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Lance Armstrong Banned and Stripped of TDF Titles


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Lance's ability to polarise people easily outdoes his Big 7. The disciples/fanboys say "witch hunt" - the naysayers say "told you so" and Lance says "whatever - I've got like 15 brazillion dollars".


The only two people that know that truth are Lance and god - and god aint so certain of the facts anymore...




What's the difference between Lance and God?


God doesn't think he's Lance…

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Lance's ability to polarise people easily outdoes his Big 7. The disciples/fanboys say "witch hunt" - the naysayers say "told you so" and Lance says "whatever - I've got like 15 brazillion dollars".


The only two people that know that truth are Lance and god - and god aint so certain of the facts anymore...



:D - Probably true, I wonder if one day when he is old and tired of it all he will ever reveal the truth.? although I probably wont be around by then. :(

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:D - Probably true, I wonder if one day when he is old and tired of it all he will ever reveal the truth.? although I probably wont be around by then. :(


I don't think so. The Lance I know from the interwebmedia has got to the point of believing his own mouth. Sadly methinks he'll take the truth to the grave and america will mourn a lost hero (along with some protestors holding placards with a badly drawn injection on then and "Tour de Farce" scrawled along the bottom). Hmmm - does america have a cycling hall of fame?


Oh - it does: http://www.usbhof.org/ and Lance aint there... Odd. Must be sponsored by USADA.


@Tumbles - maybe one day Lance will teach god how to ride a bicycle properlike.

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Lance's ability to polarise people easily outdoes his Big 7. The disciples/fanboys say "witch hunt" - the naysayers say "told you so" and Lance says "whatever - I've got like 15 brazillion dollars".


The only two people that know that truth are Lance and god - and god aint so certain of the facts anymore...


.......its suggested his worth is $100. Million. Of course no one knows for sure but from what I have seen its pretty much accepted.


It sounds like a lot, but he is still at risk of legal action by the US Postal Service mainly and a myriad of other sponsors who may demand their money back. I see SCA promotions have already started legal action to recover the $7 Million they paid to him in 2006.


It wont be hard to blow through pretty much all of that with potential court cases, legal fees and settlements should he lose the case.

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.......its suggested his worth is $100. Million. Of course no one knows for sure but from what I have seen its pretty much accepted.


It sounds like a lot, but he is still at risk of legal action by the US Postal Service mainly and a myriad of other sponsors who may demand their money back. I see SCA promotions have already started legal action to recover the $7 Million they paid to him in 2006.


It wont be hard to blow through pretty much all of that with potential court cases, legal fees and settlements should he lose the case.


Time will tell I guess!


I think america is so "famous people" oriented that Lance will be ok for cash forever. Public speaking alone will keep him in blonde women that look like his mum.


I think of Lance as a gilted dog poo - he's a shining beacon of hope and ability but you can't help wondering what that pong is...

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In the end of the day, every single human on this planet is entitled to a free and fair trial.



Exactly, but LA chose not to have his hearing knowing full well that the USADA was obliged to take that as a admission of guilt.


The arbitration panel would have consisted of three independent arbitrators selected from the American Arbitration Association. One selected by USADA, one by LA and the third one agreed on by both parties.


I do not know exactly who the AAA has on its panel, but know that in South Africa the pool from which litigants can choose includes retired Constitutional court and Appeal court judges. I suspect the US pools include jurists with similar impeccable reputations and suitability.


There can be no doubt that the hearing could have been held before judges with no bias. Either party could thereafter have appealed the decision to international tribunals including the CAS.


Unlike jury trials which are known to be unreliable in high profile cases involving a celebrity accused (Michael Jackson, OJ Simpson, etc.), judicial panels are much more likely to be convinced by the facts and the law, rather be swayed by the media or public perception. Hell, even in Texas, Judge Taggert found that independent arbitration was the appropriate fnext step.

(Politicians of course have a diametrically opposed approach and are ONLY swayed by public opinion, which is why this petition by elected politicians is nothing but a cynical ploy to get themselves re-elected).


There is somewhere on the interweb an article that looks at why, if the panel is independent, the ratio of guilty verdicts is so high. The answer was found in the fact that the Anti doping agencies walk away from any prosecution unless the evidence is so overwhelming for it to be a slam dunk.


I suspect LA (or his lawyers) knew that the evidence would stand up to scrutiny and chose to bail, and call in the political favours, rather than face the prosecutors.

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I suspect LA (or his lawyers) knew that the evidence would stand up to scrutiny and chose to bail, and call in the political favours, rather than face the prosecutors.


I can agree on this, however O still believe USADA could have handled things differently.

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I recall sometime back you guys talking about when lance was with US postal. He used government money then. Something about fraud if he is caught doping and could face jail.



Will US postal also want their money back ? Is this a way to avoid possible jail ?

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I recall sometime back you guys talking about when lance was with US postal. He used government money then. Something about fraud if he is caught doping and could face jail.



Will US postal also want their money back ? Is this a way to avoid possible jail ?


Livestrong wont help against jail, helps against cancer tho...

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Everybody hates Armstrong and criticise him and here we are, 80 PAGES of still the most influencial rider EVER (doped or clean)





Absolutely Briliant :clap:

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Will US postal also want their money back ?


On what basis can they demand their money back ?

When he rode for them he delivered the advertising exposure that they paid for - in spades.

It would be hard to claim that they have not received fair value for their money.

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