Frosty Posted June 18, 2013 Posted June 18, 2013 (edited) This is now the official thread for the 2013 thehubsa TdF Fantasy competition. Images taken from the Official Tour website, without their permission The basic rulesPick 9 RIDERS from the official starter’s list, found on the Tour’s official websitePick 3 TEAMS from the official starter’s list, found on the Tour’s official websiteThe DEADLINE for entries is 12:00 on the 29th of June 2013. You can change your team as many times as you feel necessary before the deadline date.NO SUBSTITUTIONS will be allowed after the deadline date. Period!The 9 riders and 3 teams in your team will score points based on their finishing position on each stage, their position on the GC and other categories, as well as the final overall GC.Scoring works as follows Starting Teams AG2R Le MondialeAstana Pro TeamBelkin Procycling (old Blanco)BMC Racing TeamCannondale Pro CyclingCofidis Solutions CreditsEuskaltel EuskadiFDJGarmin SharpKatushaLampre MeridaLotto BelisolMoviestar TeamOmega Pharma - Quickstep Cycling TeamOrica-GreenEDGERadioShack LeopardSky ProcyclingSojasunTeam Argos-ShimanoTeam EuropcarTeam Saxo-TinkoffVaconsoleil-DCM Pro Cycling Team OFFICIAL RIDER'S START LIST - from the Tour website, in numerical (bib number) order: FROOME ChristopherBOASSON HAGEN EdvaldKENNAUGH PeterKIRIYIENKA VasilLOPEZ DavidPORTE RichieSIUTSOU KanstantsinSTANNARD IanTHOMAS Geraint SAGAN PeterBODNAR MaciejDE MARCHI AlessandroKING EdwardKOREN KristijanMARAGONI AlanVANDBORG BrianSABATINI FabioMOSER Moreno VAN DEN BROECK JurgenBAK LarsDE CLERCQ BartGREIPEL AndréHANSEN AdamHENDERSON GregROELANDTS JürgenSIEBERG MarcelWILLEMS Frederick EVANS CadelBOOKWALTER BrentBURGHARDT MarcusGILBERT PhilippeMOINARD AmaëlMORABITO SteveQUINZIATO ManuelSCHAR MichaelVAN GARDEREN Tejay SCHLECK AndyBAKELANTS JanDIDIER LaurentGALLOPIN TonyIRIZAR MarkelKLöDEN AndreasMONFORT MaximeVOIGT JensZUBELDIA Haimar ROLLAND PierreARASHIRO YukiyaCOUSIN JeromeGAUTIER CyrilGENE YohannMALACARNE DavideREZA KevinVEILLEUX DavidVOECKLER Thomas BRAJKOVIC JanezBAZAYEV AssanFUGLSANG JakobGASPAROTTO EnricoGAVAZZI FrancescoKASHECHKIN AndreyKESSIAKOFF FredrikLUTSENKO AlexeyMURAVYEV Dmitri PINOT ThibautBONNET WilliamBOUHANNI Nacer BouhanniFéDRIGO PierrickFISHER MurilloGENIEZ AlexandreJEANNESSON ArnoldROY JérémyVICHOT Arthur PERAUD Jean-ChristopheBARDET RomainBOUET MaximeDUMOULIN SamuelDUPONT HubertGADRET JohnKADRI BlelMINARD SébastienRIBLON Christophe CONTADOR AlbertoBENNATI DanieleHERNANDEZ JesusKREUZIGER RomanNOVAL BenjaminPAULINHO SergioROCHE NicolasROGERS MichaelTOSATTO Matteo RODRIGUEZ JoaquimBRUTT PavelKRISTOFF AlexanderKUCHYNSKI AliaksandrLOSADA AlbertoMORENO DanielSMUKULIS GatisTROFIMOV YuriyVORGANOV Eduard ANTON IgorASTARLOZA MikelIZAGUIRRE GorkaIZAGUIRRE IonLOBATO Juan JoséNIEVE MikelOROZ JuanjoPEREZ RubénSICARD Romain VALVERDE AlejandroAMADOR AndreyCASTROVIEJO JonathanCOSTA RuiERVITI ImanolGUTIERREZ IvánPLAZA