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SA MTB Ballies (over 30) Mentalities ??? Please explain


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Nigel how is the course for those three over 60's and one over 70? They are the real legends. DH World Champ over 60 and 70 must be the coolest title ever!

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There was a lot of 'it's a once in a lifetime opportunity to participate in a world champs' going on a while ago and all should go if you could ..... may have gotten many excited?


I personally would think that if you're not right near the sharp end of the national XCO races that you probably don't belong at the world champs ..... but maybe I'm wrong!


its a bit of both - as Peter says the track is not as tech as the Elites, but is close

- but that being said it has lots of options ....


although it is a race to crown a world champ - it needs to also cater for the guys who just want to give it a go and see how much they suck when they compare their times to the pros who race the next weekend.


So it shouldnt be like a full on Pro event - but should be close

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Excellent work guys. Make SA and KZN proud. Waay out of my league to really comment.


Real bummer about Chris and Con. I remember Chris from the Roof of Africa; a good few top 5 finishes (at least one second I think) but never won. Late 70's, early 80's.

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I wonder if history is repeating itself, like the state of road racing in SA - no hill finishes or TT s - "we dont like them because its too hard. Lets rather race some flat stuff over short distances, whoop whoop." Could it possibly be those same ex roadies now bringing ruin to mtb?


Lets rather get to international standards. Nothing wrong with riding a dual susser, ask mr. Cool Harvey!



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Sorry bro - but if thats the way you think then you clearly need to come and give DH a try - its just a pedal fest start to finish with having to dodge everything else in between


As for the rock gardens in XC - natural rock gardens occur in many world cups so there they are natural features and on an XC bike you should also be able to ride them .... fair enough massive gaps etc i would have a problem with too - but what is the difference between jumping a 1m wide gully made by a river and a man made jumps to immitate that .......


Ag you DHers and your "we pedal too damnit" insecurities ;-)


What I meant was rockin a full face helmet and body armour for XCO will 1) cause an unpleasant amount of blisters and 2) have you dying of heat exhaustion in 15 mins.


Agreed on a 1m gap jump. That's fun. Its the stuff that's likely to crack bones and faces ala Con/Chris style when all we have to protect ourselves is 1mm of lycra and some polystyrene on our heads that makes me ask the "is that what XCO is all about" question?


I guess we all have our own risk/reward/skill/danger curve...


Theory aside - bring on worlds. I've taken the Monday after off because I don't plan on being sober on Sunday night ;-)


Vets XCO 40-44 for me...

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looking forward to having a beer with you old ballies


I reckon I am gonna go position myself at con's camel humps

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And your take on that rock garden at the end of the first loop of the figure of of eight?


And your take on that rock garden at the end of the first loop of the figure of of eight?

Not too phased by it. Not sure what could go wrong on it. Maybe I'll still find out. I did managed to go over the bars in one of the other rock gardens on a friend's hardtail 29r. Just hesitated a tad, that was enough. I do think confidence is going to be critical.

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I fully agree with this!


A chicken run should actually feed all the "takers" back home to mommy and a warm bath or else let them lose abt half the lap's time.


At SA's in Hayterdale I saw guys taking chicken runs and still manage to end up on the podium - THAT"S WRONG!


There's supposed to be no higher level or more technical level then XCO so why make it easy for lesser skilled riders?


If there's no chicken run, you can still get off your bike and walk the obstacle provided you're in nobody's way.


Nigel, plse close off those chicken runs!! Thank you!


Theres an irony in agreeing with someone and then getting the interpretation their post all wrong.

Whoever appeared on the podium at Hayterdale deserved to be there, end of story.


XCO is about a combination of skills, fitness, stamina and luck. If your strength makes up in one area for another, that's the whole point.

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There was a lot of 'it's a once in a lifetime opportunity to participate in a world champs' going on a while ago and all should go if you could ..... may have gotten many excited?


I personally would think that if you're not right near the sharp end of the national XCO races that you probably don't belong at the world champs ..... but maybe I'm wrong!


Ek het net mooi niks om by the voeg nie.

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Ek het net mooi niks om by the voeg nie.


Ek het.

Ek is so bly dat ek nie daar gaan wees vir die race nie.


For anyone going invest in a good medical aid and relook and validate your testiment.

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Not too phased by it. Not sure what could go wrong on it. Maybe I'll still find out. I did managed to go over the bars in one of the other rock gardens on a friend's hardtail 29r. Just hesitated a tad, that was enough. I do think confidence is going to be critical.

You riding on a duel?

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I guess this could be a 400 page discussion but the diffenrece between "technical" and "dangerous"?


Not trying to have a go Mr. Hicks sir but at what point do you cross the line from technical to dangerous.


What happened to Con and Chris could have been freak accidents but is your course too dangerous/technical?


Now I'll probably get 50 tapout tee shirts yelling HTFU but us ballies have jobs, wives, families etc - 6 weeks out with a broken <insert bone here> is a real problem for us not just a quick enforced rest session and 4 weeks of holiday from classes.


In a perfect world I'd like to be beaten by someone with more skill and fitness than me not by someone who's willing to risk injury more than me.


Just food for some thought.


Well said !!! I would like to believe that 80% of the field has daily office jobs !!

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Agreed on a 1m gap jump. That's fun. Its the stuff that's likely to crack bones and faces ala Con/Chris style when all we have to protect ourselves is 1mm of lycra and some polystyrene on our heads that makes me ask the "is that what XCO is all about" question?


But ..... Con binned it on a 1m wide gap jump ....


and Chris binned it on a small off camBer section ... with nothing in the way - Nick says he just fell badly


No rocks or other stuff to take you out - i know the section its just above the DH finish in the trees - and there is nothing there - its just an off camber bank that cuts out a bench cut switchback.

This is speculation, but he may have got it wrong and crashed down the camber landing on the bench cut below - that would have hurt.


But no there is nothing Dangerous there ... its just you ride along a cambered bank for 5m

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After spending some time on world circuits in my life as a elite I'm really looking forward to this course as a old fart , there is nothing better than being able to ride on a world class track , as for the " is it too difficult " part well I will soon find out if I suck that bad in my old age .


I will keep comment till next week when I'm down there.

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After spending some time on world circuits in my life as a elite I'm really looking forward to this course as a old fart , there is nothing better than being able to ride on a world class track , as for the " is it too difficult " part well I will soon find out if I suck that bad in my old age .


I will keep comment till next week when I'm down there.


When are you coming down?

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