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Riding up the tokai dh track . Again.

jimmy hardtail

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Guest Omega Man

I should know better than to get involved in this again, but this comment pisses me off bigtime as it is made by someone who never bothers to help fixing the trails. It seems to me that this guy has no inclination to help or to even appreciate someone else's hard labour, only to abuse it. It's time to understand that the problem isn't CX riders VS DH riders, it is selfish attitudes VS common sense and good manners.


So true. David it's time to come and put a spade in the ground. ESPECIALLY as you live close by.

Edited by Omega Man
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ok ... obviously your name says it all and you attitude is worse than i thought ... I wasnt being mean or nasty to you and actually AGREED with you in some instances ... But with your attitude shown on here you are obviously not going to see any other views except yours. So i'll just say enjoy your riding (wherever it may be ... and if you pass some guys slaving away building a trail that YOU WILL LATER RIDE i hope you say THANK YOU to them for their hard work.


But im sure you wont!


Actually I always do....and yawned because the direction of the thread clearly went in the wrong direction....I know you guys don't like Roadies....I enjoy MTB and Road, and I do competitions in both...like you guys have a passion to go down rocks and stuff....I enjoy a 140km+ Road cycle or a nice long 60km+ MTB session...

Edited by MTB_Roadie
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Jesus dude WTF is your problem? I merely asked a question.


I simply asked if your gps thingy does elevation and you HAD to try and insult me. But your insults are mute cos I ride up Tokai on my DH bike.

He's a troll. Forget his BS man. Looking at his average speeds there you can see he's a bit of a slow rider too. Maybe if he wasn't trying to pss people off and came and helped, he'd pick up some pointers on how to ride faster. Anyways, his agenda here is clear. I'm on the lookout for a Scalpel now. Sorry in advance David.


Just what I thought, DH riders have no sense of humour!

And we the guys wearing (tight) lycra!


Relax man.

David, WE must relax, when you add nothing to the problem, but stir. Put your money where your mouth is. Since you are such a hot shot rider, come ride some DH some time. If you need to use a decent bike, my offer stands.


I should know better than to get involved in this again, but this comment pisses me off bigtime as it is made by someone who never bothers to help fixing the trails. It seems to me that this guy has no inclination to help or to even appreciate someone else's hard labour, only to abuse it. It's time to understand that the problem isn't CX riders VS DH riders, it is selfish attitudes VS common sense and good manners.

Great comment man. It's exactly about being considerate. Seems a lot of selfish people are around these days. Anyways, David is slow, so he'd not be much help on build days. I doubt he's very strong, although there's always a need for a 'lemonade girl'.


Only 1 way to sort this out BATTLE ROYALE !!!

It's time indeed.

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Guest Omega Man

K I'm off to Tokai to ride UP the XC tracks and Down the Downhills. Bi.

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Actually I always do....and yawned because the direction of the thread clearly went in the wrong direction....I know you guys don't like Roadies....I enjoy MTB and Road, and I do competitions in both...like you guys have a passion to go down rocks and stuff....I enjoy a 140km+ Road cycle or a nice long 60km+ MTB session...

well it seemed like that was a yawn at the point i was making! But its cool dude dont stress!


I love the stereotypes .. (you roadies) and You DHers) ... It may come as a shock but i ALSO ride Road ... and marathon XC and XCO and dabble in a bit of BMX ... so i also have a passion for all things on 2 wheels!. Its just upsetting when it appears on forums that guys dont care about safety etc when riding and just ride trails anyway they choose ... (and its not just here ... its everywhere)


Its just like when we on the road and guys are riding 3 or 4 abrest in traffic! its so DOF! But as a trail builder i just like guys to know the effort it takes to build the trails and maintain them thats all! Id say 90% of riders forget that!


BUT as musch as I whinge about Riders not respecting the trails that are built - my biggest peve is with the MX enduro crowd who contasntly stuff our trails up >>> GRRRR

Edited by nigelhicks
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well it seemed like that was a yawn at the point i was making! But its cool dude dont stress!


