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  1. Any cycling business out there wanting to share some outside advertising? We are offering interested parties a chance to share an outdoor advertising space on the " Cycling Super Highway" as it runs through Hout Bay. We are looking for other cycling companies to come onboard for at least three months. You will have to supply a high-res artwork at the size of 1500mmX1000mm. The other half will be used by Bicyclegear.co.za. Get in touch if you are interested. Jonathan news@790tv.co.za
  2. Starting a forum for people to find out about where to go for a weekend road cycling getaway in the Western Cape. Any recommendations?
  3. Hi Hubbers I'm interested in finding out which South African cycling publications you guys are reading monthly and which is you're favorite.
  4. New radar device makes cycling safer August 6 2014 at 09:15am By Murray Williams Comment on this story http://www.iol.co.za/polopoly_fs/iol-mot-cycling-radar-1.1731165!/image/1781875817.jpg_gen/derivatives/box_300/1781875817.jpg Independent Newspapers Vulnerable position: Reporter Murray Williams negotiates the chaos of Malta Road between Salt River and Observatory. Picture: Henk Kruger. Cape Town - A revolutionary new bicycle safety device has been launched, which uses radar to warn cyclists about cars approaching from behind. Backtracker improves cyclists’ visibility and awareness of what’s happening behind them on the road. South African specialists in radar and computer-vision and cycling enthusiasts Ikubu have been creating prototypes for Backtracker since 2010. “We believe our device will bring much-needed confidence back to a sport too frequently compromised by fear of unaware motorists. Backtracker is a type of sixth sense that helps cyclists to see what they ordinarily cannot,” iKubu managing director Franz Struwig said. “Backtracker consists of two small, lightweight units which detect and interpret the speed and acceleration of rear-approaching vehicles at a distance of up to 140m,” he said. “The handlebar-mounted front unit indicates your potential safety risk using a simple peripheral vision range indicator. The intelligent backlight alerts motorists to your position via increasingly frequent light pulses.” Backtracker’s radar technology is particularly valuable when cycling in low-visibility conditions such as fog and rain, dusk and dawn. http://www.iol.co.za/polopoly_fs/copy-of-ca-p6-franz-struwig-done-1.1731166!/image/1012812187.jpg_gen/derivatives/box_300/1012812187.jpg Sixth sense: Radar expert Franz Struwig demonstrates the innovative, potentially lifesaving radar for bicycles. Picture: Murray Williams. Independent Newspapers “Also, it’s functionality is not affected by the proximity of other cyclists, which is useful when training in pelotons or on family cycling excursions,” Struwig said. The Cape Argus visited the company with Ernst van Dyk, winner of multiple Paralympics and World Championship medals and major international marathons, including a record 10 wheelchair-racing titles at the prestigious Boston Marathon. Van Dyk happily endorsed the life-saving product, testing it on the back of his racing wheelchair. Struwig said: “The idea for Backtracker was born through a chance meeting with an elderly cyclist, who had resorted to riding in the face of oncoming traffic, for fear of motorists behind him. It inspired us to create a safety product that could bring confidence back into every ride.” From there, the idea started taking shape through many hours of discussion and preliminary sketches, followed by a hand-built prototype which put the thinking to the test. High- frequency antennas were developed several months later before a more refined second prototype was built. This was, then miniaturised to ensure the components were as lightweight and small as possible, making it ideal for even serious cyclists. Safety-conscious road cyclists will be able to order the device via Dragon Innovation, a platform that has helped to launch other crowd-funded success stories such as the Pebble smartwatch and Hammerhead navigation system. Backtracker’s success relies on about 1000 supporters financially backing the product before it can make it past prototyping and on to handlebars. The device will be available in variously priced packages, including an early-bird special of about R1590, while the standard Backtracker price will be around R2125. SAFETY TIPS FOR CYCLISTS - Use pedal cycle lanes where these are available. - Keep as close as possible to the left edge of the roadway. - Obey traffic signs and signals. - Ride with, not against traffic. - Watch out for car doors opening in your path. - Wear brightly coloured clothing in the daytime, and reflective clothing at night. - Fit and use effective front and rear lights when riding in hours of darkness and when visibility is limited. - Use hand signals when turning or changing lanes. - Be aware of hazardous road conditions. - Be aware of other road users, especially at intersections. - Ride in a straight line. - Wear a helmet that fits properly. - Never ride with headphones. FOR DRIVERS - Yield to cyclists, especially at intersections. - Leave a distance between the motor vehicle and the cyclist of at least 1m. - Check your blind spots and look before opening the car door. - Do not drive, stop or park in a bicycle lane. Source: Safely Home Campaign http://www.iol.co.za/motoring/bikes-quads-karts/new-radar-device-makes-cycling-safer-1.1731167#.U-Hfl_oaKUk
  5. This years Illovo Eston MTB Challenge will see the 18km fun riders being taken on a wild ride as they traverse through Estons Tala Game Reserve. For more on the event, see the link bellow: http://www.gameplanmedia.co.za/estonmtb/eston1402.html
  6. Great course designers never rest on their laurels! That's why we have taken the essence of the Eston single track and jeep track through the cane fields, and continually improved them. This year we be offering a brand new 60km and 40km route! 60km Route – the event has been divided into 20km of “work” (up to Insingizi), 20km of “play” (every type of single and jeep track), and 20km of “hauling” - (fast cane roads home) Making a perfectly balanced route! The 40km features stunning new single track cut by the Bell Field Family through the Bela Vista B&B Estate, and will share the first 6km of the 60km course. The strategy is to provide unique, challenging and exciting MTB riding, but making sure that it is always within reach of the average MTB riders ability. Routes: New single track:
