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Ride with or against traffic flow? Which is safer and why?


Ride Left or Right?  

108 members have voted

  1. 1. Is it safer (in SA) to ride on the left or on the right?

    • Left
    • Right

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I have no faith riding anywhere near traffic, its become too dangerous


I actually read your story about that bakkie that hit your friend and son literally minutes before I opened this thread and trust me, I know exactly what you were feeling because I have a daughter that's also into the sport and the last thing we need in our lives is for our laaities to get hurt, or worse.. That's my main concern and I know that the only reason that you went in front and not at the back is because as the father, you want to be out front and leading the way making sure that your family follows safely from behind. At least that's what I do and just the thought of hearing/seeing my family get hit from behind (without knowing you're about to get hit) has to be the worse feeling of all...

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The troll is quite strong in this one.


Wants answers and opinions but only those he agrees with, if not in agreement he will illuminate their mental and moral deficiencies, it is his duty.


Needs everyone to know that he has been on the Internet and a moderator in many public forums...... For 15yrs.


Any info pertinent to this thread was released personally by him 4 weeks ago and anyone not knowing this is stupid.


thehub is no match for his level of intelligence, insight and overwhelming awesomeness. The end.


Edited by Skylark
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The troll is quite strong in this one.


Wants answers and opinions but only those he agrees with, if not in agreement he will illuminate their mental and moral deficiencies, it is his duty.


Needs everyone to know that he has been on the Internet and a moderator in many public forums...... For 15yrs.


Any info pertinent to this thread was released personally by him 4 weeks ago and anyone not knowing this is stupid.


thehub is no match for his level of intelligence, insight and overwhelming awesomeness. The end.


I love the way how your replies always seem to include the "we" and "us", are you so uncertain of yourself that you need to include others to back you up? Oh and once again you don't understand what you read so I'll repeat it again as I'm sure it'll eventually sink in.. I've been MAKING a LIVING off the net for +15 years, not moderating for 15 years and if you must know (because I'm sure your mind needs some sort of stimulation and something to keep itself occupied with..), moderating was something that I did (did and not do, you did notice that right?). Irrelevant if you ask me and nothing to do with the topic on-hand so either stick to it or don't post off topic comments.


"Wants answers and opinions but only those he agrees with, if not in agreement he will illuminate their mental and moral deficiencies, it is his duty."

Have you failed to notice that reply #78 proves the exact opposite?


You're a great example of the type of guy that jumps onto the bandwagon because his mate is on it and it sounds cool where they're heading even if you have no idea where it's heading to. You'll repeat whatever he says (like a dumbass parrot) because you lack the ability to rationalize for yourself. You should direct all your effort to improve our riding skills and instead exercise the most important muscle of all which is rather under developed.


The point here is that the majority believes that riding with the traffic flow is safer and I respect each one's decision. I still believe that (and this is my opinion), I'd probably have a better chance of getting out of the way if I anticipated that *** was on it's was by seeing it instead of not knowing what's coming from behind. Like someone else commented, maybe I wont have enough time to react but if that means that my family that's coming from behind sees/hears the "splat" and if that gives them the chance to get out of the way and save themselves, then I'll be happy to be hit head on by a vehicle if it means that they aren't. Any parent would do/think the same and anyone that disagrees either isn't a parent or sucks at being one.

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I love the way how your replies always seem to include the "we" and "us", are you so uncertain of yourself that you need to include others to back you up? Oh and once again you don't understand what you read so I'll repeat it again as I'm sure it'll eventually sink in.. I've been MAKING a LIVING off the net for +15 years, not moderating for 15 years and if you must know (because I'm sure your mind needs some sort of stimulation and something to keep itself occupied with..), moderating was something that I did (did and not do, you did notice that right?). Irrelevant if you ask me and nothing to do with the topic on-hand so either stick to it or don't post off topic comments.


"Wants answers and opinions but only those he agrees with, if not in agreement he will illuminate their mental and moral deficiencies, it is his duty."

