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Another Bikejacking


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Flight is about 24 hours door to door DaLoCo, why you wanna wait so long?


Gotta strip my bike to bring along :thumbup:

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Guys, seriously, civilized people are not welcome in Africa. The sooner you realise that and get the hell out of that shithole, the better. I mean, it's not like they're being subtle about it or anything. Take the massive hints. AA/EE/BBEEE, farmer genocide, land reform, nationalisation, wanton theft of everything (they even steal entire buildings, I mean, where in your life?), criminal government, stupid police force. Even when Helen Zille is right, she is wrong. Why? Because that is Africa and that is how Africa works. Africans like their governance 'that way'; their notion of governance (or, rather, rule) is very different to that of the Western European. There are 53 countries in Africa; below the Sahel, which is in effect a dividing point, the outcomes for post-colonial countries is depressingly consistent - and just plain depressing.

If you want to see what an African country looks like without (or with very few) Europeans, go to Malawi, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, Nigeria, Swaziland, Lesotho. I single these ones out, because I've been there. What you will find is chaos, poverty, filth, mere anarchy (a nod to William Butler Yeats, for those who are interested), corruption, potholes, shaky electricity supply, no policing, no healthcare, dangerous water....hang on, did this rant start to sound familiar towards the end?

That's because South Africa isn't on it's way to a banana republic. It is ALREADY a banana republic. It is, to quote something they used to print on maps of Rhodesia back in the good old days, 'Not fit for habitation by white men' (that's a historical fact. I prefer the more inclusive 'civilized men').

Anyway. Greener grass and all that. I went for a ride on the road on Sunday, 54km, not a pothole. Not a bikejacker. Not a worry. The grass IS greener here. And I would encourage you to take heed of the glaringly obvious messages being sent to you by your government; the sooner, the better for you. It takes a lot to move countries but by god it is worth it.

I humbly suggest you keep your opinions to yourself, given your location. Nothing worse than an ex-saffa trying to justify his emigration.

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I humbly suggest you keep your opinions to yourself, given your location. Nothing worse than an ex-saffa trying to justify his emigration.


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Guys, seriously, civilized people are not welcome in Africa. The sooner you realise that and get the hell out of that shithole, the better. I mean, it's not like they're being subtle about it or anything. Take the massive hints. AA/EE/BBEEE, farmer genocide, land reform, nationalisation, wanton theft of everything (they even steal entire buildings, I mean, where in your life?), criminal government, stupid police force. Even when Helen Zille is right, she is wrong. Why? Because that is Africa and that is how Africa works. Africans like their governance 'that way'; their notion of governance (or, rather, rule) is very different to that of the Western European. There are 53 countries in Africa; below the Sahel, which is in effect a dividing point, the outcomes for post-colonial countries is depressingly consistent - and just plain depressing.

If you want to see what an African country looks like without (or with very few) Europeans, go to Malawi, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, Nigeria, Swaziland, Lesotho. I single these ones out, because I've been there. What you will find is chaos, poverty, filth, mere anarchy (a nod to William Butler Yeats, for those who are interested), corruption, potholes, shaky electricity supply, no policing, no healthcare, dangerous water....hang on, did this rant start to sound familiar towards the end?

That's because South Africa isn't on it's way to a banana republic. It is ALREADY a banana republic. It is, to quote something they used to print on maps of Rhodesia back in the good old days, 'Not fit for habitation by white men' (that's a historical fact. I prefer the more inclusive 'civilized men').

Anyway. Greener grass and all that. I went for a ride on the road on Sunday, 54km, not a pothole. Not a bikejacker. Not a worry. The grass IS greener here. And I would encourage you to take heed of the glaringly obvious messages being sent to you by your government; the sooner, the better for you. It takes a lot to move countries but by god it is worth it.

That is, like, your opinion dude.

The rest of us are quite happy to make this country work, and we accept the consequences of whatever gets in the way. We all know it is not a continent for sissies.


Did you leave a 'sinking ship'? Well who knows, time will tell. Justifying your reasons for leaving and patting yourself on the back for doing so doesn't really amount to much more than mild ego stroking. Yes the grass is indeed greener in NZ, probably because it rains the whole bloody time. If it was such a great place then how come only 4million people live there?


