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Coffee machine

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Thanks. I'll most probably get a better one at some stage. Like you say, budget dictates, so may take a little longer to get something really good. In the meantime, I'll see what I can get from the ones I have.


What would you look at as being better than the Rocky you got?

Something like a Macap M4 stepless and doserless. Mazzer make some top quality grinders too.


The rocky is pretty solid, but I find it clumps too much.

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Thanks for the opinions, guys.


Looked at the Oscar on the web and going by the US$ pricing, I don't think I'd get plenty of change back from R 20 000 which is a bit out of my budget. So I've ordered the Silvia which should arrive this week. It seems to have some quirks but they seem to be well documented and shouldn't stop me from making a decent shot of espresso.


As for the grinder, the one I have is the Breville BCG800. Could not find very much about it, just one review (positive) and a discussion on an Australian forum where it seems to be a hit and miss ( some say it doesn't grind fine enough). Hopefully mine is one of the hit ones and works just fine :)

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Thanks for the opinions, guys.


Looked at the Oscar on the web and going by the US$ pricing, I don't think I'd get plenty of change back from R 20 000 which is a bit out of my budget. So I've ordered the Silvia which should arrive this week. It seems to have some quirks but they seem to be well documented and shouldn't stop me from making a decent shot of espresso.


As for the grinder, the one I have is the Breville BCG800. Could not find very much about it, just one review (positive) and a discussion on an Australian forum where it seems to be a hit and miss ( some say it doesn't grind fine enough). Hopefully mine is one of the hit ones and works just fine :)

Enjoy your Sylvia. She's a great machine. Let the modding begin! Have a look at a PID to help you regulate the temperature in future.

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mmm, exchange rate must have played a big role. On grinders - have a look at the Compak K3 touch, cheaper than the Mazzers and good enough for home use - they retail for R7000, I've paired it with my Oscar and again - I've had no issues - it's stepless and once you've got your range right, you'll be on your way.

Have you tried to source the Oscar locally though?

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mmm, exchange rate must have played a big role. On grinders - have a look at the Compak K3 touch, cheaper than the Mazzers and good enough for home use - they retail for R7000, I've paired it with my Oscar and again - I've had no issues - it's stepless and once you've got your range right, you'll be on your way.

Have you tried to source the Oscar locally though?

The prices I saw for the Oscar were around the US$1200 range, though there were a couple around the $1000 mark. Going by the exchange rate + adding in something for shipping and other costs and the agent portion, I was just guessing what it may come out to. I was wrong as I did manage to find a local agent and the price is actually R11 000 for the machine. R3 000 more than the Silvia, so I could have stretched it :). I'm not going to cancel my order though. Instead I'l use the Silvia until I think it's time for an upgrade and depending on how seriously I get into the coffee making, I'll upgrade to something better.


Thanks for the grinder tip. Will have a look.

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Cool, just consider the fact that it's a Single Boiler machine and you might find the waiting period for steaming to be an irritation - that said, I don't have one, so can't comment.


Enjoy your set up though! and share some of your results with us.

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So seeing as I've recently acquired a V60, some pour over tips/articles/videos would be appreciated. Would seem like the spout type kettle is the only way to go with this? Saw some of the digital Hario kettels at Woolies :drool:

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Parkview in PTA. Sorry they were actually the Bonivita model, no digital display Hario I know of.


How much were they?

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How much were they?


I meant that they were using them for their pour overs on the coffee stand inside the store, not selling them sorry.

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I meant that they were using them for their pour overs on the coffee stand inside the store, not selling them sorry.


Oh. :) No worries.

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I meant that they were using them for their pour overs on the coffee stand inside the store, not selling them sorry.

Must be someone selling them in Pretoria.... Try Tribeca - the coffee shops are outsourced to them...

Edited by V12man
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Good day guys. I am looking to buy a proper espresso machine and grinder (one at a time with budget constraints) and would like to buy something reliable what i can use for years to come. Ive decided to buy a good grinder before i buy the machine, as a lot of my research indicated that a proper machine without a proper grinder is "worthless" (i use a hand grinder for my aeropress and pp at this stage). I found that the Macap M4 and Compak K3 (both doserless) would probably suit my needs best. What would your comments be on these two


Secondly, how would they compare to the Rancilio Rocky? What ive heard is its not a bad grinder, but people complain about clumping? With that said though, cant that be a general complaint with doserless grinders?


The reason why i am thinking doserless is, i would only use it at home for 2-3 cups a day (the other half enjoys an occasional coffee, but prefer the red espresso). I dont mind going the doser way, but then it should clean out the grind properly (this was a comment i read on the mazzer mini).

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Must be someone selling them in Pretoria.... Try Tribeca - the coffee shops are outsourced to them...


Will chat to Matt was there the other day and picked up a V60 from him.

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Interesting water dispenser what do you guys think?



Also anyone had a look at the Bibo before? http://bibo.co.za/pricing-purchase/


Also what would you recommend for a travel coffee kit? Seems a Porlex or Skerton grinder with an Aeropress is the lightest and most compact option? How much PT is it to clean and is it durable? Single cup French press could also be an option. Easy to rinse.

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