Have you failed to notice that reply #78 proves the exact opposite?


You're a great example of the type of guy that jumps onto the bandwagon because his mate is on it and it sounds cool where they're heading even if you have no idea where it's heading to. You'll repeat whatever he says (like a dumbass parrot) because you lack the ability to rationalize for yourself. You should direct all your effort to improve our riding skills and instead exercise the most important muscle of all which is rather under developed.


The point here is that the majority believes that riding with the traffic flow is safer and I respect each one's decision. I still believe that (and this is my opinion), I'd probably have a better chance of getting out of the way if I anticipated that *** was on it's was by seeing it instead of not knowing what's coming from behind. Like someone else commented, maybe I wont have enough time to react but if that means that my family that's coming from behind sees/hears the "splat" and if that gives them the chance to get out of the way and save themselves, then I'll be happy to be hit head on by a vehicle if it means that they aren't. Any parent would do/think the same and anyone that disagrees either isn't a parent or sucks at being one.


Well dude, you've thoroughly proven you're a twat.


You've not got people's opinions on the topic. Majority says it's a bad idea and causes more harm than good.


You don't have kid by the name of kwezi do you?


Now please, please shut the hell up because you're staring to sound like a whining teenager.


No one cares that you've made a living on the net. You could have moderated this forum and no one would give two ****s.


Few people like your opinion on the matter and any more from you will just make them dislike you even more.


Ride you bike how you like and please try avoid putting others in danger.


Otherwise, if it's so scary, don't ride at all... That's super safe - literally guaranteed never to be knocked off a bike.



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Well dude, you've thoroughly proven you're a twat.


You've not got people's opinions on the topic. Majority says it's a bad idea and causes more harm than good.


You don't have kid by the name of kwezi do you?


Now please, please shut the hell up because you're staring to sound like a whining teenager.


No one cares that you've made a living on the net. You could have moderated this forum and no one would give two ****s.


Few people like your opinion on the matter and any more from you will just make them dislike you even more.


Ride you bike how you like and please try avoid putting others in danger.


Otherwise, if it's so scary, don't ride at all... That's super safe - literally guaranteed never to be knocked off a bike.

You're the one that started insulting and posting stupid comments so what do you expect, that I keep quiet? Once again and like others that read but don't understand what they're reading, I'm not putting no one in danger nor do I/we ride against traffic. If you had any intelligence going on in that empty skull you would have understood by now what I've been saying and repeating, god you're think headed!


I ride with other riders and we ALL ride on the LEFT, capiche you idiot? NO ONE is riding on the right or implying that this is what we should do so take your head out of your ass and learn to listen.


I don't care if few people like my opinion and I honestly don't care if the majority has a different opinion, it sure as hell doesn't mean that mine is completely wrong. There's a few that voted right but prefer to keep quiet, maybe because the majority don't know how to deal with someone else having a different opinion and then all gang up on the minority but guess what, I don't give a ****. I have my opinion and I sure as hell aint going to keep quiet about it.


Just because everyone (the majority) votes ANC in this country doesn't mean it's the best/safest/smartest option but guess what, that's what the majority does. I say screw that and send my vote the other way because that's what I believe and if you believe that you're with the majority, then good for you.


Last I checked I didn't have a kid by the name of Kwezi (capital K please), do you by any chance have one by the name of Padesse?

Edited by 3dclaude
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going against the flow of traffic indicates your desire to be treated as a pedestrian. please act as a responsible pedestrian then

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What are you on about? I asked a question, I didn't say that I was riding against traffic so don't assume that I am! And what the hell is wrong with me adding more insight to back my comments and or statements? I obviously needed to explain where I'm coming from and now all that you can do is to hold onto that little point and call it a "convenience".., grow up.


Did you actually even read what I said? Clearly not.


You're castigating everyone who does not agree with you, and congratulating everyone who does. You're also trying to get popular support for an idea that is in essence illegal. Nowhere near like voting - voting against the ruling party is not illegal. Riding against the traffic is. Your analogy is flawed.



