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Cyclist killed in front of his Son.

Big H*

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They are by far worse than SA except for rape but they are run by druglords and gangsters.


Nope they're run by elected politicians just like SA. Their crime and murder stats are driven by socio-economic factors and societal "norms" and culture just like in SA. And just like in SA there are far too many people who feel nothing for taking what is not theirs to take, whether that be a person's life or their property.

Edited by sometime
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Race, etc aside: What gets me is the degree of violence. Crime victims lose their lives for small valued items, sometimes the robbers flee empty handed.

A 29yr old Pretoria women lost her life earlier in the week when robbers shot her whilst she was getting out of her car at her parents' home and they fled empty handed. 2nd attempted robbery on their farm. Very sad.

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Why don't you just call me, let's make life easy, seeing that we will be going around in circles forever.

So if you are really that inquisitive, get that file and hit that dial.


I tell you what,I'll wait till the next time I am down and pop in and at least get a coffee out of it.

Where is your shop btw?

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I tell you what,I'll wait till the next time I am down and pop in and at least get a coffee out of it.

Where is your shop btw?

Coffee is always good.


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Do you drink black or white coffee?


Oh dear thats funny !! it just had to come out :clap: :clap: did'nt it

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Haha yes!!


On a completely different note however, what bicycle dit Mr Smit ride. For what it is worth we can be on the look out fro it?? One never knows...

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I just wish that my children will never have to witness this, me getting killed is one thing, but to have to know that one of my kids had to witness this is worse.

Screw these piece of **** wankers that keep doing this sort of thing, what is my SA coming to?

To all of the people saying this is not racially motivated, take your eyes out of your saddle bag!

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I just wish that my children will never have to witness this,

I pray for the same, for me, for everyone.

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How do you know this ? conversely why do you assume this is about race - very quickly you and others took this thread from expressing outrage and condolences to blaming it on "them" etc.


Also irrespective of colour, it's pure savagery ,they type of heartless,emotionless individual I would not want near me and my family. agree with this part


So let's just put skin tone aside for a while and look at it from another angle, would you allow a rapist, satanist, child molester and whatever else you can think of in to your house ? agree with this part


Till our mates take their not so rich and dark cultures and remove them from society (?), we will sadly be running around the same old marbles till the end of time.

But then again, I will even go as far as to say that the word culture is just an excuse to carry on with savagery. from here on here you lose me...


I certainly don't see Vikings running around in this modern age raping and plundering villages.

I don't see headhunters running around modern society taking heads randomly as they feel fit.

I can't remember when the last time was I saw a guy walking in to a bar with a club which he used to take a chick home.

Bottom line, the world is changing things are evolving and we have to adapt, killing people for the hell of it (irrespective of race) does not belong in our society.

Dangle and others, have to say I dont understand why something so shocking and universally appalling so quickly becomes an issue of race. Do you really think the VAST majority of black people are not also appalled at crimes such as this, and doi you also really think the same couldn't / wouldn't have happened if we still had appartheid?


Anyway, shocking story and we can only hope criminals are brought to justice.

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Guys, we are all annoyed with this situation.


Any ideas on what we as clylists can do to contribute something towards Jean Dre from all of us as he was riding with his dad, probally training etc


Let me know



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Do you really think the VAST majority of black people are not also appalled at crimes such as this,

Dracs and others ,I think you or someone has asked this question before, and the answer was Yes.

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