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Not so hot dismounts in action


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He didn't even try to break his fall [emoji33][emoji44][emoji856]

also like how he's getting hit by containers in disgust AFTER he painted his face all over the lawn for them all.

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From a local Mtb race :w00t:attachicon.gif1.jpgattachicon.gif2.jpgattachicon.gif3.jpgattachicon.gif4.jpgattachicon.gif5.jpg

Hehe...Ima a novice and really enjoy riding the trails on my TREK...one of the BEST pieces of advice I ever got ...when approaching a decent/drop off/...NEVER try "walk it/ride it" down like this okie ...it ALWAYS ends in tears...rather get off and go down OR ride it proper...

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From a local Mtb race :w00t:attachicon.gif1.jpgattachicon.gif2.jpgattachicon.gif3.jpgattachicon.gif4.jpgattachicon.gif5.jpg

Liewe moer.... That guy fell "bones in the light"


Many many moons ago there was an MTB race at the Chrysalis School below the Tokai trails, it was awesome a few laps of a great circuit.

Anyway as we get to a little drop off, I'm busy positioning myself and the lady stops as she's not ready so there goes my momentum and basically now get ready to drop from a stop start. All of a sudden chommie behind me gives me beef about "ja boet, you're slow get out my way cause I'm liiiiikkkee so much quicker so let me through" So I'm like chill bru you're never going to win this but anyhoo crack the **** on if you really want to... 


I step out the way, pull my bike to the side chommie drops and then boom "dum dum dum Another bites the dust" well it was raining that morning but boy did he fall hard, worst was that there were spectators on that spot could be for that very reason .... I tried asking if he was ok when he was getting his **** together to get his sorry ass up from there but I was laughing tooooo much to talk.... 

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i also had one huge unexpected tumble once. Single track, with slower kids in front, with nowhere for them to let me by. So we approach this open field bit where they had obviously just cut the long grass and i thought ill sommer quickly pass them there of the beaten track.

it all went well until I hit a hole in the ground that was concealed by the cut grass and it basically swallowed the front of my bicycle and needless to say...to this day one of the hardest falls i have had on a bicycle....other than being hit by a car when i was about 13.


The latter happened as i was leisurely riding my bicycle down the sidewalk on the way home from school and a woman came racing out of her concealed driveway without looking if there where people coming. I hit her car on the left front fender and did a proper superman over it onto the pavement. She felt so bad...was crying...her kids in the back were laughing there asses off though.


That was not the worst part though...if you remember those 90's bar mounted thumb gear levers...you'd know which way they were pointed(down at you) when you were in cruise mode. One obviously caught me as I went over the bars and left me 50 shades of purple RIGHT down there for a month.....my mother still doesnt know ^_^

Edited by morneS555
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Thankfully I've not had many tumbles. And aside from hitting the side of a van last year I've never really hurt myself either.


Occasionally I "run out of talent" on a techy singletrack descent if I pick a bad line and the front wheel either slips out from under me or turns sharp left/right against a rock and I do a slo-mo OTB, but even if I land on rocks my "defensive falling style" tends to keep me out of trouble.  


Never ceases to amaze me how hard it can be to unclip sometimes when I roll back to the car after a ride but how damn fast I can unclip when things go south and I need to! 


This sort of thing is best done with commitment . . . . 








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would have loved to be able to see if the guy in green made it very fast reflexes/thinking.

I think the car just clipped him but avoided a head on for sure.
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Thankfully I've not had many tumbles. And aside from hitting the side of a van last year I've never really hurt myself either.


Occasionally I "run out of talent" on a techy singletrack descent if I pick a bad line and the front wheel either slips out from under me or turns sharp left/right against a rock and I do a slo-mo OTB, but even if I land on rocks my "defensive falling style" tends to keep me out of trouble.


Never ceases to amaze me how hard it can be to unclip sometimes when I roll back to the car after a ride but how damn fast I can unclip when things go south and I need to!


This sort of thing is best done with commitment . . . .


Dammit! I knew I shouldn't have said anything! Two days after I wrote this I had my first proper prang of the year. Over the bars on a little drop off I've ridden 200 times before, because I wasn't paying attention. Scraped by shin on my pedal and chain ring as I landed in a heap. Not serious but annoying none the less! Edited by Bonus
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