RubénQUINTANA NairoROJAS José Joaquín TAARAMAE ReinBAGOT YoannCOPPEL JeromeGARCIA EgoitzLE MEVEL ChristopheLEVARLET GuillaumeMATE Luis AngelMOLARD RudyNAVARRO Dani CUNEGO DamianoBONO MatteoCIMOLAI DavideFAVILLI EliaFERRARI RobertoMALORI AdrianoMORI ManueleNIEMIEC PrzemyslawSERPA José CAVENDISH MarkCHAVANEL SylvainKWIATKOWSKI MichalMARTIN TonyPINEAU JeromeSTEEGMANS GertTERPSTRA NikiTRENTIN MatteoVELITS Peter BOOM LarsGESINK RobertLEEZER TomMOLLEMA BaukeNORDHAUG Lars PetterTANKINK BramTEN DAM LaurensVANMARCKE SepWYNANTS Maarten HESJEDAL RyderBAUER JackDANIELSON TomDENNIS RohanMARTIN DanMILLAR DavidNAVARDAUSKAS, RamunasTALANSKY AndrewVAN DER WELDE Christian GERRANS SimonALBASINI MichaelCLARKE SimonGOSS MattIMPEY DarylLANCASTER BrettMEYER CameronO'GRADY StuartTURF Svein DEGENKOLB JohnCURVERS RoyDE KORT KoenDUMOULIN TomFRöHLINGER JohannesGESCHKE SimonKITTEL MarcelTIMMER AlbertVEELERS Tom POELS WoutBOECKMANS KrisDE GENDT ThomasFLECHA Juan AntonioHOOGERLAND, JohnnyLagutinLAGUTIN SergeyVAN POPPEL BoyVAN POPPEL DannyWESTRA Lieuwe DELPLACE AnthonyHIVERT JonathanLEMOINE CyrilVUILLERMOZ AlexisFEILLU BriceSIMON JulienEL FARèS JulienMARINO Jean-MarcMéDéREL Maxime Official Hubber's List AdminandydudeBaldrickBAMPF_SSBassmanBlinkFanBreezercarbon29erCASSIE1975Cav'cheeseChunkyMonkey LiteCippoContid@vid'daleDale ClarkDannypvenancioDevm10DivandracsEK031E-manepohfabesFast Forwardfignflat29gadgetgeraldm24GingaNija28GrantCGrumpyOldGuyGunzoHarrynhellocolourigknotImploderjczajeremydJGRJohnsoneighty6Kaboomkjindkrl747lone.*lucmccannMackemMariusLMeatheadmonkey on a bianchiMrs NochainnimthornochainOGK_Nu1Lpad manPilkspommiePrincePuxir0adrunnerRabubiRacerrattlesnakeRoulierrudi-hSacrosanctsamson99SanishadeSidekick RacerSitting Slipsky manslowbeesluiperSniffieSpinnekopsplatSprocket70SquierStevieLSupermarSurferChildSwissVanTankmanTiBonesTimWTopFuelTrawsajTridudeTwonblesUniWez-OWil6wordzniperzola Prizes confirmed (so far) Courtesy of Capcha Photography The winner will receive some TdF merchandise, plus a customised coffee mug with photos taken at this year's Tour by Capcha Photography Courtesy of The Hub: 50 of these R 5000 cash to be shared between 1st, 2nd and 3rd place (R3500, R1000, R500) Courtesy of EvoBikes The overall winner will receive a pair of Diadora MIG Racer Shoes (Valued at R 3295) Courtesy of ASG Sport MyNav GPS unit valued at R5500 Edited June 29, 2013 by geraldm24 Wez-O, BlinkFan, Andrew Steer and 6 others 9
Abercrombie Posted June 18, 2013 Posted June 18, 2013 Sorry, a bit new to this. Does this fantasy involve the podium girls? If so I'm in.
kjind Posted June 18, 2013 Posted June 18, 2013 I'm in for sure. Already saved the thread to my favourites list.
splat Posted June 18, 2013 Posted June 18, 2013 I was thinking about this over the weekend.Super keen!
Wayne Potgieter Posted June 18, 2013 Posted June 18, 2013 Lance is going to win again. SyncSA and fabes 2
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