Your comments here are a bit out of line, and I take them a bit personally as I'm happy to call this place home (got a UK passport, could be gone next month). It's a pity since I really respected you as the founder of Tread and in general one of the good posters on this forum. Shall I place you in that pile next to Kevin Pietersen and Clyde Rathbone? not just yet, but lay off the SA bashing.

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Guys, seriously, civilized people are not welcome in Africa. The sooner you realise that and get the hell out of that shithole, the better. I mean, it's not like they're being subtle about it or anything. Take the massive hints. AA/EE/BBEEE, farmer genocide, land reform, nationalisation, wanton theft of everything (they even steal entire buildings, I mean, where in your life?), criminal government, stupid police force. Even when Helen Zille is right, she is wrong. Why? Because that is Africa and that is how Africa works. Africans like their governance 'that way'; their notion of governance (or, rather, rule) is very different to that of the Western European. There are 53 countries in Africa; below the Sahel, which is in effect a dividing point, the outcomes for post-colonial countries is depressingly consistent - and just plain depressing.

If you want to see what an African country looks like without (or with very few) Europeans, go to Malawi, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, Nigeria, Swaziland, Lesotho. I single these ones out, because I've been there. What you will find is chaos, poverty, filth, mere anarchy (a nod to William Butler Yeats, for those who are interested), corruption, potholes, shaky electricity supply, no policing, no healthcare, dangerous water....hang on, did this rant start to sound familiar towards the end?

That's because South Africa isn't on it's way to a banana republic. It is ALREADY a banana republic. It is, to quote something they used to print on maps of Rhodesia back in the good old days, 'Not fit for habitation by white men' (that's a historical fact. I prefer the more inclusive 'civilized men').

Anyway. Greener grass and all that. I went for a ride on the road on Sunday, 54km, not a pothole. Not a bikejacker. Not a worry. The grass IS greener here. And I would encourage you to take heed of the glaringly obvious messages being sent to you by your government; the sooner, the better for you. It takes a lot to move countries but by god it is worth it.

Sometimes its just not that easy to up and leave!

I though NZ had a problem with Orcs and Trolls and fat little Goblins?...!

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Anyway. Greener grass and all that. I went for a ride on the road on Sunday, 54km, not a pothole. Not a bikejacker. Not a worry. The grass IS greener here. And I would encourage you to take heed of the glaringly obvious messages being sent to you by your government; the sooner, the better for you. It takes a lot to move countries but by god it is worth it.




I am leaving next year on that one way flight. I cannot wait! Already selling off just about everything I am not taking with me. Then again, I am not South African to begin with, so i guess it is easier for me to pack it in.

Edited by Zerin
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That is, like, your opinion dude.

The rest of us are quite happy to make this country work, and we accept the consequences of whatever gets in the way. We all know it is not a continent for sissies.


Did you leave a 'sinking ship'? Well who knows, time will tell. Justifying your reasons for leaving and patting yourself on the back for doing so doesn't really amount to much more than mild ego stroking. Yes the grass is indeed greener in NZ, probably because it rains the whole bloody time. If it was such a great place then how come only 4million people live there?


Your comments here are a bit out of line, and I take them a bit personally as I'm happy to call this place home (got a UK passport, could be gone next month). It's a pity since I really respected you as the founder of Tread and in general one of the good posters on this forum. Shall I place you in that pile next to Kevin Pietersen and Clyde Rathbone? not just yet, but lay off the SA bashing.





Well if that is how a country works, I want nothing of it. I am not justifying my reasons, I am telling you that you need to get out if you can. I know it is not easy to leave, but there is not one thing, outside of my mates, that I miss. No, not one. Have a read here, chief. http://grumpybastard.posterous.com/dear-south-africans-if-i-move-overseas-must-i


If there wasn't so much to bash, well, then, wouldn't that be nice. Willful ignorance, parochialism and blinkers I say; SA bashing you say. And if you think I give a fig if you respect me or not, you'd be very mistaken.

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I humbly suggest you keep your opinions to yourself, given your location. Nothing worse than an ex-saffa trying to justify his emigration.

On a daily basis we complain about the exact points he mentioned, crime, crappy service etc. Some South Africans walk around with blinkers not to notice what's going on. Some choose to stay, some go. Let him be, he's not chewing your ass because you chose to stay.