  7. Hi all, I am embarking on a personal website called MTB Events SA. There are so many MTB events across South Africa and they each have their own website. The reason why I started this website is because I want to have a centralised website/database where you can view all events across the country. I want to display event information in a neat and readable way instead of having race details all over the place. I also want to display accommodation in and around the event. I always struggle to find accommodation when travelling to far away races. I also want to display things to do in and around the venue for those that are going to sleep over and don't want to sit at the place where you stay and watch TV. I want to have detailed route information and profiles. User comments after the race which can be forwarded to the event organisers. Pics of the race, Youtube videos of the routes, directions to the race, weather etc etc. The site has been optimised to use the latest internet technologies, it won't work on Internet Explorer 8 or lower, only from 9 and above. It will work on other browsers like Google Chrome and Firefox. It is optimsed for mobile devices because most people are all day on their phones. I don't plan to make money off the site right now, for now it's just a personal project and website. There might be a similar site but like I said it's a personal project that I am doing in my spare time and for my own enjoyment. If you have any ideas it would be appreciated. What would you like to see about an event before entering? Do you guys think something like this will work? The site is very bare at the moment, I put on content as soon as when I have time. Go to www.mtbevents.co.za and click on events on the menu above. Select the race that I have loaded to see what I am trying to do. I have a Facebook page and Twitter account registered. If you want please follow on Facebook and Twitter. I will starting posting as soon as when I have some more content. I would appreciate your feedback. Thanks Brendan
  8. Going through my old Cycling Pics from the 80's and 90's it's great to see how thing have progressed, but the smiles stayed the same! Below are some pics from: 1990's Hell and Back, where Geddan Ruddock from Franschhoek won most of the rides Old Knysna MTB Race - mostly mud The Family on brand new Mountain bikes Junior Racing days - check out the helmet and Oakley's making a comeback! Nice South Coast Tour during my School Years Enjoy and add your old pics!
  9. Helmsman Cycles now open in Krugersdorp. Buy bikes and parts, and enjoy our coffee shop while you socialise with other cyclists. Contact us helmsmancycles@gmail.com for more info.
  10. Please join our charity bond in riding for a purpose in the Momentum 94.7 Cycle Challenge on 16 November. For more info, please email willene@ifaasa.co.za. Hope to see you there!!! Momentum 94.7 Cycle Challenge - Webpage.pdf
  11. Get all your cycling gear delivered straight to your door with FREE delivery for the month of June. Lots of great cycling gear to keep you warm while riding this Winter! Buy online today! visit www.firstascent.co,.za Free delivery promotion until 30th June 2014.
  12. Hi guys and Girls, Take at look at the video bellow for the broadcast schedule for the 2014 Sappi Karkloof classic... Hope you enjoy!!!
  13. Don't miss this. Massive deals!
  14. CAPESTORM SALE happening next Saturday 29th March. Good deals and clearance on large amount of cycling, outdoor, running and more.
  15. Hi, Anyone perhaps have the profile of the WP road champs 23 March
  16. Hi All! I'm a fine art student at the University of Pretoria and also a cyclist! We are currently doing a project on silkscreen printmaking. I have chosen to use textiles as a medium. It is quite a lengthy and sometimes complicated process, but in the end the prints always look fabulous!I've done some designs on my computer that I can then print on any size white t-shirt or tank top and would like to know if people will be interested in buying silkscreen t-shirts. I thought this might be a nice way to make a few bucks to pay off my new bike .The nice thing about these shirts will be that there will only be a few made and the inks that are used are of very high quality. I have printed some t-shirts for myself and my boyfriend already which have came out great.Please have a look at the designs at let me know if you think that this is something you will be interested in buying or if this is a horrible failed attempt . Also if you like them, which designs do you prefer? I will be asking around R120 for ladies shirts and R150 for mens, which includes postage in South-Africa. I'm only doing black and white prints as color inks tend to get really expensive.
  17. With less than 3 weeks away from the PnP Cape Argus Cycle Tour, we invite you to join a panel of experts for a cyclists' webinar Thurs 20 Feb 6pm, covering nutrition & training in preparation of the Argus Cycle Tour. Hosted by Dis-Chem Pharmacies, and with input and advice from Mark Wolff, Team Westvaal BMC, Team Bonitas, and elite riders from both of these teams, this will be an informative and useful session, as we discuss nutrition, training and final preparations for your best Argus yet. Should you be interested, click on the link below to register and participate. https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6268626208675597825 We look forward to sharing in the session with you. Regards
  18. We were debating at training yesterday on who was/could be the greatest cycling climber ever.Of course there was the Belgian Van Impe, the 'Eagle of Toledo' Fredico Bahamontes, Charly Gaul - I personally liked Marco Pantani because he kept the 'climber' in the TdF alive with the advent of power riders like Indurian (in fact I wrote a post on this http://decaironman-training.com/2014/02/14/highlights-of-2013-world-ironman-championship-kona-hawaii/). But yes back to Quintana, at only 23 and has came 3rd in the TdF - alot of people said unexpected but I dont think that is fair - and is worshipped at home http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-23709753. I think he is ranked 8th but could he bring the 'climber' back to win a grand tour in this age of Team Sky and efficient teams? What do you think?
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