you're just having too much fun and forgetting the nutrition! Then again, I nearly passed out on Table Mountain one day because of vertigo feeling - think it was Oceans trail. Everything was moving and had a halo around edges, so coming down was... interesting. No, it was not something I smoked. I initially thought I was just tired on the day and/or mis-managed snacks. Then it started happening in normal life as well. Turns out it was long-term medication I was using at the time - over time my body just at that stage started reacting that way to it. So despite me making a joke. It can be nothing, it can be something serious. I do not think anybody here is qualified to give you a proper answer.
  5. That was again okay for me. 3 looked sooo nice on paper. FTP 2 min, 30 sec break, x4... x4. But it accumulates! Not that I was fresh going into it...
  6. ZA Road, done! Think it was quite good. But felt more like testing than training at some points. Where previous ZA's (I do the programs from menu) seemed a lot more training... and I felt like some of the previous ones had harder workouts. This last one (WO 8) is actually quite a nice one!
  7. During certain intervals, Zwift seconds are veeeery long...
  8. SeaBee

    Formula 1...

    It is sad that there is even a term such as "number two driver". Where are the days where you had drivers competing for driver's WC and hardly anybody knew who won the constructors title? I think the last time that happened was Prost and Senna. Before that, to name a few off the top of my head, Mario-Ronnie, Scheckter-Villeneuve, Villeneuve-Pironi (to be stolen by Rosberg after both of their tragedies), Prost-Lauda, Piquet-Mansell... And you wonder why I hardly ever watch F1 nowadays.
  9. Think the frame is free after completion. But you CAN also buy it. Apparently performs quite well and unlocked at a quite low level, much like the SL7. I end up riding bikes I like... except for the fact that there's limited MTB options.
  10. You get good rest between sprints, so it was not a bad workout ito workload. The fact that I suck at sprinting besides the point... Ja, those 8 mins went slower as time went on! That was the only one I did in a group. It was a horrible experience.
  11. Frosty, which couch to 5k plan is this? the mrs is trying to get going and I'd like to have some more structured backing to my "tekkies, run, collapse, run same, collapse less, run further, collapse..." process. She's just there to get going - and not overdo it.
  12. 7 was... "fun". Amazing how well these are worked out. You feel like dying while doing it... and 10 mins later you feel ready for more. Though I do suspect I'll feel my legs when I go for my run this afternoon.
  13. I stay in Paarl. Nuff said. When lockdown started, I got the IDT. And thus confirmed that my braai room, where it is hosted, does have a sliiiight unlevelness to it. I am close to the one sliding, which gives some airflow. But even a quick 1h session on a hot morning means I end up mopping the floor right to the back of the room. It runs in rivulets... I am sure I will make a plan before Feb! But then again, on good days I prefer to ride our local rock.
  14. Amateur and pro cats... so that the pro's chase the amateur. You have to beat them to the finish-line, like the Cancellara chase. I think most of the female pro's will pass me before halfway, since it seems they only start 5 mins behind!
  15. Haha, also do this for a lot of my workouts! Really nice if the wheel falls on the wheelset again - then it's 1000 XP instead of 250 - which is also not to be sneezed at.
  16. Came here for some opinions. But I really disliked the group training - there was just simply too many together. Maybe I just happened to be in a huge group. Did workout 2 on my own and it was much better. Also prefer the luxury of scheduling it at my convenience.
  17. Read that letter they sent today and you'll see what I mean by bad wording! Appreciate the confirmation, though! Here it is...(and the bold is as they had it!) Benefit updates for 2021 Introducing Vitality Active Gear Next year you will be able to save up to 75% on Nike shoes or sportswear at Nike stores, Sportsmans Warehouse and Totalsports. You will also earn an upfront discount of up to 75% on fitness devices at Sportsmans Warehouse and Totalsports. Plus you will now save up to 25% upfronton sports gear and equipment at both Sportsmans Warehouse and Totalsports. The Vitality Active Gear benefit will replace HealthyGear, Shoe Booster and Device Booster from quarter 1 next year. Bike Booster will no longer be available when Vitality Active Gear is introduced. All current active booster benefits will continue as normal until the full term of your booster has ended; 1 year for Shoe Booster, 2 years for Device Booster and 3 years for Bike Booster from activation date.
  18. I'm hoping this is bad wording... but will the new Active Gear only allow for Nike shoes (or sportswear)? Hoping this was merely indicating the inclusion of Nike stores and that SWH/TotalSports simply got hooked into the sentence.
  19. 100% with you on this. Same for me. Lower intensity for me to train on trail. Most often when I do take a second bottle along, it's "just incase". And it gets pretty hot in the mountains around Paarl. Point in case - I came back this morning from 1 1/2 hours in Paarl mountain with not even a third of my bottle gone. But it was not hot. But if I "race" (haha! - all relative - but ito my perceived race effort) a road half, which I have not in a couple of years, I'd not be able to go on one sachet alone. (I'm talking roadside sachet, not soft flask. Unless I misunderstood that point) BTW - page 999!
  20. Okay, I officially declassify myself as a camel... not that I did classify myself as one beforehand. At which intensity do you run a half with only one sachet halfway? I usually cannot wait for the first stop! Therafter I can skip one or two, but only one sachet?! Apparently I drink like a fish.
  21. SeaBee

    Formula 1...

    ...and then there's always the difference in his and Ricciardo's reception of their penalties. "I'll just drive faster then. Sorry guys." Can it be that I'm starting to like an Aussie?
  22. My knees got stronger, ankles better, lost weight... I cannot think that there's much negatives. And yes, time saving was why I also started running to begin with - and it remains true. As you grow in running you'll find this even more. We ran trails a while ago with an Ironman athlete. As we returned he - who is a flippin good MTB rider as well - categorically stated that to get the equivalent of this run on a ride, you'd have to ride 6-8h. We ran for about 3h or 3:30.
  23. Ehhhrrr... with the second strongly on the way, hopefully Landie is NOT doing it...
  24. I think (pretty sure in fact) on the Zwift training programs you cannot go back and do a missed workout. Once you missed your "do before" date, it's gone. Just continue with the rest of the program.
  25. Since I don't have an appropriate couch... a different perspective.
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