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hehehe it looks like the police boss thinks it's perfectly acceptable to have criminals among them http://news.iafrica.com/sa/718871.html


hope the guys recover soon.

That Cele article is quite funny. The government will try to justify any action with a stupid news conference. The comments below the article are priceless.

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Sometimes its just not that easy to up and leave!

I though NZ had a problem with Orcs and Trolls and fat little Goblins?...!

Looks like more just arrived.

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Well if that is how a country works, I want nothing of it. I am not justifying my reasons, I am telling you that you need to get out if you can. I know it is not easy to leave, but there is not one thing, outside of my mates, that I miss. No, not one. Have a read here, chief. http://grumpybastard.posterous.com/dear-south-africans-if-i-move-overseas-must-i


If there wasn't so much to bash, well, then, wouldn't that be nice. Willful ignorance, parochialism and blinkers I say; SA bashing you say. And if you think I give a fig if you respect me or not, you'd be very mistaken.

There is not one thing, other than your mates, that you miss? Seriously? Not one? Nice blinkers.


What gives you the right to tell anybody to get out? You did, you are happy with that decision, and should be happy to share the pros of doing so (the cons, I am sure, lie on the other side of the blinkers). You can encourage others to make the same decision you did - I do admire your bravery, I don't know if I could up and leave - for sure, but why, pray, do I NEED to leave? Just enjoy your little patch of green grass, and leave us to make the most of a wonderful country. Make sure it isn't over the septic tank :)

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Yep, not one. I've discovered that the people who most think that South Africa is such a wonderful place are the ones who have never left it.But you're right, onetrackmind, what gives me the right to rail against yet another bikejacking. What gives me the right to compare where I am now to where I was before? What gives me the right to note that I don't need the pepper spray I imported, I don't need to figure out how to fit a cosh into my spandex shorts? I clearly can't explain to you that your life may well be longer and happier in a place where you don't need burglar bars, a fence, a security company and a Dobermann just to lie afraid in bed at night.



And I probably can't explain to you that for the last 8 weeks, we've had sunshine every day except for 5. Maybe I can't explain that my cost of living has come down by R11 400 a month. Maybe I can't point out that I no longer know what a power failure is, outside of losing an arm wrestle, or that the stuff that comes out of my tap tastes nice.


Or that, unlike you guys riding through the sewage on the Spruit, the stuff in my septic tank stays right where it should.


I mean, you would't NEED to leave for any of that. And Africa gets worse, my friend, it does not get better.

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Looks like more just arrived.


Ha ha, maybe I should go audition for a place on the movie, it's being filmed at Matamata, about an hour or so from here....reckon I got what it takes hey onetrackmind? laugh.gif

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I humbly suggest you keep your opinions to yourself, given your location. Nothing worse than an ex-saffa trying to justify his emigration.


Or perhaps I'll blow a gasket at the injustice of it all like Big H did and spontaneously self-combust. See there's another great reason for hanging around on another thread - more bikejacking action. When will it be YOUR turn, and will you entrust your life to some deranged, unwashed, ill-tempered mutated sea bass?

Edited by intern
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Yep, not one. I've discovered that the people who most think that South Africa is such a wonderful place are the ones who have never left it.But you're right, onetrackmind, what gives me the right to rail against yet another bikejacking. What gives me the right to compare where I am now to where I was before? What gives me the right to note that I don't need the pepper spray I imported, I don't need to figure out how to fit a cosh into my spandex shorts? I clearly can't explain to you that your life may well be longer and happier in a place where you don't need burglar bars, a fence, a security company and a Dobermann just to lie afraid in bed at night.



And I probably can't explain to you that for the last 8 weeks, we've had sunshine every day except for 5. Maybe I can't explain that my cost of living has come down by R11 400 a month. Maybe I can't point out that I no longer know what a power failure is, outside of losing an arm wrestle, or that the stuff that comes out of my tap tastes nice.


Or that, unlike you guys riding through the sewage on the Spruit, the stuff in my septic tank stays right where it should.


I mean, you would't NEED to leave for any of that. And Africa gets worse, my friend, it does not get better.


My mother-in-law is now willing to pay for us to go to Oz early, just so she knows we are safe. What do you say to that?

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