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Cyclists' Safety in the light of Burry and other's recent deaths - Merged Thread.

Guest Heino

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But for an adult cyclist who can make their own choices and is in control (or not!) of the bike, it's different.

The problem is that our actions and choices never affect just ourselves. We are role-models to young riders. There was another helmet-related thread a while back in which a fellow hubber said that his kid stopped cycling after dad put his foot down regarding the whole wearing of a helmet issue. Apparently his friends teased him for wearing a lid. Where did those other kids get the idea that riding without a helmet is so much cooler? I'll bet from seeing an older rider who didn't want to wear one. If all adults wore helmets, kids would do the same without thinking twice.


Secondly, if I had to be in an accident where a cyclist died due to head injury, even if not my fault at all, that would severely traumatise me. It would not just be about him.

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Ill share a pic for you



Before anyone says anything about the shorts and short sleeve. I went to the gym down the road. 1.2km from home. Yes i know if i wore full kit the leeding would be less but the broken pelvis would still have been broken.


I was going straight down the road and this poeph@l was in the yellow lane so i didnt give him any notice and as i approach him he makes a u-turn.

I am still recovering after a year.







have never owned a gym contract or really understood the point of them. so excuse the dumb off topic question, but why not just run to the gym if it's so close.

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Are they so desperate to escape from Potch? Even death or being maimed is a better option...

Best explaination I've heard! laugh.png

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I've thought of doing this after a couple of close calls. Just dont know what I'll do with the video if I survive another. Will showing the video footage to authorities really make a difference if there are no 1.5m laws in place?


Slayer, for me the idea would be more about possible awareness to motorists and maybe even bike jackers that their actions might well be recorded.

It might just make them think twice before driving dangerously. Surely if a motorists deliberately veers towards you and you have video footage, it could be used to prosecute? (perhaps the legal fraternity/authorities can comment here)?

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Good Idea - but you will need front and back cameras - could become costly..


Perhaps a helmet cam would give a fairly good cover?

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Lekker good old HUB fight.

I love it, time to pour another Klippies and watch it unfold whilst I chew away on my stale toasted bread with pickled fish and a slice of polony thumbup1.gif

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Lekker good old HUB fight.

I love it, time to pour another Klippies and watch it unfold whilst I chew away on my stale toasted bread with pickled fish and a slice of polony thumbup1.gif

I just got a bit sick in my mouth
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Neither does a cyclist jumping a red robot endanger anyone else. No cyclist would jump a red robot while knowingly endangering themselves or other road users.


What crap! I've read this before and it makes even less sense now. The driver swerves to miss the **** skipping lights and piles into oncoming traffic killing three others.


Oh and ONE word and your argument sinks.. "Accident!"

Edited by Pain or Shine
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We have a winner.


I have heard countless motorists defend their law breaking by saying "the taxis do it"


So screw that. I'm now breaking the law on my bicycle cause motorists do it.


What BS.


Fckn motorists can jolly well obey the law. Everyone one can jolly well obey the law, regardless of who may otherwise be breaking it!


What did that oke in The Bible say? Remove the log from your own eye before you crap all over everyone else. I agree.


Wheres niner? This is exactly his argument for staying alive and he has been very vocal in getting us to understand it.


Changing the status quo starts with one person, be that person and obey the rules made to keep yourself aswell as others safe! Very simple but apparently tough in practice.

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Hmmm.....pickled fish.....store bought or real homemade???


My tummy is rumbling....drool.gif


Sommer in a can, and whilst I am at it koeksiters form my local Spar with a three week expiry date.

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Until we as cyclist commit to and then start changing our ways ourselves nothing much will change. As a cyclist I commit to the following

1. No more zap signs, cursing or shouting rudly at motorists when they cut me off or run me off the road, instead I will apologise and turn the other cheek, maybe this motorist will then act kinder to my fellow cyclist he meets down the road.

2. I will only ride single file where their is no shoulder, try my best to make room for other road users and only ride 2 abreast when the yellow line area is wide enough.

3. Obey the traffic rules like all other road users, STOP, at the robots and stop streets.

4. Always wear my helmet.

5. Be courteous and considerate towards other road users, remember we have to share the road with then just as much as they need to share it with me.


Maybe IF WE AS CYCLIST CHANGE OTHERS WILL ALSO CHANGE, lets be courteous, frinedly and considerate and who knows, we might end up being treated the same way

Edited by CLPAARL
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Sommer in a can, and whilst I am at it koeksiters form my local Spar with a three week expiry date.

I never knew Spar sold micro mini-skirts with expiry dates.ph34r.png

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just keep the RIP Burry thread separate - that needs to stand on its own


Big please, Hub dudes & dudettes.

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