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You're the one that started insulting and posting stupid comments so what do you expect, that I keep quiet? Once again and like others that read but don't understand what they're reading, I'm not putting no one in danger nor do I/we ride against traffic. If you had any intelligence going on in that empty skull you would have understood by now what I've been saying and repeating, god you're think headed!


I ride with other riders and we ALL ride on the LEFT, capiche you idiot? NO ONE is riding on the right or implying that this is what we should do so take your head out of your ass and learn to listen.


I don't care if few people like my opinion and I honestly don't care if the majority has a different opinion, it sure as hell doesn't mean that mine is completely wrong. There's a few that voted right but prefer to keep quiet, maybe because the majority don't know how to deal with someone else having a different opinion and then all gang up on the minority but guess what, I don't give a ****. I have my opinion and I sure as hell aint going to keep quiet about it.


Just because everyone (the majority) votes ANC in this country doesn't mean it's the best/safest/smartest option but guess what, that's what the majority does. I say screw that and send my vote the other way because that's what I believe and if you believe that you're with the majority, then good for you.


Last I checked I didn't have a kid by the name of Kwezi (capital K please), do you by any chance have one by the name of Padesse?


No man Claude!

Has it been a hard day at work today?

Boss on your back?


What does Padesse mean

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Ok I'll give this one last try, I honestly will and without any form of sarcasm..


People will have different opinions and trust me, I'm one for respecting what others feel is the right choice for them but then again, my opinion (regardless of being right or wrong) should be respected and not mocked with comments that my thread received from the word go. Would it have been so difficult to simply reply (as some did) why they disagreed and why they think that option A or B is the one to go with, is it really that difficult to have a decent online conversation these days without someone having to start off by insulting someone else?


@Skylark; I've worked for myself most of my life so no, my boss is definitely not on my back and you'll need to Google Padesse if you want to find out what it means ;)


@AfdElite; Dude, you need to relax and chill regardless of how many post you've made or active threads you're participating in, you can't insult people by calling them names.


@cpt armpies mayhem; Again dude, you can either pick a fight with me and expect a response or chill, speak your mind and contribute to the thread, or not.

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I've written quite extensively on this subject and done a fair amount of research.

Has anyone else?


It's illegal!

To be a woman and drive in Saudi.

To be a Jew and own property in Hitler's Germany.

To be black and walk through a WHITES ONLY entrance.

To marry the woman you love, if she's not the same colour as you.


How many more examples would you like?

So, legality is not always a good argument. The law is an ass and dynamic. It changes when it's out of date and no longer works, fulfills it's intended purpose..


I ride on the WRONG (!) side and I'll give you clues why.


This law was promulgated in the late 19th Century, when horse drawn vehicles and human powered vehicles outnumbered automobiles and where faster than automobiles.

What was the cycle to auto ratio in 1900?

What is it now (given that there are more than 12 million registered vehicles in SA)?

What was the average speed of automobiles in 1900? Where cycles as fast?

What is the SLOWEST speed limit today? Can any cyclist, other than a pro, cycle at that speed for any length of time?

What was the fastest an automobile could travel in 1900?

What is the maximum speed limit today, let alone the maximum speed of a car!


In other words, the LAW was written to keep 'fast' moving traffic (horses, cycles and automobiles) away from pedestrians (read the original law).


Are things the same?


Are they different?


If we had cycle lanes (a poor attempt to resolve a huge problem within an existing law) I would use them. BUT, we don't, so , in summary:

I've been riding 50 odd years.

When I obeyed the law (most of the 50 odd years) I was knocked off my bike 3 times, broke a few bones, but still alive.

For the last 10, I've been breaking the law and despite a few close shaves (idiots on the road, who can deny that!!!), not one car has come close.


If it was working, I would suggest we leave it alone (don't fix what's not broken), but let's change the law if it's not working.



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