I love the stereotypes .. (you roadies) and You DHers) ... It may come as a shock but i ALSO ride Road ... and marathon XC and XCO and dabble in a bit of BMX ... so i also have a passion for all things on 2 wheels!. Its just upsetting when it appears on forums that guys dont care about safety etc when riding and just ride trails anyway they choose ... (and its not just here ... its everywhere)


Its just like when we on the road and guys are riding 3 or 4 abrest in traffic! its so DOF! But as a trail builder i just like guys to know the effort it takes to build the trails and maintain them thats all! Id say 90% of riders forget that!


BUT as musch as I whinge about Riders not respecting the trails that are built - my biggest peve is with the MX enduro crowd who contasntly stuff our trails up >>> GRRRR

My worst are the quads or 'kwats' as they call them. Blood boiling man.


I also ride XC, trail/AM and have started DJ. I have several bikes. LOVE riding too much for words. It pains me to think that someone would be so obtuse and inconsiderate and spoil the fun for everyone by disregarding the basic code of conduct at the bike park. It's only to make it safer for everyone.

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last warning! cut out the inciting comments.


C'mon Slowbee - the thread is just getting to the kiss'n'make up stage.

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Its just upsetting when it appears on forums that guys dont care about safety etc when riding and just ride trails anyway they choose ... (and its not just here ... its everywhere)



Hey Hicks.. Why should they bother.. it's not their responsibility and no point trying to explain that either. They just don't get it..


OK, I'm generalising, but the instigators will press the right button and 'round we go again!

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Hey Hicks.. Why should they bother.. it's not their responsibility and no point trying to explain that either. They just don't get it..


OK, I'm generalising, but the instigators will press the right button and 'round we go again!

Glad to hear new signs are being made. Any idea when they'll be put up?

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Guest Omega Man


I love the stereotypes .. (you roadies) and You DHers) ...


Totally. I don't ride on the road cos that's just too scary for me but I love all cycling. Road. xc. everything.


Hey MTB_Roadie. You NEED to go to France. Morzine to be exact. The roads are ridiculously good and the cars respect cyclists. The scenery is ridiculously beautiful and once you are there it's pretty cheap.


I rode down. yes down from Avoriaz to Morzine on the road. 11km of alpine tarmac winding down an alp. If you remember there was a TDF stage finish at Avoriaz in 2009.

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Hey morewood mad. All the things you mentioned are in the pipeline. It just takes time. Trail maintenance is done by volunteers who actually spend their own money on materials , transport etc. Signage coming soon i think. Till then ride safe.

The key here is MANAGEMENT. It costs money to have a good trails manager in place, much like a golf course needs to pay for the services of a good green keeper or a ski resort needs a good resort manager.

I have never had the opportunity to ride Fort William, Whisler or any of the world famous trails. I also know very little about the management of these parks, but I can assure you that they have competent people all earning good money from doing what they love. I think that relying on volunteers to build and maintain trails is simply not sustainable. Sanparks / Cape Nature don't have the expertise or resources to have good private sector trial managers in place. They also use the revenue from mountain biking to cross subsidize other services (fire and rescue to name but one).

With private management, Sanparks / Cape Nature can still get their share, competent people can put together a preventative maintenance plan and trail building, grading and marking programme, safety on the mountain can be improved etc. I didn't bother reading through all the "who's dick is bigger" posts on here, so excuse any repitition. Assume half of maximum people use the trails on average every weekend, so 600 x R50 x 40 good riding weeks per year = R1 200 000. Assume half goes straight to Sanparks / Cape Nature as rent, it leaves the program with R 600 000. A good trails manager will probably earn R25 000 per month, accounting for half, so R 300 000 is left for labour, materials etc.

Say a private programme can secure the facility for 10 years, this could actually mean a world class facililty right on our doorstep. It would mean that we are going to have to pay a bit more.

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Guest Omega Man

To put a damper on the whole thing. 2 xc dudes rode UP the DH track again while I was there this arvo. They were clearly not novices so the whole ignorance thing is total bs.


On the plus side I had a sick ride. I don't know why xc riders want to ride up there. It looks terrible to ride up to me. There's lots and lots of singletrack on that hill without riding up there.

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