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Your Enduro ride


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Well of course, what kind of father would I be missing the birth..?

Well a "real man" would hand deliver and cut the umbilical cord with his himself, in his garage, late at night while drinking a couple of well chilled beers and not let some other guy do the work......... just saying :ph34r:
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They ARE a local company!


Poorly represented by local shops though. Heard on the w/end that when your Morewood rolls passed people in Europe, it becomes a conversation item with fingers pointing. I've seen hype here but seemingly only from people who know the brand.. wish I had known earlier.


That said, when the yellow framed popped out for a quick hello yesterday, comments were made from all corners of the shop, from some of the most unlikely people.. :eek:


I've seen a frame or two hanging in some shops but the bulk of bikes are.. you know, the usual. *coughSpecialised*

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Well a "real man" would hand deliver and cut the umbilical cord with his himself, in his garage, late at night while drinking a couple of well chilled beers and not let some other guy do the work......... just saying :ph34r:


I go weak at the sign of afterbirth.. sorry, watching is about all I can handle. (Work is all consuming at the moment, no choice I'm afraid + Cycle factory can leverage off the build - a bit of a behind the scenes thing..)

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Whaaat? Have you ridden one?


Nope, I rode an Izimu. But was thinking of buying one at some point, then it got phased out. I don't like what they replaced it with.

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Look at me, working while my baby enters the world.. something seriously wrong with work.. To the batmobile Robin!

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