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dissapointed in team Bonitas this morning


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I drove through the Cradle this morning, absolute plagues of stupid cyclists including Northcliff and the Lab, I have no guilt whatsoever about what I do on the roads in a car or on a bicycle after seeing that.


Mostly it involved ignoring the cycle lanes and having slow-moving back-up vehicles where there are cycle lanes and cyclists filling the road. The road past Maropeng looked like the warm-up for a race with road closure.


I'll be picking and choosing my red lights and stop signs with a new confidence.


And anyone trying to get motorists to like them by the way they cycle in Gauteng, is wasting their time.


Love you, Joe.

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Happy Martin for president!


Being on my bike, out on the road, is a happy place. Wouldn't want to spoil it by believing what is written in our cycling forum.


Oh, and while I may not be a 'Labber' myself, they must be doing something right to be getting so many 'new to cycling members, in their bunches. Perhaps a good couple motorist like what they see......

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I just realized something. I have done 300km on the road since Thursday in and around Joburg. Not one irate person hooted at me. Not one vehicle cut me off, no one side swiped me. No one gave me the finger. I never gave anyone the finger. On my planet this is normal.


I think there is a lot of exaggeration over this issue. Sure there are problems and yes I could be killed on my next ride but my day to day reality is very pleasant. People on this forum are making out like its world war 3 out there. Nonsense. Road cycling is a very pleasant sport.


If you find the sport so bad sell your bikes. Do some serious training to get your BMI above 30 and go join the car forums. You will fit in real well with all the practice you have had bitching about cyclists.


Yeah. I'm also normal like that.

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The team took up the whole Beyers Naude with someone following them on a scooter. This road doesn't even have shoulder and they made motorists sit behind them. Way to go team Bonitas, that's why people get pissed at cyclists


Where on Beyers was this?

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As a cyclist one gets as much agro from impatient motorists for not being in the gutter as they do from not being in single file.


BTW, I only ride 2 abreast on jeep track. When it's sometimes 4 or 5 abreast. And sometimes when we are both on the shoulder in the yellow line. And after 40 years of riding in the traffic I think I have developed and retain an acute sense of self preservation.


But this incessant criticism of other cyclists doing stuff we don't approve of is a waste of all our time. Does anyone here seriously believe I will cause the death of another cyclist 2km down the road because I didn't come to a complete stop at a red robot? Or because I held my ground where it was not safe for me to ride in the gutter and have that car overtake me where there was not 3 metres of roadway?

You strike me as a very selfish person. Yes you and the cyclists with the same mentality as you affect us all. Rules are there for a reason. Have you ever stopped and thought what if every person does as he pleases? Wether in a car or on a bike you must obey the rules of the road.


We are the first to cry when cyclists get hit and demand our own lane or nag about our rules being ignored.


Here's a news flash - You Are Not Above The Law!!!!

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So what? They are riding their bikes and have much right to be on the road as ANY other road user.


When are you idiots going to understand that a cyclist has as much right to the road as a car? Post a photo? Make me laugh.


Sjo, I have to stop coming to TheHub... the comments are becoming worse than News24, and starting to piss me off just as much.

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Love you, Joe.

Thanks, its mutual Bob.


Funny thing was, the Mrs was with me and she's not a cyclist but is a motorist and she wasnt bothered with them at all "nice that they're getting out, but some of them are funny shapes" she said.


So, maybe its me, but i've never seen roads filled with social cyclists like that; and I remembered the to-do on the Hub over Cradle residents, and i think the residents are probably right.


The Lab, Antoo, were a disorderly mob when i saw them this morning, like most of the others. But then I am of the opinion that no club ride will ever comply with the law; and we have to work within that limitation as to how far the law gets broken.

Edited by Joe Low
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People who think there's no problem between cyclists and motorists, spend some time reading the comments sections of news24.com to click what the general public really thinks of you. Or car or 4x4 forums. Or a work/social event in a group situation when someone in the group hears you are a cyclist and ride on the road and you see how suddenly their previously friendly disposition towards you suddenly takes a turn.


If you think there isn't a growing hatred for cyclists in many, many people out there then you got your head in sand. Even worse if you continue to hold on to that attitude that you don't give a sh!. and also personally don't feel the need to make any changes to at least try to change the deteriorating situation in your own small way.

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The general public doesn't post on News24. If you think News24 reflects any sort of reality you must live in a very scary mental place.


As to work social events I get more people asking how they can get into cycling than anything else.


My reality is what I experience on the road. Not what you read on News24

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The general public doesn't post on News24. If you think News24 reflects any sort of reality you must live in a very scary mental place.


As to work social events I get more people asking how they can get into cycling than anything else.


My reality is what I experience on the road. Not what you read on News24


Ditto, and if "hatred" develops from these kinds of things to result in a homicidal action by anyone behind a wheel. Well that points to more to the driver's attitude more than anything.


It boils down to consideration, on all fronts. No single user group can really claim to be more wronged than the other when it comes down to using the roads, it's a ****you attitude many have.

More worrying is the view so often on display that 'might is right'

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Strange, the more I read about this perceived cyclists vs cars bs, the more I realize that there are a lot of self centered arseholes in both sides.


It's in our hands to change perceptions. Pride, blaming, arrogance is just going to make it worse for everyone else. Try be friendly and respectful for a change. Even to a taxi.

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Strange, the more I read about this perceived cyclists vs cars bs, the more I realize that there are a lot of self centered arseholes in both sides.


It's in our hands to change perceptions. Pride, blaming, arrogance is just going to make it worse for everyone else. Try be friendly and respectful for a change. Even to a taxi.

cars vs cyclists? Cyclists do not have time for that.

First the cyclists vs cyclists battle needs to be won... Annihilate

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Petatodd, I hope you never complain about any taxi or motorized vehicle that does anything wrong because if you can use the roads as you see fit then so can they. Same applies to all others who say it's fine to break the law - if it's fine for you it is fine for every other road user, after all the roads are public and belong to us all.

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Petatodd, I hope you never complain about any taxi or motorized vehicle that does anything wrong because if you can use the roads as you see fit then so can they. Same applies to all others who say it's fine to break the law - if it's fine for you it is fine for every other road user, after all the roads are public and belong to us all.

Can't exactly see where I have advocated the breaking of any law. Apart from the offending the whiners who moan here on the hub of every single infringement seen on the roads. Last week it was Mr Neon, Saturday it's Team Bonitas, who's next. We know that riding in single file and stopping at the red robot is the law, do we have to whine and whine everytime we see someone who does not do it?


Please inform me, from my posts in this thread, where I have advocated the breaking of any law. The problem is there is so little understanding of the ACTUAL law by you and others in these "so and so did wrong" threads that when guys like Niner, Robox and me take the mickey, some all get wound up and start frothing at the mouth bashing the keys on the keyboard that you don't actually get the message.


Please read and understand Act NO. 93 OF 1996: NATIONAL ROAD TRAFFIC ACT, 1996. assented to by President on 22 November 1996 before you start throwing breaking the law at me.

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